Storyline Conclusion
- Southern England, late Autumn, 2040
Clayburn was, once again, scratching his scar under the right eye absentmindedly and Strom was wondering what was going through his head. Until now, he had seen the man enjoy himself, playing the role of a charming host and benevolent father figure to his young protegé, but how it was as if he could observe a subtle shadow behind the man’s expression, a voice of his true anger crying out from behind a carefully prepared mask, only to be immediately silenced by iron self-discipline.
This is it then, he thought – Clayburn’s failure and, indirectly, the true reason why he was here. He still had a thousand questions but there would be time to ask them later – and so, he listened as Clayburn finished the story of the Seahawks. It did not end the way he had expected.
- Somewhere in Texas, early December, 2039
The sounds of battle raging outside were muted by the thick door that Blackwood slammed behind them as they all ran into the bunker entry corridor, weapons drawn. Behind the inner door, several Seahawks were erecting a makeshift barricade from the debris left in the entryway. It won’t hold anyone for long, Seagrove thought, especially if they have power armor. Deploying the bulky Breacher suits was, however, a time-consuming endeavor and he – along with the rest of them – were hoping that by the time the Clayburn heavies arrived, they’d be long gone.
“Quickly, this way,” Blackwood beckoned them to rush to the second door at the end of the hallway, leading – they assumed – to the storage area. Unlike the outer door, this entryway was left open and all three of them rushed inside to a cavernous space behind them, labeled as the main storage space. Once inside, they stopped to take a breath and look around.
The room was completely empty.
No shelves boxes welcomed them, no rows of vehicles or supplies. Remains of papers and broken furniture covered the cold, concrete floor of the bunker – a sign of hasty evacuation. The silence was only interrupted by their labored breathing and a soft, metallic click of the entry door being shut behind them. Confused, Seagrove looked at Kathryn Grey standing in shock next to him and he could see the same fear he felt, in the expression on her face.
“No... no.... no... god no, please”, she repeated, terrified to the bone, desperately looking around for the salvation that had been promised to them.
“End of the line, my dear.”
Blackwood’s words made them turn around. He stood there with his handgun pointed at them, firing two shots.
For Seagrove, the time seemed to have slowed down and fractured into a series of seemingly unrelated images.
Blackwood’s cynical grin.
His finger pressing on the trigger of his pistol.
A spark at the barrel’s end.
Kathryn whimpering and collapsing to the ground, letting her gun go and holding her belly.
His shoulder exploding in a geyser of blood.
His own firearm dropping to the ground.
Suddenly he found himself on the ground, gasping for air. Kathryn was still whimpering, curled to the fetal position on the floor next to him. He could suddenly see everything in incredibly vivid details. The red of his own blood, Kathryn’s pained expression and Blackwood’s triumph.
“Ah, don’t worry Josh, it’s not fatal. I want you both alive for what’s to come.”
“You bastard”, he could say Kathryn whisper through her clenched teeth.
“So it was you all along. You betrayed us to Clayburn.”
Blackwood’s laughter echoed through the room. From his position, he watched Blackwood casually sit on broken remnants of a wooden crate.
“Oh, I can promise you, Josh, I did no such thing. Everything will become clear in a moment,” Blackwood smiled indulgently.
Anger swelled in him like a great, unstoppable tidal wave. Later, he would not be able to recall the minutes that followed that moment save for a single image of Blackwood falling from his perch. He couldn’t ever truly explain how he did it. A stroke of luck, Blackwood taking him for finished in his arrogance or an answer to his and her prayers.
Kathryn would tell him that he had reached for a gun lying next to him with his healthy arm faster than she had seen anyone do it and that he shot Blackwood. His gun sounded like thunder in the enclosed area and Blackwood collapsed with a major wound opening up on his face. Right under his right eye.
- Southern England, late Autumn, 2040
Strom stared at Clayburn in shock. It wasn’t the first one he had suffered this evening, but it was certainly the biggest one.
“You... you were Blackwood all along...”
Clayburn simply nodded, his eyes evaluating Strom’s expression and body language. Through the last part of the story, Grimm was sitting in silence next to Clayburn, but he too seemed to quietly evaluate Strom. Later, Strom would feel pride for his remarkably quick recovery under the scrutiny of both men. His mind started racing, examining everything that had been said that evening in the context of this information. After a few seconds, he finally shook his head. He thought he could understand why Clayburn had kept up such a charade but the whole scope of the undertaking was baffling him.
“But... why? So much time, so many risks taken and for what?”
“You tell me,” replied Clayburn, smiling strangely. “Why did I do it?”
Strom reclined in his chair, trying to put his thoughts into words as best he could.
“The first reason is obvious. You needed to purge your forces of any disloyal elements. But... your own nephew?” wondered Strom aloud.
Clayburn nodded, smiled coldly and shrugged.
“Incompetence is worse than malice, Strom. Remember that. Besides, as I said before, I haven’t really even met the man, nor has anyone of the Seahawks met me. You might have noticed my official portraits look very different from what I actually look like. That too has always been intentional. A defense mechanism, if you will,” he concluded.
Strom nodded to himself – but that was not all. Not by a longshot.
“The second reason,” he wondered, “ah, I see it now. Why waste valuable combat power when you could have used the traitors to your ends.”
Clayburn smiled and gestured at him to go on.
“The rebels, driven before your loyal forces,” continued Strom, “actually did your dirty work. They fought the militias in the Balkans, paving the way for our eventual return and consolidation of the region. But then they got to Istanbul and...”
