On the 24th of October, 2018, starting from 8:00 CEST (23rd of October, 11 PM PDT for NA), the servers will not be available for 4 hours due to the application of Update 0.26.4949.
List of Update 0.26.4949 Changes
Important Changes and Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused a large number of game crashes when using specific commanders (especially Rachel Kramer)
- The Global Chat regional filter (preventing EU and NA players from seeing RU client messages in the Global Chat) is now on by default
Other Changes and Fixes
- Reduced the camouflage factor of Merkava Mk.4 and Mk.4M by 5 percent
- The Shillelagh ATGM flight speed (used by the Sheridan and the M60A2 Starship) was improved from 150 to 205 m/s
- Fixed an issue where Kornet-EM would spawn in battle with just one launcher loaded
- Fixed the 9910 and Type 99 upper and lower frontal armor weld thickness
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to enter some unintended spaces on the first map of the Black Sea Incursion Special Operation
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to destroy the AC-130 during the defense of the second roadblock on the third map of the Black Sea Incursion Special Operation
- Destructible helicopters on the fourth map of the Black Sea Incursion Special Operation now have a red silhouette as active hostile objects when the task to destroy 3 of them activates
- Fixed an issue with flying Georgian texts on the Coastal Threat map
- Fixed an issue in the Harbinger PvE mission where a secondary task notification would sometimes not appear correctly
- Fixed the Type 99A2-140 gun sound