By undertaking this mission, Samuel Thorpe and Gail Espinoza set out with a small contingent of troops to ambush and capture a convoy of unknown mercenaries trying to disappear into the night.
- 40 men
- 2 vehicles
The list of current Perihelion assets can be found here.
Time Frame:
- Start: October 25, 00:01 CEST
- End: November 7, 23:59 CEST
- Game days: 14
- Play 13 matches in any mode using a Storyline Campaign vehicle on night maps (+35% difficulty modifier included)
However, please note that only night maps count towards this objective. The list of night maps is as follows:
- PvP: Moscow
- PvP: Pleternica (Encounter)
- PvP: Baise (Encounter)
- PvE: Basilisk
- PvE: Desert Saber
- PvE: Desert Viper
- PvE: Erebos
- PvE: Meltdown
- PvE: Perseus
- PvE: Ricochet
- PvE: Sapphire
- PvE: Snakebite
- PvE: Starry Night
- PvE: Stormy Winter
- PvE: Umbrella
- PvE: Wildfire
- Spirithaven: Chapter 3 (Disaster, planned for the October 29 weekend)
- Spirithaven: Chapter 4 (At Hell's Gate, planned for the October 29 weekend)
- Labyrinth (planned for the November 5 weekend)
Special Rules:
- Night Assault: The dark colors your vehicles are covered with will now come in handy (-5% difficulty modifier)
- Perihelion Black base paint
- 1 MPF Light Tank for the player who completed the mission with the most battles
We’d like to remind you to keep in mind we’ll definitely be checking the winners for their battle activities (entering a battle, doing little damage and leaving will lead to a disqualification).