Obsidian Entertainment and My.com are proud to introduce the newest addition to Armored Warfare - Update 0.16, which focuses on addressing the biggest issues of Armored Warfare based on community feedback.
We have been carefully monitoring the community and decided to shift our focus: Updates 0.16, 0.17 and 0.18 will (apart from introducing a number of new features) contain major changes to game mechanics and vehicle rebalances.
Update 0.16, the first of the series, contains a number of changes and fixes often requested by the community. These changes a necessary foundation for vehicle balancing that cannot be implemented without them. While this update does contain some changes to in-game vehicles, the majority of the balancing will be implemented later on.
Update 0.16’s Main Features include:
- Gameplay Improvements based on Community Feedback
- New High-Tier Vehicles
- A Loot System
- Updated Sound Effects
- Three New PvE Missions
- A new Commendation System
Gameplay Improvements based on Community Feedback
A large number of core gameplay improvements and issue fixes will be introduced to Armored Warfare. These include fixes for:
- Shot Delay
- Incorrect Turret Facing
- Shot Normalization changes
More about these core changes can be found in our preview. But that’s not all. In Update 0.16, we are introducing improvements to game performance - we've made some optimizations to reduce the overall number of terrain draw calls requested on each map.
Other gameplay changes requested by the community include:
- Updating collision interactions between vehicles and destructible props (cars, trees, walls, fences and such). As a result, vehicles should no longer slow down drastically when driving through such objects.
- Fixing an issue which caused AI vehicles to 'rubberband' on the minimap when spotted.
- Adding the ability to disable in-game shadows completely in the options menu
- Adding the ability to unmount equipped retrofits and store them for later use on the same vehicle
- Updating the playable space on Umbrella to allow players to use the full map once again
- Adding Hull Traverse values to engine tooltips and vehicle stat windows
- Correcting excessive High Explosive shell damage
And more! For a complete list of changes, please see the List of Changes section of this article.
New High-Tier Vehicles
In Update 0.16, we are introducing two new high-tier vehicles:
- T-15 HIFV Tier 10 AFV (read more about this vehicle in our preview)
- PTL-02 Tier 7 Premium TD (read more about this vehicle in our preview)
Loot System
Beginning with Update 0.16, a new Loot System will reward players with Supply Crates full of awesome items to help out with progression in all kinds of ways. Every time players participate in a match (be it PVP or PVE), they will have a chance to be rewarded with a Supply Crate. Both the chance to earn the Supply Crate and its Quality Level are strongly influenced by the player's overall performance in the match, with higher Reputation scores yielding better rewards whether or not the player was on the winning team.
In addition, completing Daily Challenges will provide players with a reliable way to earn Supply Crates every day. In the future, new features will also award Supply Crates. To start with, Supply Crates in 0.16 will provide players with Credits, Global Reputation, Consumables, Boosts, and Insignias.
Read more about this feature in our preview.
Updated Sound Effects
Sounds in Armored Warfare have undergone a huge revamp in Update 0.16! Every major sound system has been given new sounds and we've added several new distinct sound effects for gameplay systems which previously lacked sufficient audio cues. As a result, players will now be immersed in a much more atmospheric experience in Armored Warfare. Some of the new sound systems include:
- All new sounds for each cannon caliber
- New engine sound sets (Diesel and Turbine engines)
- Gear changes and gearbox whine
- Unique impact sounds for High Explosive, Armor Piercing and HEAT
- Unique terrain impact sounds
- Turret rotation
- Ricochets
- Shells whizzing by
And more! Read more about this feature in our preview.
Three New PvE Missions
Operation: Zero Hour - a group of saboteurs has infiltrated the security of a prototype nuclear reactor about to come online and planted explosives within, threatening not only the destruction of the facility, but endangering the region, and its inhabitants, for miles around. With little time to spare and a large scale disaster to abate, you must protect the facility, evacuate the civilians trapped in the plant, and put a stop to the enemy's forces in operation Zero Hour.
This map is currently disabled and is expected to return in near future.
Operation: Erebos - a key Cartel airfield has so far avoided discovery, hidden among the lush foliage of an all but forgotten island, despite the illegal shipments going to and coming the location that influence the region's resources and economy. Only by the cover of darkness can you secure the site in operation Erebos, where destroying this tactical point of operation means eliminating the enemy's financial stranglehold on the region. Destroy the airfield, then exfil and make your escape before enemy reinforcements arrive!
Operation: Basilisk - a power plant in jeopardy. Stolen hazardous materials. Enemies hiding in plain sight. Les Affreux have attacked a power plant that supplies the locals with energy, hoping to destroy the region's largest valuable asset and convenient source of power. In operation Basilisk, it's up to you to stop the enemy's attack on the nuclear power plant and take back the materials they have pilfered before time runs out!
New Commendation System
The new Commendation system is entirely optional. When a player performs an action that earns them reputation and credits they now also earn a visual commendation.
Unique commendations are awarded to players for accomplishing any of the following actions:
- Killing an Enemy (Slayer)
- Assisting a Kill (Wingman)
- Damaging an Enemy (Bruiser)
- Assisting Damage (Facilitator)
- Designated Damage (Tactician)
- Spotting an Enemy (Scout)
- Spotting Damage (Instigator)
- Allies Hidden By Smoke Shells/Grenades (Blinder)
- Destroying Enemy Modules (Saboteur)
- Killing Enemy Crew (Widowmaker)
- Base Capture (Infiltrator)
- Base Defense (Defender)
- Completing an Objective (Operative)
The goal of these commendations is to provide real-time visual feedback to players in order to notify them whenever they've earn some rewards. Commendations themselves do not provide additional rewards.
Read more about this feature in our preview.
List of 0.16.2344 Changes
Shot Delay Improvements
We have improved how shots are modeled in AW in several ways to mitigate the "shot delay" issue players have been experiencing. Players should now find their shots landing in the correct area after firing at a vehicle which is on the move. To accomplish this, we made the following changes:
- We minimized the delay of network packet processing on both the client and server for shot requests by ensuring they are now sent and processed in the highest priority
- We added predictive weapon firing on the local client. In doing so, we also now spawn the fired projectile immediately when the trigger is pulled instead of waiting for the server to first confirm the shot
- We added server-side lag compensation when simulating physics for the projectile to improve the effects of network latency
Altogether, these changes should make the game much more comfortable to play, and we are looking forward to your feedback on this fix.
Normalization Changes
Under the previous implementation of hit resolution, AP (armor piercing) ammo types would normalize upon impact with any part of a vehicle they impacted by up to 5 degrees, meaning the projectile would "turn" in toward the surface normal of the armor. In other words, the steepness of the projectile's angle of impact would be reduced by up to 5 degrees (or more from the effect of Retrofits).
The result of normalization is that it reduces the effective armor thickness that the projectile must pass through to penetrate. However, a secondary effect of normalization is that the projectile's vector (direction of travel) is also adjusted, which means the shell changes direction if it penetrates the first layer of armor it impacts. It was discovered that there were many cases where the normalization effect of re-directing a projectile's path from hitting tracks, wheels, thin spaced armor, and other weak parts of a vehicle would result in situations where weakly armored sections of a vehicle could be hit after normalization even though the shooter would not be able to aim at those weak points directly.
To resolve these issues, armor-piercing projectiles will no longer normalize when impacting thin or weak surfaces on a vehicle, for example:
- Wheels/Road Wheels
- Treads
- Cannons
- "Prop" parts (bags, bedrolls, stowage, etc.) and other non-critical external components
Component and Crew HP Changes
In Update 0.16, we've slightly reduced the hit points for the following components:
- External Gas Tanks
- Internal Ammo racks
In our analysis of module damage, we found a vehicle would often be destroyed before these components were damaged enough to cause any major change in gameplay.
We've also reduced the hit points and saving throws for Crew Members. Prior to Update 0.16, it was incredibly rare to see crew members knocked out in a vehicle. As a result, this made crew skills designed to increase damage to crew members feel very lackluster and made medical kits irrelevant. These changes should make shooting vehicles with the intent to knock crew out a much more viable tactic.
Loot System
We have added the new Loot System to Armored Warfare, consisting of Supply Crates. Boosts awarded by Supply Crates can come in one of five different Quality Levels, with higher quality Boosts providing larger rewards across more progression mechanics than lower Quality Level ones.
Insignias are Vehicle Specific bonuses that players can apply to whatever vehicles they want, but only last one match. Like Boosts, they come in 5 Quality Levels which determine the magnitude of the bonus. However, Insignias will always only affect a specific progression mechanic (Credits, Reputation, Global Reputation, Crew XP, Commander XP).
A new Inventory screen which contains a player’s accrued supply crates, boosts, insignias, consumables and premium time is now accessible via the Supply Crate in the bottom left corner of the garage. A new Insignias tab can now be found in the Vehicle Maintenance tab. 1 of each Insignia type can be activated on a vehicle simultaneously.
Boost Changes
In Update 0.16, we are giving players more control over when their Boosts are activated. Going forward, all Boosts will have 12-hour duration instead of variable durations. Any Boosts that players currently possess will be converted over to multiple 12 hour Boosts that add up to the duration the original Boost had.
For example, if a player had a 3-day 50% Credit/Reputation Boost in their inventory in 0.15, in 0.16 that Boost will be converted into six 12-hour 50% Credit/Reputation Boosts. This way, the player is not penalized for activating a boost and then not being able to play every consecutive day that the Boost is active.
However, now that Boosts will be awarded from various systems in the game, we have had to reduce the number of Boosts that can be active at a time. Players will have 2 Boost Slots which can be used for activating Boosts in the inventory. At least one Boost Slot will be available for free. Activating 2 Boosts at the same time will require a small amount of Gold. Activating a new Boost while another one is still active will require overwriting the old Boost. While we realize that this is removing some of the flexibility that has existed with being able to stack multiple Boosts simultaneously, this change was necessary for us to be able to balance regularly awarding Boosts for free for now on.
Daily Challenge Changes
With the introduction of the Loot System, players will see your non-credit challenge rewards replaced with different quality Supply Crates.
Completing any of the three available challenges in any order will award you with the following:
- Completing one challenge of any sort awards you with 150k credits
- Completing two challenges of any sort awards you with a Bronze Supply Crate
- Completing three challenges of any sort awards you with a Silver Supply Crate
Daily Challenges are now also randomized in difficulty, but you have the highest chance of getting "easy" challenges, then medium and finally, hard.
Assists will now also be counted towards completing Daily Challenges which require players to "kill" enemy vehicles.
- Added the ability to dismount equipped retrofits and store them for later use on the same vehicle
- The first win flag icon has been replaced with a reputation icon which varies based on the multiplier currently active
- Added Hull Traverse values to engine tooltips and vehicle stat windows
- Added the ability to disable in-game shadows completely from the options menu
- Added a share button to the replay screen to allow players to share any selected replay
- Players can now use the ‘Report Abuse’ option to report players on their friends list
- A tooltip now appears when hovering over the logistics cost in the PvE Post Match Screen
- To support multiple PvP game modes, a new drop-down menu has been added underneath the PvP battle button
- Updated the Custom Match list to no longer display the number of neutral observers in a custom match
Tank Destroyer Class Ability Changes
We've made some changes to the Tank Destroyer Class Ability, Gun Suppression, to make it easier to use and increase the effectiveness of the ability.
The movement restriction where players must be stationary for 2 seconds before being able to activate the ability has been removed. Additionally, movement while the ability is active no longer cancels the ability.
We've also adjusted the camouflage penalty reduction on shots while the ability is active from 75% to 85%.
New Autoloader Technology Upgrades
We've added new Autoloader technology upgrades for any vehicle that has an autoloader component. These upgrades vary from vehicle to vehicle based on their weapons and class, and are available for purchase in the vehicle upgrade trees. Vehicles with a cannon that usually fire on the move, get a 5% bonus to rate of fire while on the move (AFV, LT, MBT). Vehicles with cannon that usually stay stationary get a 5% bonus to rate of fire while stopped (TD). Auto-cannon vehicles get a 5% overall bonus to salvo reload speed (Auto-cannons, ATGMs). Going forward, all new vehicles with autoloaders will have the above mentioned tech upgrades available for unlock.
The following vehicles now have Autoloader technology upgrades: B1 Draco, Begleitpanzer 57, BMD-4, BMP-3, BMP-3M, BMOP Ramka-99, BMPT-72, Challenger 2 ATDU, Leopard 2A7, M1128 Stryker, XM8, M8 Thunderbolt, T-64, T-72 Ural, T-72A, T-80, T-90, T-90MS, T-14 Armata, Type 85-IIM, Type 90-II, Type 98 and XM1A3
Self-propelled Gun Changes
We felt that SPG mobility wasn't where it needed to be, so we've improved their acceleration just a bit (the detailed changes can be found below). Additionally, we've reduced the cost of all artillery smoke and illumination rounds by 50%.
Leopard 2 Series Changes
We weren't happy with the accuracy of the line with respect to the other Main Battle Tanks, so we've increased the accuracy range of those vehicles. The detailed changes can be found below.
Active Protection System Changes
We’ve rebalanced the number of charges and loading times of in-game Active Protection Systems thus:
Soft-Kill APS
- Adjusted the number of charges to 6
- Increased the cooldown of Soft-Kill APS systems from 30 seconds to 60
Hard-Kill APS
- Adjusted the number of charges to 3
- Decreased the cooldown of Hard-Kill APS systems from 60 seconds to 30
High-Explosive Damage Correction
We fixed an issue with High-Explosive Ammo penetration damage to components. HE spall damage was getting an additional bonus upon penetration that was destroying components such as the ammo rack in one hit.
HE already does bonus damage to components, so we have removed the additional penetration bonus that was being applied to the components. The penetration bonus still applies to the vehicle hull, but components should now be safe for a little longer if an HE penetration occurs.
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration to 9s
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration to 8s
AMX-10P PAC 90 Merc
- Fixed an issue where decals were partially missing when equipped in decal slot 1
- Fixed an issue where the Battalion decal was being cut-off
- Fixed an issue where it was impossible to damage the gas tank by shooting the vehicle
BMPT-72 Terminator II
The BMPT-72's survivability, when compared to the others in its line, was not where it needed to be. As a result, we decided to increase its Hit Points to compensate.
- Increased Hit Points to 2360
B1 Centauro
- Fixed an issue where the decal on the rear of the vehicle were hidden
Challenger 2
- Slowed the 0-32kph acceleration to 8s for the stock engine and 7.65s for the upgrade
Challenger 2 ATDU
- Slowed the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 7.65s, and 7.3s for the upgrade
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle could take full damage when being shot near the gunner sight
- Fixed an issue where the textures on the vehicle's optics appeared poorly rendered on low graphics settings
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 9s, and 8s for the upgrade
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle’s destroyed state displayed floating tires
Leopard 1A5
Due to its underwhelming armor for an MBT at its Tier, we decide to increase the Leopard 1A5's Hit Points and Acceleration to give it a bit more survivability.
- Increased Hit Points to 1820
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 5.5s, and 5.15s for the upgrade
Leopard 2
- Improved Accuracy to 0.1155
- Improved Aim Time to 3s
Leopard 2AV
- Improved Accuracy to 0.1158
- Improved Aim Time to 2.8s
Leopard 2A5
- Improved the Accuracy of both guns to 0.11
- Improved the Aim Time of both guns to 3s
- Added a technology retrofit slot
- Fixed an issue where the tow cables would disappear from the back of the vehicle after camo was equipped
Leopard 2A6
- Improved Accuracy to 0.1048
- Improved Aim Time to 2.8s
- Fixed an issue where full damage was being applied to the vehicle after firing at the turret hatches of the vehicle with the EX armor package upgrade
Leopard 2A7-140
- Improved Aim Time of 120mm to 2.6s and 140mm to 2.8s
- Improved the Accuracy of the 120mm cannon to 0.0898
- Improved the Accuracy of the 140mm cannon to 0.0988
- Reduced Aim Time to 3.3s
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 9.75s, 9s for the first engine upgrade, and 8.5s for the best engine
- Added the Mobility Retrofit to the Upgrade Tree. The functionality for the slot was always available, but it was not properly reflected in the vehicle's Upgrade Tree.
- Increased the Turret Traverse rate to 35.7 deg/sec
Merkava IIB
We're changing the name of the Merkava IIB to the Merkava IID as part of a larger change to the vehicle that will be ongoing during future patches. After further investigation, we decided that the IID was better suited for the tier that the vehicle is at compared to the IIB. While it is still visually the IIB, we will be updating the armor package model to reflect the IID visuals in a future patch.
- Shrunk the lower front plate weak point in front of the driver by roughly 30% and thickened the armor, making it a bit more difficult to penetrate consistently
- Fixed an issue where animal and emblem decals were appearing flipped on the left side of the vehicle's hull
- Fixed an issue where the light from the vehicle's headlights appeared incorrectly placed
Object 155
- Fixed an issue where some elements of the vehicle's gun mantlet became transparent after the vehicle's destruction
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle’s gunner sight appeared closed
The Paladin was over-performing compared to the PzH 2000, so we decided to bring down its damage and penetration a bit in order to bring it more in line with the values we want artillery to have at Tier 8.
- Reduced overall Damage by 10%, and Penetration by 2.5%
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 9s, and 8.5s for the upgrade
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 9s, and 8s for the upgrade
- Fixed an issue where critical damage was not being displayed properly while shooting at the vehicle's turret hatch
PzH 2000
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 10.5s, and 8.5s for the upgrade
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle’s destroyed state turret was experiencing Level of Detail issues
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle’s destroyed state was missing destroyed state for vehicle headlightsFixed an issue where the vehicle’s armor upgrade caused the right side turret decal to disappear
- Fixed an issue where camouflage textures were z-fighting on the vehicle's gas canister stand
- Fixed an issue where the Battalion decal was disappearing from the T-64 on low graphics settings
- Fixed an issue where the Battalion decal was disappearing after camouflage was applied to the vehicleFixed an issue where grey textures were present on the rear part of the T-80's destroyed hull
This average survivability of the T-90MS wasn't where we expected it to be, so we've raised its Hit Points just a bit.
- Increased Hit Points to 2390
- Fixed an issue where, at a distance, the vehicle's wheels would spin off center
- Fixed an issue with the upgraded cannon where the camouflage applied to the cannon was incorrect
Type 80-II
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle’s turret could be shot through after the vehicle had been destroyed
Type 85-IIM
- Fixed an issue where the decal on the rear of the vehicle was being cut-off
Type 98
Adjusted the lower front plate weak point to be parity with the Soviet T-Series gradient lower glacis; the lowermost portion will remain green, while the portion above it will now be yellow to the majority of Tier 8 vehicles.
- Improved the 0-32kph acceleration of the stock engine to 7s, and 6.1s for the upgrade
- Fixed an issue where the textures on the destroyed vehicle's tracks were rendering in low quality
The XM1A3's stats weren't in sync with the other M1's of its line, causing the vehicle to comparatively under-perform. As a result, we've adjusted some of its soft-stat values to improve its firepower while slightly nerfing its accuracy to bring it more in line with the rest of the M1's.
- Increased its Hit Points to 3625
- Raised its Vision Range to 375
- Increased the Damage from both guns by 5%
- Increased the Penetration of the 120mm ammunition by approximately 6%
- Increased the Rate of Fire for both guns by approximately 5%
- Slightly lowered the Accuracy of both guns
- Slowed the Aim Time of the 120mm gun to 3s and the 140mm to 3.2s
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle’s destroyed hull appeared a different color than the turret
- Fixed an issue where the TUSK ERA panels near the front end of the vehicle displayed incorrect textures after being destroyed
Coastal Threat
- Fixed an issue where a building in cell C4 was missing collision and could be shot through
Ghost Field
- Fixed an issue where a building in cell G9 had no destruction VFX
- Fixed an issue where the camera could clip into the destroyed oil tanks in cell I4
Port Storm
- Fixed an issue in cell G3 where trees were growing out of cement
- Fixed an issue where player vehicles could get stuck under a switchboard in cell E6
The following new Missions were added:
- Operation Zero Hour
- Operation Erebos
- Operation Basilisk
Dire Wolf
- Fixed an issue where vehicles could get stuck under the building arcs in cell A8
- Fixed a series of LoD issues that occurred at close range on the faces of buildings in cell B5, F5 and D8
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on a destroyed truck prop in cell H1
- Fixed an issue where invisible collision in cell B8 was extending beyond the map boundary line
- Fixed an issue in cells B5 and J3 where secondary objectives that border the canal had VFX emanating from the water
- Fixed an issue where a section of gate prop in cell I5 was not sitting flush against the rest of the gateFixed an issue in cell C5 where it was possible for player vehicles to become wedged between tanks and the buildings and get stuck
- Fixed an issue in cell E6 where debug text could be observed on top of the bell tower
Life Jacket
- Fixed an issue where overhanging pipe props in cell D5 would interfere with the camera's position
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on the building in cell F1
- Fixed an issue in cell G2 where AI vehicles would get stuck on buildings while attempting to get to the runway
- Fixed an issue where the map boundary lines in cell H7 were being covered by the road
- Fixed an issue in cell D3 where trees were growing out of rocks
- Fixed an issue with LoD in cell D1 where containers were missing geometry when viewed at a distance
- Fixed an issue in cell F8 where the player vehicle could become stuck on building with the wrong physical model
- Fixed an issue in cell H3 where small vehicles would get stuck under the construction
- Fixed an issue where the northernmost capture point for "Jam Cartel Scans" was overlapping parts of the train prop
- Fixed an issue in cell H4 where the player vehicle could become stuck on the bridge railings
Red Opossum
- Fixed an issue where the map boundary line in cells D9-F9 was disappearing
- Fixed an issue where players were able to drive past the minimap boundaries
- Fixed an issue where the artillery reticle could not remain centered on cell F8
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on invisible geometry at an angle while driving past the oil tankers
- Fixed an issue in cell F4 where grass was growing through solid asphalt
- Fixed an issue in cell F4 where bushes were growing out of buildings and walls
- Fixed an issue where buildings in cells F3 and G3 had foliage and bushes hidden inside
- Fixed an issue where players were receiving the incorrect reward amounts for completing the primary objectives
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the crater at the bottom of the hill in cell C6
- Fixed an issue where the AI was not recognizing map objects such as a forklift as an obstacle and got stuck on them
Ghost Hunter
- Fixed an issue where secondary objective UI was missing from the mission briefing
Starry Night
- Fixed an issue where cage armor on vehicles could slip through buildings in cell I6, resulting in the player being stuck to the building
- Fixed an issue where temporary text was appearing in the battlelog when destroying the Secondary Objectives
- Fixed an issue in cells B1-C2 where the third defense circle appeared on the map before the second defense circle had been successfully defended
- Fixed an issue where the map's layout was confusing and lighting changes were necessary in order to keep players from becoming lost on the map
- Fixed an issue with Level of Detail in cell A3 where destroyed buildings showed gaps between textures Fixed an issue where the map boundaries did not correspond with the minimap boundaries
- Fixed an issue in cells C7 and E1 where rocks appeared black when viewed on low graphics settingsFixed an issue where players could get stuck on invisible geometry at an angle while driving past the oil tankers
- Fixed an issue where the primary objective circle was blue instead of read on the minimap
- Fixed an issue where a building in cell H5 was missing textures
- Fixed an issue where failing the first objective resulted in a "Defend Next Zone!" message to appear in the HUD
Rolling Thunder
- Fixed an issue with Level of Detail in cell F7 where a building at close range was appearing distorted
- Fixed an issue in cell D6 where the MGS Stryker prop disappeared at medium distance
Stormy Winter
- Fixed an issue where the artillery aim-line on the minimap appeared off-center
- Updated the playable space to allow players to use the full map once again
- Fixed an issue where the player could drive into non-playable area through cell D6
- Fixed an issue in cell D5 where the camera jumped if the player hovered an SPG reticle over the hangar
- Fixed an issue where SPG could destroy secondary objectives without seeing them
- Fixed an issue in cell E5 where the secondary objective capture circle paint was appearing on nearby map props
- Fixed an issue in cell C6 where the player could get stuck under the collision in the river and end up off the map
- Fixed an issue where the secondary objective remained highlighted after the objective failed
- Fixed an issue where the minimap boundaries were not aligning with the actual map boundaries
- Fixed an issue in cell D8 where the capture point would appear blue instead of red on the minimap
Royalty (Tutorial)
- Fixed an issue where the final capture circle was appearing at the start of the mission
- New, bigger, and punchier sounding single shot cannon sounds for all classes and calibers at three levels of distance
- New, bigger and more impactful autocannon sounds for all rates of fire
- New single shot cannon sounds for 152 and 140 mm cannons
- Newly tuned distance volume roll-off behavior for all cannon shots so they can be heard more clearly over greater distance
- Player and non-player cannon sounds now sound more three dimensional and environment filling
- New, clearer, and impactful projectile vs. tank impact sounds for all round and damage types to help improve hit feedback for when you get hit and when you hit another vehicle
- New diesel engine sound set used for all Tank Destroyers and AFVs
- New engine sound behaviors more realistically model engine load, rpm, speed, mass, friction, and climbing angle
- New engine sound behaviors model gear changes for the diesel engine sound set
- Added engine startup sequences that plays during the match countdown timer
- New, punchier, impactful, and world filling projectile vs. terrain sound effects added at three levels of distance
- New projectile pass-by sound effects for artillery, small caliber, and standard single shot cannons
- New tank vs. tank and tank vs. prop collision sounds that also trigger consistently
- New sound effect triggers when sparks appear while scraping against other objects and tanks
- New submerged sound effect triggers while underwater
- New garage ambient sound effects. We taught the technician how to hold a wrench!
- Newly remastered tank explosion sound effects are punchier and easier to hear
- Newly redesigned manual breech reload sound
- New reload sounds for smoke grenades and ATGMs
- Newly redesigned max accuracy sound
- New turret rotation sound effects
- Entire soundscape has been remixed to provide a more immediate and impactful experience
- Tied cannon audibility to spotting mechanic. Cannon sounds will not trigger if an opposing tank is not spotted or if a teammate isn’t rendered
- Updated corporate logo sound effects help acclimate the listener to the final game volume
- Fixed an issue which was causing vehicle turret positions to become desync'd between the server and client in both PvE and PvP
- Fixed an issue where the reticle position would not stay at the same position when alternating the camera between first and third-person
- Fixed an issue which caused the camera to corkscrew when zooming in and out at an overhead angle
- Fixed an issue where the string “Daily Rewards” was appearing on the briefing screen for PvE despite being removed
Garage and User Interface
- Fixed an issue with the "Stealth Kills" daily challenge, which prevented it from tracking kills properly - the challenge now properly counts if you were never spotted or if you were spotted but went undetected again
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Reconnect’ button in PvE appeared for a player who was intentionally removed due to being AFK. The intended behavior is for the AFK player to not be allowed back into the PvE mission
- Fixed an issue where some symbols could appear cut off in the custom lobby name
- Fixed an issue where a player could not switch between vehicles while the Commander tab was open
- Fixed an issue where players were receiving notifications about credits having been spent after purchasing a promotional vehicle from the main Armored Warfare website
- Fixed an issue where minimized chat windows placed near the edge of the screen would be unrecoverable after switching the game from windowed to full-screen
- Fixed an issue in Custom Matches where the player was able to clip into building geometry when free camera was active
- Fixed an issue where the camera could become frozen in the garage after a player came back from being AFK
- Fixed an issue where vehicles with multiple ATGMs loaded could sometimes get stuck at 0.0 load timeFixed an issue where decals wouldn’t appear on a vehicle if the decals were set before the vehicle model loaded
- Fixed an issue where decals were appearing too small on some vehicles
- Fixed an issue where the armor indicator showed green when hovering over cage armor with the ATGM reticle
Player versus Environment
- Fixed an issue which caused AI vehicles to 'rubberband' when being spotted on the minimap
- Fixed an issue that caused engine sounds to stutter
- Fixed an issue that caused some sounds to sound distorted
- Fixed an issue where autocannon release sounds would sound abrupt
- Fixed an issue where illumination rounds, smoke grenades, and APS sounds weren’t properly assigned
- Fixed an issue where match over music would loop multiple times before transitioning to the load screen
- Limited max playbacks for base capture to kill newest so this sound cannot be spammed
- Fixed numerous map related destructible and cutscene audio bugs
- Corrected reload timing so that all reload sounds end when ready to reload
- Fixed an issue with Replays where projectiles and vehicle wheel movements were not playing smoothly in slow motion