Strom closed his eyes and smiled in return.
“Yes, naturally. The Black Eagles worked for you. You arranged the transport to Cairo, that is why nobody from the city seriously attacked them. You wanted them to capture the Al Arish base and to consolidate the region. In the end, it was the local mercenaries and warbands that took the biggest losses, not our men. You wanted them to make enemies of the entire land. But... there’s a piece missing,” Strom frowned.
It took a while for him to realize it.
“I see now. You wanted them to fight the locals so you could depict them as committing atrocities. That made it much easier to have them declared rogue in the sense of the Bordeaux Treaty, at which point we could employ nearly unlimited measures to keep them contained. The Clayburn forces then waltzed in and took the valuable base as well as a large chunk of Sinai and nobody could say anything – after all, the Clayburn corporate forces were fighting rogue mercs.”
Clayburn, once again, nodded.
“Excellent. And the American part?”
Strom cocked his head.
“That is simple. You wanted a chunk of the United States territory, especially a strategic one. The thing is, the Americans are very touchy about their territory, even if they can’t really control it, and they hate rogue mercenaries making nests in their trees. Since they were unable to deal with them, you made a deal – for a temporary base in Jacksonville, you’d help them get rid of the problem and, as a bonus, you returned Jacksonville to the fold by driving out the separatists that controlled it.”
“Exactly,” replied Clayburn, “The Americans saw this as an opportunity to make a great deal, getting rid of two birds with one stone. They do love making deals, don’t they?
“Only,” Strom continued, “the base turned out to be anything but temporary. The Clayburn forces now control half of the former American south with reinforcements pouring in every month and the United States don’t have enough military power to kick us out. Admitting it would, however, make them lose what little face they still have internationally and so they formally offered us contracts to keep the area safe from any rebels, separatists and terrorists. In other words, we get to keep everything and they’ll have to take it smiling. You’ve already started putting the industrial facilities to good use, under new management, of course.”
“And,” Grimm interjected, “all that accomplished while the traitors bore the brunt of the majority of the fighting. Some Crimson Reavers were lost in Africa, a few in the United States, but ultimately in Texas, we wiped them out to a man. No prisoners.”
“What’s your stake in this,” Strom turned towards him, “why did you accept the offer?”
Grimm simply shrugged; his expression, as usual, unreadable.
“I hate traitors. And there was the money of course.”
Strom thought there was more to it and was about to answer but Clayburn interrupted them both.
“But, gentlemen, you know what the best part of this all is?”
Strom nodded and chuckled.
“It was all completely legal.”
Clayburn nodded for the final time, apparently satisfied.
“So it was. But, Strom, in your entire analysis, you still missed the main reason why I did all this.”
Strom raised his eyebrows, and in his mind, he went over the entire evening once again. He thought he had everything, but suddenly, he realized what Clayburn meant. The real reason was in front of his eyes all along but only now did finally understand – both the motivations and the man in front of him. “Because you wanted to. Because it was fun.”
In the twilight of the library, amidst the strands of dim light, Clayburn’s smile was almost demonic and, just like earlier that evening during their walk outside, an image of a man selling his soul to the devil appeared in Strom’s mind. Might as well have, he thought. After all, the only devils are of man’s own making. A thought suddenly came to him. One tiny part of the story was, however, still unresolved.
“Sir, what became of Seagrove and Grey?”
Again that shadow he had noticed earlier, gone almost instantly, waved off by a nonchalant shrug. Ah, that’s what Clayburn was annoyed about.
“We got almost everyone, but they escaped. Laid low for a while, licked their wounds, and then they returned to business. From what we know, they currently reside in Istanbul, running a small mercenary outfit. They call themselves the Black Company these days.”
Strom raised an eyebrow.
“Won’t we send someone after them?”
Clayburn’s fingers unwittingly touched the scar.
“Perhaps. Eventually. We have other problems now. Besides, they are just two people. What harm could they possibly do?”
We are happy to announce the conclusion of Episode 5 of the Storyline Campaign Season 1.
1884 players have successfully completed two out of three objectives of this episode and achieved the “Episode 5 completed” status, winning the Episode 5 reward commander, Joshua Seagrove.
