The German Unity Day is near and, as usual, we’ll have new German-themed content for you. This time, the main prize is the Panzergrenadier skin for the Puma IFV.
Puma, Munster exercises, 2022
The skin is based on the camouflage used by Panzergrenadierbataillon 33 (33rd Mechanized Infantry Battalion) stationed in Neustadt am Rübenberge near Hannover (northern Germany, the state of Lower Saxony). The unit was formed in 2015 from the former 33rd Armored Battalion of the 9th Panzerlehr Brigade, founded in 1958 (with the formation of the Bundeswehr itself). Panzergrenadiesbataillon 33 has roughly 650 men split into 4 companies and is operating 44 Puma IFVs.
Puma, Munster exercises, 2022
The camouflage in question was seen on their Pumas during a 2022 urban combat exercise near Munster. Starting with the basic paintjob, the vehicles were painted in a sort of “digital” urban camouflage, although due to the size of the rectangular camouflage segments, it serves more as a silhouette breaker in urban environment, much like the British Berlin Brigade camouflage. The rectangles are painted in four colors – sand, grey, green and yellow.
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The vehicles also bear the Panzerbataillon insignia, but those are well-hidden beneath a layer of wooden pallets and rags covering the entire hull of the vehicle. The gun shroud is also covered with camouflaged fabric. Thus camouflaged, the vehicle blends the urban environment perfectly, although the camouflage was likely quite difficult to set up, judging from the amount of rigged fittings, ropes and other devices used to fasten the pallets to the hull.
Click the image to open a larger version
Aside from its amazing look, the Panzergrenadier skin will upgrade your Puma with three upgrade modules that are usually locked behind Battle Path progression, that is:
- MELLS ATGM Launcher
- PERI RTWL Optics
- Armored Crew Compartment
And that’s still not all.
Click the image to open a larger version
Aside from the skin, we will have the following items for you:
- Modern German camouflage, as seen predominantly on various Boxer vehicles
- Panzergrenadierbataillon 33 emblem decal
- Panzergrenadierbataillon 33 tactical NATO designation decal
- Panzergrenadierbataillon 33 white palm decal
We hope that you’ll enjoy these new customization options and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!