In Update 0.23, we’ve introduced a new feature – AI opponents for low-tier PvP battles to help train new players, teaching them basic tactics!
The new bots have style, they have skills – in fact, they are missing only one thing: their names!
Now’s your chance to show your creativity!
Between February 27 and March 5, 2018, submit a name proposal for an AI opponent into a dedicated thread!
The best 100 names (as chosen by Community Managers) will be introduced as PvP AI opponent names to the game!
The players who propose the victorious submissions will earn 7 days of Premium Time each!
Please note:
- One submission per player is allowed
- All submissions must be made to a dedicated thread
- Submissions breaking forum rules or Armored Warfare Terms of Service are not allowed
- This contest starts of February 27 at 14:00 CET (5 AM PST)
- This contest ends on March 5 at 14:00 CET (5 AM PST)
We’ll see you on the battlefield!