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- Macaron
- maciek276
- macieklu
- madara06
- MadBede
- madman_24
- madmaxx12
- MadWiking
- magasi
- magicdragon
- MagnusBarca
- Machabe
- MajCupCake
- Majklus
- MajorJo73
- makelele
- MakePeaceCZ
- Makisha_SRB
- malymatrix
- Mandoleran
- Mandrakas
- Maniacu
- ManiacVFX
- Maniek13
- maniek2402
- Mao_CP
- Marcin1982
- marcus64331
- Marcus-Verus
- marek4444
- mariokamada
- MarioRs
- Marketeer
- marko_zemun
- Marodeur
- Marschel
- martin100047
- martin1359
- martinlord
- marxist_brother
- MasakrIII
- MasterAeon
- Masterofpuppets
- Mateng
- Mateusz18
- Matrix55
- matyl
- matzethegerman
- Maugan_Xe
- MaxedOutMelon
- maxkilz
- Maxmize
- MaxRavenclaw
- maxxx77
- maybach09
- mayhem3752
- Mayneez
- MC_90
- Mc_Pewpew
- Mczaga
- MeanAsHell
- Meccano
- MefistOGamer
- MegatroN99
- megiusz50
- MeKelGachy
- Melladon
- Menoetius
- mercenary
- Merciless
- mesio
- MetallGear
- Metaname
- Methusalix
- miarka20
- Micke73
- Mieszko2
- Mig29Falcrum
- mighty890
- migscooter
- Michan
- Mike_CZ
- MikeAvatar
- Mikeli
- MilanKV1
- MilliSarapci
- Minimouse
- minter
- miodu
- Mir072
- MiraBelka
- Miranda
- Mirase
- MircSmurf
- Mjolner
- mjrShatochin
- Mk1palmer
- mlody1982
- MMARK969
- MMMMMilash
- MO_E
- Mo3geza
- mocasini
- Moireya
- moltex4
- Mondfuchs
- MoonlightFennec
- Morb
- Mordrey66
- Mordu
- MorGalid
- Mr_Takahashi
- Mr_Tom
- Mr_X4K
- MrBurns23
- MrCain
- MrDotWrong
- mrkiller
- Mrky113
- MrMakata
- mrowa
- MrPortorico
- msgaard
- M-S-I
- Muaddibb
- Muauva
- much_steel
- Muka141
- Mumm-Ra
- MunjaaA
- Muoteck
- Mylar90
- mystyk92
- Myx1
- n0T5ur3
- N3cr0n0m
- n45c4r
- N7EagIe
- napa2pseudo
- narkisos
- Narnman
- NarrChaotic2017
- nasciturus
- natali2018
- Nathan84
- Natoh
- NBZ4live
- needen
- NeedY
- Neelix
- Neryhc
- NeunFingerJoe
- NickArt
- nico40a
- Niemic23
- Nietzsche
- nikkon04
- Nikola_bre
- Nimravides
- ninoxxx
- nismo82
- nitrobewer
- Nobby69
- Nonarei
- Noobdown
- Norbikom
- Nordlicht62
- norgeWarrior
- Norse_Viking
- Norway1
- NovaBombe
- Nuisance_Value
- NukeMutant
- NumLock
- o_Speedy_o
- o0LordMartin0o
- Oceanhawk60
- Oddyseus
- odinskrieger
- odyz
- Ofw_Kerscher
- OHM1983
- Ohtor
- ol1uw
- OldBoy73
- OldDrunkMaster
- Oldeye
- olhado
- olle71
- Ollpainless
- OlPaps
- Omenke33
- omghowiendupher
- Omnipotens
- Ondrej
- Onnta
- OOwalidOO
- orkokon
- OseLka77
- OSN-83
- ossa
- ostr
- Osvik
- Ottojanius
- ozii
- pah_mar
- PaInMen
- Paladin69
- Palik1
- pancerna_pyra
- pancerprzemo
- PanJelen
- Panther_Cz
- PanzerJurand
- Panzerpaul111
- Panzersek
- Parancsnok80
- Pascal0243
- pasikunik
- PaterBrown
- patmag29
- patpat666
- Patricino
- patro123xd
- Paul_Panzer
- Pawelek1021
- Pe3a4kA
- Peacemakerr
- PeddyPanzer
- PeeL
- pekele
- peppard
- Perdita_Olio
- PereZ_345
- PerfectSuicide
- Peroaner
- petbir
- PeterAA
- petrix1
- Pfeilsdorf
- PhantomF4F
- Phi_Alpha_Kappa
- philzagaz
- pcheniek
- pi_ki
- Pi0ve
- pierre51645
- pigdog67
- Pikaciu
- pilot911
- Pireansot
- pisquinho
- piterk
- Pitchblack21
- PiticVerde
- Pitonnoir
- Planeswalker
- platynowytomek
- play3r
- Plesje
- pmd86
- Pog1
- Pointer
- PolishLegend
- polo4polo
- POST78
- Potxol
- Pr0wler
- Preacher_of_Doom
- predator34
- Presedinte93
- prezestomas
- PriariusMagnum
- prischelez75
- procsimo79
- ProMyka
- Prutsar
- Pryta
- PsiX
- pSychOs
- psychrophil
- Ptah12
- Ptitluc65
- puky_cro
- pulanezu
- Pumahunter
- punishEA
- Punisher2K
- Pythius
- Qeaker
- Qlimax
- Quaksen
- Querulous
- Quori
- qwerplis
- R3ven
- r4plez
- rabbit
- radar17892
- radek458pl
- RadekZ
- Radwanus
- Rafaelacha
- rafalkx
- raffnienix
- rafi74
- Ragadozo
- Ragenall
- Raginhardt
- Ragnarok_NL
- RagnarSchulz
- Rachmaninow
- Rainmaker
- raketenchali
- RamaA
- Rambo30
- Ramka_2107
- Rammstein0123456
- Ramore
- rampartt
- ramrod1948
- RamsesII
- rapidttr
- Rappel
- rartwar
- Raserblade
- ratchet117
