Have you ever wanted a wallpaper for your PC from Armored Warfare? Now’s your chance! Take the appearance of your desktop into your own hands and create an Armored Warfare desktop background image!
You can draw the image yourself using Photoshop or a similar tool, or you can use a particularly spectacular screenshot. Submissions must be posted in the Official Submissions Thread on or before Monday, June 27, 2016.
Once we have all the submissions, the AW Community Team will pick our top 10, and the top 3 submissions will win an Armored Warfare Backpack! Read on for full prizing details and rules!
- 1st-3rd Places: Armored Warfare Backpack
- 4th-10th Places: BWP-1M PUMA and 3 days of Premium Time
- Submissions must be original content. Any submissions found to be plagiarized will be grounds for automatic disqualification
- Submissions must be formatted as .jpg and be one of the following standard 16:9 (1600x900, 1920x1080, 2560x1440) or 16:10 (1680x1050, 1920x1200, 2560x1600) resolution.
- Submissions must feature your forum username. It can be small, but it has to be there (and legible)!
- Should you place in 1st-3rd, you must be willing to provide us your physical mailing address so that we can ship the prize to you
- By submitting an entry into this contest, you agree that My.com and Obsidian Entertainment may use your entry and your likeness (e.g. username) for promotional purposes
- Non-Physical Prizes will be delivered to 4th-10th place winners within 48 hours of the announcement of winners. Premium time will be located in your Boost Inventory, to be activated at your discretion
- For Physical Prizes, please allow some time for shipping, especially to international addresses. Please also be aware of your local import taxes
We are looking forward to your wallpapers and will see you on the battlefield!