Something terrible stirs below. The murky depths come to life as a new, vicious breed of ravenous predators makes its way to the battlefields of Armored Warfare. Arm yourselves against the beast!
A beast hunter lives and dies by his weapon of choice. To defeat the terrors from below, select only the best from the armory! But that is not all there is to it.
To hunt successfully, one must show patience and restraint. Careful disguise will help you in stalking even the most cunning adversaries.
And last but not least, one does not hunt such dangerous prey alone. The presence of your stalwart allies on the battlefield will ensure victory!
From the 20th of October to the 23rd of October 2016, the following discounts will be available:
- Premium vehicles, available within the client for Gold - 20% discount
- Camouflage patterns - 90% discount
- Battalion creation - 90% discount
Please note that the Camouflage and Battalion creation discounts apply to Gold prices only.
Merciless predators approach. The great hunt calls.
How will you answer?