- Rautakontti
- Raven_Guard
- Raydk
- Raziel1
- Reaesir
- ReaperXIX
- Rebell153
- reditelvesmiru
- Rednaxel
- redq
- Redwolf63
- rekthorel
- Rene_Twente
- renin
- retronymble
- revolver275
- Reynard86
- reznik01
- Rinhord
- Rio284
- Riser81
- ritshadxd
- robert1982
- Robert71
- robertkostrba
- robertROGER2207
- robertunio
- roblud2004
- Rockabilly69
- rockold
- Rogue1975
- Rollthor
- rommel115
- Rommel192847
- romu83
- Romula
- ronin911
- RonnyGrayson
- Roopom
- Rooster
- Rordaro
- Rosomak22
- Rotauge
- Rotfuchs
- Rough_n_Tough
- Row_T72
- RSC-1995
- R-Sole
- Ruggedfun
- Rumpelwampe92
- RunninThunderWD
- Rybanaotro
- ryder
- s1xf33tunder
- S280218
- Saboter
- Sabrewolf
- Salker
- sam999
- Sambo
- Sami09
- Samkiel
- samstalker
- Sandhase23
- sanovokiller
- Sarbu
- sarko
- SarkyMarky
- Sassi
- Savak
- Sawik308
- scalar
- Scalnia
- Scorpion0303
- Scorps81
- sdgtty
- seba466
- Sebais
- SebastCBien
- sebastor
- Secret_Bogey
- Seele
- seelen
- SegeberGER
- Seiyar
- Semoo
- seppukukyo
- Serafin112
- SerahKhan
- sergei_cz
- Serry85
- Sersch
- SeTo91
- seyit_onbaşı
- SFranz
- Sgt_HW
- Sgt_Vendetta
- SgtMaj_Carey
- sh4ker0
- Shaber28
- ShadowWeaver
- ShakeTheSnake
- sharpast
- shnoopx
- shollen
- Shonetsu
- Show_Girl
- Schattenkrieger
- Schepard7
- Schime
- Schlock
- Schmulius
- Schnakkel
- Schnittertm
- schnoerpf
- Schredder0815
- Schrotty_007
- Schuchi
- siara12
- Sierra_R
- Sifia
- sigere
- SilbernerWolf
- Silverdagger
- SilverEagle
- Silversurfer70
- Silviu
- Simetierre
- Sin_General
- Singarix
- siniak80
- Sinnttick
- sir_RAD
- sirGemZol
- SirKlasu
- SirMushy
- Sir-Stephan
- SirTrebor
- sitni
- Skandal85
- SKIBA_superski
- skk77
- skorpion435
- Skua
- Skyrin
- Slagiron
- Slon
- Slow_As_Hell
- SmilingFox
- Smurphy
- snaf30
- Snake_Bite78
- Snikene_Ullteppe
- SnowRaven
- Sobies
- sobimat
- Sofia
- Sokol-1
- Sold1er96
- Sollo
- Sorvas
- Soul-Reaver
- SpaceGeneralHux
- Spacy
- Spacy_2263
- spartaner83
- Spaten66
- Spazzy
- Spearhead
- SpecialSonic
- Spezialtrottel
- Sphax
- Spichris
- Spitfire
- Spoonfang
- Spyder
- Squadman89
- sslayer
- st_vdg
- Stahl230
- stalker2007
- Stalkierski
- Stampfpotato
- stargate
- Starscream01
- Staubgeist
- Staufener
- Steel_Gentleman
- Steelhammer_aD
- SteelHeroe
- steelmous
- steher64
- Steppiwolf
- Sterbehilfe_ev
- Stevant
- StigmADiabolicuM
- Stormlord
- Stormy12
- Strange_Thing
- StressmanFIN
- strhak
- Strinstim
- Strixx12
- StuH42
- Stuntman_Bob
- Sturmfalke111
- Sturmi78
- Sturmwind76
- SuLac0
- Sultan33
- SunRay
- Super_Skurken
- Surv1v0r
- Survion
- SuzetaMecanica
- Swiety
- szaman_44
- Szania_PL
- TA55U
- Tafano
- Taikath
- Tainka
- Tak_Tik
- TakeTh1s
- TakitamTankKill
- Talo
- Tancrid
- Tank_TT
- Tankerdarius
- TankFranky
- TankFrog
- tankhunter0815
- TankXD777
- tankz_coffin
- Tarragon
- tazmo8448
- Tazzmania017
- TBOZ662
- Tebor
- tekilla
- Telemark
- Terminator
- terminator31
- Terminator666
- Terminator8475
- Terror_5FDP
- TeRRoR_LegendRA
- Terrorkrümel92
- Tertivs
- Texer
- TeyKey1
- Thakor
- thales
- Thammer51
- The_mad_Midget
- The_Swed
- The_ThInG
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- TheGhostPl
- Theido
- TheIronTiger
- The-Madman
- TheMoonTroller
- Theoccupier
- ThePistaCZ
- TheRedOne
- TheStormcloak
- TheTanKKilleR
- TheViper_PT
- theweekend
- thibaut1420
- thomasbangna
- ThomasEnquest
- THOR974
- Thrai
- ThridBrithday
- Thrillseeker
- thrstn3
- ThunderTrack
- Tchantches
- Tiger1964
- Tigger
- Tills
- TimMardon
- Tiryan
- Tjoupak
- To_east
- toGh
- tomast3x
- tomcat_SRB
- Tomin4tor
- TommY0214
- tomtanc
- tomzet
- TonyStark
- Topspin2005
- torin98765
- torjen
- Torre
- TortenTöter
- Toxopholite
- Tr1al
- TrueRevan
- Truskawa250
- Tryme
- Tucilezy
- Tudor_1968
- tudor26
- TwoBates
- Tym57kris
- Tymczasem
- Tyrant
- Tyranus_Destroy
- tytus000
- Tyutyu
- ugsi
- Ultrahonk
- Unexist
- UnlimitedFantasy
- UrsulPolar
- Urvieh
- Uwotm8
- Vaaco
- vaam63
- vadda959
- Vakeger79
- vali221
- Valori
- van_Helsing
- Vandorlo
- Vaununalle
- Vell
- Velocy
- Verbanits
- verinder
- vertex05
- Veslaci84
- VictorY_33
- Vier
- Vionicks
- vip_igor
- Viper87
- virus321
- vlad39
- vladi8080
- vlavik
- von_Rummelsdorf
- von_Witte
- voxx22
- Vuxxon
- w1glles
- Waffel
- waidler
- wako72
- Walderian
- Waldi62
- WaldiWaldmeiste
- Wallo
- WAR007
- WaRofDeseRT
- Warpath95
- wartan
- Wazgun
- Weber13
- Wendingo
- WesperPl
- Wet_Squid
- Whisky-Tango
- Whitestorm73
- WHMiba
- WhoIsYourDaddy
- Wicked_Viking
- Widerlicher
- wiktors3
- WildBiker
- windows_xp
- winter_night
- wladio
- Wncc1701p
- woaho
- Woife
- Wojtatx2
- wolan82
- Wolf_hunter340
- Wolfaar
- Wolfsfalke
- Wolle115
- Wolt_01
- Wolverine_is_hu
- Worschtsemmel71
- Wotan
- Wotano
- Wraykez
- Wredus
- Wroobelek
- Wulffrey
- ww60
- Wygnaniec
- x9x0x8x4
- Xall
- Xandrass
- Xarven
- XBigBenX
- xd12345
- Xheti
- xRudy102x
- XViperone
- X-Warlock-X
- xxdd
- XxMoustiquexX
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- XXSoulXStormXX
- XzyouziX
- Yago
- yachu225
- yankesikPL
- YaNkOCrAfT
- yanlizkurt34
- Yelayah
- yfa22
- yoanndu06
- yod49
- Yogi3007
- Yorm
- YUGO01
- Yuki_Kymeri
- Yuserac
- zabbergeck
- zabijakaXD1221
- Zaikman
- Zankteufel
- Zarax_dk
- Zaruljasmrti
- Zbyniek_PL
- Zbynio00
- zefir2001
- Zeitung
- Zel0th
- Zemosu
- zero_siedem
- zerogg
- Zi3lu
- Zima
- Zimnoryjec
- Zipp
- zlobaa
- Zocker1160
- Zocker23HD
- ZooMsvk
- zordo
- zozo1973
- Zsolt_Kopasz
- zuadao
- zyga17
- ZzEzredes
- 1049826_newU
- 1081321_newU
- 1113854_newU
- 1463904_newU
- 159106_newU
- 189131_newU
- 231905_newU
- 250488_newU
- 251481_newU
- 508181_newU
- 542484_newU
- 543010_newU
- 543332_newU
- 544998_newU
- 546318_newU
- 550073_newU
- 619701_newU
- 810413_newU
- 875399_newU
- 891234_newU
- 961598_newU
- 963306_newU
- 995056_newU
- Aberich
- Abyss
- Aelfrost
- AgentX
- airfield_hime
- Aken
- aldocr2014
- Alex_Munro
- Amppy
- AppyRose
- arpeggios
- Azarith
- BiGReD16
- BoringNameHere
- Buckaroo_Banzai
- CaptainFalcon
- Cinder2
- Cjjes17
- ColonelMoss
- CookieShooter
- Copenhagen
- CuddleMonster
- cyberseth4A10
- cybroghyrax
- DCzeos
- DeltaOOO
- DikenSong
- Donkey46
- DoomedGrind
- dqle
- DragonPunisher
- Duck_Hater
- EbonyPhoenix
- EchoSierraAlpha
- EpicBaconStrips
- Epicredeemer
- Eypon
- Fooshi
- generalD98
- GeneralKnoweldge
- Gepard_Neun
- Gideons300
- guarah
- Gunner
- Gunny2002
- heavy_metal11
- Hgwilli
- HiAsFuq
- Hugo_Stiglitz
- HZero
- Interceptor
- Istari
- IVa_Brigada
- Jecklen_Hyde
- Jhungry
- johnjeff
- Johnny_Yuma
- Jupester
- Kikatsu
- killerteisen
- KiwiTT
- Kloudwolf
- Knutliott
- KosmicK
- kwade1911
- Leagnnd
- LeeBaro
- lilmspopkornman
- Llyen
- M_K_Papa
- macle
- MacNimann
- MaddHatter
- Major_Recall
- Malice
- mayhem3752
- Medicmojo
- MesoTroniK
- MiDKnight2400
- MinhPT95
- Mitigator
- MO_E
- mobil1
- Mohawk55a
- Mongo
- Mosquito55
- Movodor
- mx90384538
- nikorian
- nmdelrio
- Omnidon
- Onedaysplay
- Orewagundamda
- OvaV
- Panzer_Bill
- Panzer38na
- Phoebus_Legend
- Phontomen
- Possum_911
- Primer
- RA6E
- Rangulf
- RenegadeNuke151
- rentruof
- Ruin41
- RUSSification
- Sabrewolf
- Sevchenko
- shomu1
- sickening
- SilenceMoon
- SK597
- skoormit
- Slagiron
- SpeedyBomber
- squishypotato
- Steel_Cowboy
- sulfuret_E
- TanDanThRaybnMn
- Tank_Sniper
- Tankensomteller
- tarojiro
- TekNicTerror
- Tevix
- ThePsychoCat
- TikiThorsen
- TrumCIA
- Ultrazerglings
- uNKnownTankerE6
- Va1kyrie
- void_lee
- Vorasx
- W00dbury
- Wayne4Fun
- WhiteLion
- Wiggles
- WillyPeet
- Wiser_Guy
- Wiz33
- WoClass-chan
- Wook44
- xboxgamer969
- Yagdpanther
- yakujinsama
- Yojimbo55
- YruSobad
- Zaniacg
- Zaunbrecher
- ZERO1810
Additionally, 1340 players completed all three objectives of this episode, winning the Stingray 2 Black Eagle Tier 7 Premium Light Tank!
- 11.90
- Abeja
- abir93
- AdamoskosPL
- addedd
- adi1798
- adi320
- Admiral_Jachas
- AdmiralvonKirk
- Adron
- Aelfrost
- aequitas81
- Aganemsis
- Agat
- Ahelos
- Aiatola
- Aiiro
- Airsun
- Ajwen
- AK47
- Alax
- Aldershot_II
- aldocr2014
- AleSunTzu
- AliceCooper
- AlkZelc
- allreadydead
- AlphaDude
- AlpineWarrior
- ALTUnelhakan
- AlvisLeo
- Alzoc
- Am_Nezja
- Andraenia24
- Andrew_72_OL
- andrewthepike
- Andro1d
- Anduu
- Andy74
- Andzo
- AngryLionGrzes
- AnimaLTanK
- AnthraX1
- Antchy
- Anubis2500
- Aphidion
- Apotheceus
- Apuk
- ar1975
- Örangyal
- Arcaran
- ArcTeryX
- Arcticwolfbz
- arek3city
- Arch_Enemy
- ArchRaziel
- Arjasp
- Arkeed
- ArkonDerWolf
- arlind_bandit
- arnfantomas
- arnost905
- ArtaLT
- arturk33
- Ashadak
- aster1965
- asusgtx
- Athus
- atiati1990
- Atlas_1989
- Atom8705
- Atomrakete86
- atti
- Attila0678
- Atzewell
- AvtO_ZaZ
- AW-RePlays
- AWTankPL
- ayell
- Ayvaz
- Azdule
- b3nnjamin
- B4dark
- babisGR12
- backup
- Bacus80
- Badysak
- Ballabuxe
- Balthasar-Woll
- Bamberos
- BarbaDos
- Bareideru
- Barga
- BarraAero
- bart_ck
- BastusIII
- battle_spud
- beej
- Belfegor
- Beluga61
- Benn1963
- Benni18031
- Berni123
- Berserker1976
- BestBaconEU
- Bettelstar
- bezimiennyPL
- Bezkres82
- bierek
- biermsch11
- BigDaddyTE
- BiGReD16
- bimre
- bisser0
- Bitoni
- BlackAngel
- BlackBaron40
- BlackMambaNam
- BlackPaw
- BlackSide
- BlaneS
- Blazsi14
- Bleddry
- Blondy75
- Blood-Devil
- Blopap
- Bluebird79GER
- Bluewolf71
- boa64
- bobbie1
- Bobby59
- bobdu95
- bobo001
- BoboPL
- Bobrovic
- bogdanxp
- BonesRocker
- Bongo123
- Borogim
- BorutaX
- boudo
- BOX11
- braeburn
- Brainsick
- BrekGoodMan
- Brennbar
- Brenner7
- Brit-Crusader
- BroZerX
- Brpe1
- Brummi
- brus
- bubulle
- Buddy_83
- Bulett
- bulgakow
- Bulldog21033
- BumbaX
- Bum-Ro
- BundSFahrer1
- Busko
- Butch3rbird
- c0mraDe
- cahiri0
- Calibra-Turbo
- Caligula876
- Calou63
- CannonFodderPL
- CapNax
- Captain_Poland
- Capt-Chaos
- captlucsky
- Carloveliki
- Carpathian_Wolf
- carra1971
- Carsna
- CarTeLiZeD
- Catalin36
- cebek
- ceejee007
- Centurin
- Cerberus77
- CG125
- Cincinnatus
- Citadela
- clone_m
- CodeWhite
- CommanderPhipps
- Corvusalpha
- Costeluta
- cptCarloss
- CptnBeefy
- Craken85
- CrazyMouse
- creed69
- cretacic
- Critu
- CRO-Raptor
- CrowleyVsCatiel
- crusader_sk
- Cryteria
- Cyb3r
- cyclops
- Cykles
- Cyrnial
- czesioo22
- Лобзик
- D4Ni3L
- Daemon2
- Daids
- Daja
- dalad
- damac7788
- danielz
- Danny2k17
- Dark_Ranger
- Dark_Rayne
- Dark_Rider
- Darklor
- darknight2011
- Darkwing
- daro
- Darrel86Gaming
- dartmor
- Dartten
- Darude
- das_critti
- davethehunter
- David0725
- Davide_pantera
- Dayan78
- DC_Skyeye
- DC30
- De_La_Vega
- De4dsh0t
- DeadSilencePL
- deathnoise
- Deathruptor
- DeathStroke85
- dejtarisz
- deKOSS1
- delacrima
- delpierrowyko
- Delta
- delta7201
- Dema1904
- DeMoN00
- denny2009
- dens
- Devasmat
- DeviantCristian
- Dexter_Lanache
- dgordan
- dgreg1
- Diemetius
- DimitriMiloslav
- diobol1967
- Discolitze
- distrugatorul01
- DjTasos
- docent1
- Dody70
- dogbert
- dogbite
- Domaseli
- DominikFFF
- DoMiNoEZ
- domvladtepes
- DonDackel
- Donnerwolf
- Doomgiver
- Doomturtle96
- Doppelpunkt
- DorikinG
- Doukas
- Dr_Dasslock
- draco109
- Dracul90
- DrAgon70
- Draki11
- Drehstuhlranger
- DrowPL
- druzki_58
- duckbill
- dust_men
- Dutzan
- dzvladimer
- Ebony
- ecodri
- Ectorr
- eddyspam
- edy84
- Ehee
- Eisenherz
- EisernerGustav
- Eisman72
- Eispick
- El-Chapo
- eLIs
- Ellord
- ENOS44
- Equinoxxx
- erad8r
- Eryk605
- EsEsliErsan
- Eskobar68
- Esuscz
- Etti1
- euosmos
- Evo_1982
- existenv
- Exorcist
- Exterion
- F3NRI3
- fabrice0508fr
- Faflucy
- Falke197103
- fanatyk_stringów
- Fe4tHeR
- FearlessFlobby
- fec791
- FeelOfDanger
- fel1x
- Feldanos
- Femy
- Fenrir22
- Fent
- Ferrand_M
- Festuss
- fezk12
- Ficak66
- fighter67
- finkiusevic
- fireball98
- Flavio93Zena
- Flo_HF
- flopFlop
- Floryo75
- Fourever4
- Foxhound1
- Foxlord2911
- Foxtrot_Hotel
- frank1803
- Franky68
- FrankyNishizumi
- FreshAirKick
- friedenspanzer
- Friponier
- frogi21a
- fubara
- Fuel
- fungames
- Funky_Kowal
- furybond
- FusigonusPuf
- Fyldzerald
- G2L_Bpe
- Góral90
- Gabriel09TR
- GagyenkovHUN
- Gamehell
- GamePC
- GamingBeast
- Garolon
- Gedas87
- Gedux
- Gen_Andrzej
- General_Jeno
- Genesis270
- georgiosgt
- GhosT0850
- GHOST-82
- GhostWater
- Giana
- Gimlett
- Goha666
- GONZO1972
- Gorrann
- GrauerAdler
- GreenRockx
- Gregor998
- grenni391
- GrizzlyBear
- Grollstein
- groszek7
- groudon
- grzegorzldz
- guetta30
- guigs33
- guigui61
- Gurani
- gurkenhannes
- H0bg0bl1n
- Hades83PL
- hairylemon
- Hakrotis
- Halfbreed
- halk10001002
- HannibalCaoHun
- HansDa
- HanysB
- Happy_Mower
- harlekim56
- hassbo
- Hauptmann
- HCP77
- headshoot
- Helion07
- hellfir
- HellFirePl
- Hendrik
- herald17
- HeresJohnny
- herrderhoelle1
- Herrusnak
- Hessi-James
- hilary4
- Hlavatej
- Hoax15
- hofigaba
- hohokol
- Honto
- hope_zzzz
- Horadrim
- Horor4
- horus170485
- Huawei37
- Hunta
- Hunterto
- Huntingdog1
- HypeTek
- chaimek
- Chapaman
- Charlton67
- charly28981
- chifuretsu
- chichago75
- chimenea
- chrisi588
- Iamgi
- IceBreak
- Icicle
- iGhost
- ikinoki
- ilis
- impgoon
- Inccorp67
- InnerSpace
- inside_tank
- inspectorTMT
- intk
- Iosifek
- Iron_Monti
- Ironbull
- IronSoul
- IronSurgeon
- irwine1
- ItsMeNael
- ivand73
- IwanHroznis
- Izopka
- J1MmY
- J3thr0
- Jaaa
- jaca1983
- Jaegerblut
- JagtPanter
- jakub_czyli_ja
- Jakubim
- jakub-wedrowycz
- Jankes_ER
- Javar
- jeff2146
- Jescus98
- jfra
- Jinxy
- JJackson
- Jo_Cołg
- John_Deere
- John_Pakovsky
- Jollij
- Jonhybygood
- jonn
- Jowisz1976
- JuggernautiiX
- Julius_der_111
- Jumpinjag
- Jupester
- juremod
- JustANewb
- K2BlackPanther
- kaakeli
- kabbanos99
- kahrim
- kamicio
- kamil50505
- kamiun
- Kampfkarpfen
- Kamsiel
- Karait_Rus
- karbage
- Karl_Napf
- karol_ns
- karooll
- Kashim1234
- Kasjusz67
- Kasmahl
- kasmal
- kasper1986
- KasperMK
- katana84
- Katil-BeG
- katoda_ltd
- Kaydenn
- KdoSES
- Kemono
- Kempes
- Kepelian
- Khargster
- Kićosaki
- Kiełpin
- kika
- Killer_Plautze
- killer42
- Killerplautze
- KING42
- kirov
- KisKolonics
- Kjuno
- kkzz233
- Klendatu
- klinga
- knausis
- kobac84
- Kobi88
- kokokielo
- kolan
- kolis86
- koliz_1972
- Kollelok
- komar911
- Konis
- KonradElitePL
- Koolkevz666
- Kordi44
- Korsar83
- Kosmo747
- Kramac
- Kris1212
- Kris2002
- Kronos1952
- KrteCzeck
- kruszonk
- krzychsus
- Krzyszten
- kukucska
- kukurydz
- kuno1511
- kurdi
- Kzin
- l_cofe
- Labraid74
- Lacoka
- Laknat
- Landmaster
- lara
- lasher32
- lato86
- lavica
- Leia_Organa
- Lemmydanger
- lenkosz
- Leo999
- Leon19
- Leoz
- LeSexyDevil
- lesny8522
- LexGeneralis
- Liebefrei
- Lifeless
- Lige
- LimpDirk
- Lin_Core
- Lionjana
- Lipancz
- lipper
- Lipton50
- Liquid_Soul
- LittleBlackStar
- loadingslow
- lodewyk
- LofW
- LoKo_MuRdOcK
- LoneMalamute
- LooneyTunesShow
- Lord_Randall
- Lord_Xenon
- LordDoe
- LordFenikX
- LordUllrich
- LoveCrusader
- Loveless1996
- lpaczo24
- Lt_Blechtonne
- lubos815
- Luci_WST
- Luckyend
- LuckyLukeBalkan
- LuckyStrik3
- Lukas1989
- Luki1946
- Lukybeer
- lukylooser
- Luzi62
- LykoAlex
- m0stw4nt3d
- m4st3r
- m82berret
- Macaron
- maciek276
- macieklu
- madara06
- MadBede
- madman_24
- madmaxx12
- MadWiking
- magicdragon
- MagnusBarca
- Machabe
- MajCupCake
- Majklus
- makelele
- MakePeaceCZ
- malymatrix
- Mandoleran
- Maniacu
- ManiacVFX
- Maniek13
- maniek2402
- Mao_CP
- marcus64331
- marek4444
- mariokamada
- marko_zemun
- Marodeur
- Marschel
- martin100047
- martin1359
- martinlord
- MasakrIII
- MasterAeon
- Masterofpuppets
- Mateng
- Mateusz18
- Matrix55
- matyl
- Maugan_Xe
- MaxedOutMelon
- Maxmize
- MaxRavenclaw
- maxxx77
- mayhem3752
- Mayneez
- MC_90
- Mczaga
- MeanAsHell
- Meccano
- MegatroN99
- MeKelGachy
- Melladon
- Menoetius
- Merciless
- mesio
- Metaname
- Mig29Falcrum
- mighty890
- migscooter
- Michan
- MikeAvatar
- Mikeli
- MilanKV1
- miodu
- Mir072
- Mirase
- MircSmurf
- mjrShatochin
- MMARK969
- MO_E
- Mo3geza
- mocasini
- moltex4
- Mondfuchs
- MoonlightFennec
- Mordrey66
- Mordu
- Mr_Takahashi
- Mr_Tom
- Mr_X4K
- MrBurns23
- mrkiller
- Mrky113
- MrMakata
- mrowa
- MrPortorico
- msgaard
- M-S-I
- Muauva
- much_steel
- Muka141
- Mumm-Ra
- MunjaaA
- Muoteck
- mystyk92
- Myx1
- N3cr0n0m
- n45c4r
- N7EagIe
- narkisos
- Narnman
- nasciturus
- Nathan84
- Natoh
- NBZ4live
- needen
- NeedY
- Neelix
- NeunFingerJoe
- NickArt
- nico40a
- Nietzsche
- Nimravides
- ninoxxx
- nismo82
- nitrobewer
- Nobby69
- Nonarei
- Noobdown
- Norbikom
- Nordlicht62
- Norway1
- NovaBombe
- Nuisance_Value
- o0LordMartin0o
- Oddyseus
- Ofw_Kerscher
- Ohtor
- ol1uw
- Oldeye
- olle71
- Ollpainless
- OlPaps
- Omenke33
- omghowiendupher
- Ondrej
- Onnta
- OOwalidOO
- orkokon
- OseLka77
- OSN-83
- ossa
- ostr
- Osvik
- Ottojanius
- ozii
- pah_mar
- PaInMen
- Paladin69
- Palik1
- pancerna_pyra
- pancerprzemo
- PanJelen
- Panther_Cz
- PanzerJurand
- Panzerpaul111
- Panzersek
- Parancsnok80
- Pascal0243
- PaterBrown
- patmag29
- patpat666
- patro123xd
- Paul_Panzer
- Pawelek1021
- Pe3a4kA
- Peacemakerr
- pekele
- peppard
- Perdita_Olio
- PereZ_345
- Peroaner
- petbir
- PeterAA
- petrix1
- Pfeilsdorf
- PhantomF4F
- Phi_Alpha_Kappa
- philzagaz
- pcheniek
- pierre51645
- pigdog67
- Pikaciu
- pilot911
- Pireansot
- pisquinho
- Pitonnoir
- Planeswalker
- platynowytomek
- Plesje
- Pog1
- PolishLegend
- polo4polo
- Potxol
- Pr0wler
- Preacher_of_Doom
- predator34
- PriariusMagnum
- prischelez75
- ProMyka
- Prutsar
- pSychOs
- psychrophil
- Ptah12
- puky_cro
- Pumahunter
- punishEA
- Pythius
- Qeaker
- Quaksen
- qwerplis
- R3ven
- r4plez
- rabbit
- radar17892
- radek458pl
- RadekZ
- Radwanus
- