Welcome to the newest issue of the Community Highlight series, dedicated to the community members of Armored Warfare and their contributions. Find out more about the game, learn something new and check out the cool community content!
Official Events This Week
We are celebrating the first Open Beta Anniversary!
- Celebrating the First Anniversary - learn about the amazing bonuses, discounts and events, taking place from October 8 to October 15!
- Celebrations Continue - learn about the Tier 9 and Tier 10 progression vehicle discounts, taking place from October 8 to October 15!
As a part of the celebrations, we are giving out T-64AV Hunter Premium MBTs to 200 lucky players (100 per server)! Here are the forum names of the players that won the T-64AV in our Saturday T-64AV Hunter raffle! The prizes will be delivered until the end of the day.
- Alonso0190
- Aratron
- artur71
- Atzibutz
- Azazel666
- BelgiumHell
- BigSwedish
- bladex55
- Blindfire
- C_Deenen
- C4Kuchen
- Contar
- cristi1970RO
- Der_Behemot
- Dowerman
- Dragier
- Dsx2
- duchodce1943
- Gorilla91
- h1ghl4nder
- Hasen_fuss
- Hunteto
- JaJcAsZ
- Jongheere
- Jurko1
- Knute
- kwazarek
- Lukasz_Ch
- M_A_S_A_K_I
- michal2klb
- Moonlight_Fennec
- MrOssamaETC
- nalak
- nicklas123454321
- nithar1
- oldseasalt
- Redberen
- REED 01
- ringo73
- RuGer
- RuthlessTanker
- Scud23
- smackup4u
- t2uncool
- Taille
- TeMeRolEee
- The86Dog
- u_3895900
- u_4515635
- u_4532057
- u_5732693
- u_5819245
- u_5892104
- u_6010401
- u_6063115
- u_6100123
- u_6160535
- u_6173066
- u_6667526
- u_6870048
- u_6995647
- u_7097168
- u_7207146
- u_7230911
- u_7331899
- u_7375715
- u_7377523
- u_7526737
- u_7712200
- u_7719436
- u_7853596
- u_8385494
- u_8588255
- u_8618071
- u_8725107
- u_8825291
- u_8972565
- u_9006125
- u_9113093
- u_9525567
- u_9695033
- u_9741559
- u_9777029
- u_9803332
- u_9820438
- u_9838464
- u_9838873
- user_3533803
- user_3609189
- user_3669248
- Vladosur
- warlenmg
- wolfsrain
- xxMordorxx
- xXPancakeXx
- Zsolesz82
- zyga3011
- Austin08
- beercans
- bloodnguts
- bob7500
- BogotaBob
- bols
- CageyMoose
- cannae
- Capt Floyd
- Cocokye
- cptalcoholic
- Danmaku Paranoia
- deadkiwi46
- Det0naMarkBR
- DhaosValor
- Duke61
- EpicEwok
- Exploding_Tree
- FFR31sylpheed
- Flop
- FSFTalos
- Ganegrei
- Gemini55
- GenBalck
- GenDesertFox
- Green_Goblin
- housefox
- John Wulf
- jrf773
- LeadK9
- LostKnight
- lupinchuchu
- macseemuss
- Magneto
- Mare
- Milkman_Mook
- Modern Thunder
- Momiji66
- Mr Sharpshooter
- MrPilgrim
- Mysd
- Pneapple_Jack
- PoundSalt
- pretiread
- Rainbow-Dash
- Riu_Deathstrike
- RockN66
- secondrow
- Shigure
- ShockyZulu
- TawKeenSmak
- Teknocore
- ticli
- TrackJax
- Trooper_Thorn
- u_3955193
- u_3955335
- u_4285234
- u_4537686
- u_5874148
- u_5974614
- u_5990100
- u_6010992
- u_6140813
- u_6156420
- u_6175991
- u_6188948
- u_6212583
- u_6213411
- u_6238814
- u_6244142
- u_6379591
- u_6951802
- u_7007352
- u_7151020
- u_7189679
- u_7582419
- u_7594858
- u_8141484
- u_8225999
- u_8858595
- u_9388768
- u_9516528
- u_9529531
- u_9551523
- u_9556842
- u_9619592
- u_9660148
- u_9793249
- u_9846043
- unit620
- unitedkiller
- VadVaro
- vvarning
- Wanderer
- Warriorend12
- WhiteFire
- Xanitos
Congratulations to all the winners! But if you weren't lucky - fear not. There will be other ways of obtaining the vehicle in the future!
Community Content
H3dsh0t - Tank Tuesday: T-64AV Hunter (vehicle preview)
Suburban Delinquent - They let us in!!! Obsidian Entertainment
Lightfoot Freddy (feat. Spitfire and Fiaura) - Armored Talk (Episode 5, this time about the changes to Tank Destroyers the players would like to see)
KaSH Gaming - T-64AV Hunter Preview
Tanks FTM - Global Ops and T-64AV Hunter Preview
And last but not least, BattleTalk - check out the awesome debriefing of the Equinox PvP tournament by AWLeagues!
That's it for today, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield! You can submit your community contribution to our dedicated forum section, perhaps it will be your work featured next time!