The Halloween celebrations are upon us, but today we are giving you the opportunity not only to take a peek into the future, but also to influence it with your nightmarish designs. Just kidding – they can be funny too! In short, welcome to our Nightmare before Christmas contest where the goal is to create the best Armored Warfare decals to be introduced to the game!
Participating in our contest is very easy. Until November 12, 2018, submit your Christmas decal image to a dedicated thread on the forums.
After November 12, the Community Managers will choose the ten best decals with the top three determined by a community vote. These decal designs will then be implemented into the game for the 2018 Christmas season. Additionally, each winner will receive 5.000 Gold.
Please pay attention to the following rules:
- This contest ends on November 12, 2018, at 16:00 CET
- Only one submission per user is allowed
- The submissions must not use any copyrighted parts or assets and must be 100 percent created by the submitting user (yes, we will check)
- The required format is a square PNG file of at least 1024x1024 pixel size (the decal image must not be of lower resolution, smaller images resized to 1024x1024 will not be accepted)
- The decal must not be in breach of Armored Warfare Terms of Service and of the Forum rules. Offensive and otherwise unacceptable submissions will be disqualified
- My.com members of staff reserve the right to refuse any decal based on their discretion
We hope that you will enjoy the contest and will see you on the battlefield!