We’d like to invite you to another round of the Bounty Hunt event, in which you will have the opportunity to hunt down some Armored Warfare members of staff or VIPs and destroy them in battle for amazing prizes! This time, we’ll be focusing on some Raid content and prizes.
On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, between 18:00 and 19:00 CET, log in to Armored Warfare and play Tier 10 PvP.
We, the staff-members and moderators, will be joining the battles in our Tier 10 vehicles and if you manage to destroy one of us, you will be awarded with 500 Gold and 5 Raider tokens.
The following staff and VIP’s will take part in the event:
- MaciekM4a4
- hanaiel
- waidler
- Tenam
- Eskobar68
- Sorenou
- P4nzerMarmelade
- Rem_X
- Max_Insanity
- Eisenherz
- dayan78
- Silentstalker
- Spitfire_
They will also identify themselves at the beginning of each battle by a chat message.
The rules of the contest are very simple:
- Team-Killing will not win you a prize, unless you count a ban and contest disqualification
- You don’t need to make a note of who you destroyed (although it doesn’t hurt); we’ll keep track
- You can win as many times as you want, they are no limits per player
- The Gold will only be awarded for your first kill, any further kills will be awarded by Raider tokens only
- Rewards will be distributed after the end of the event
We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!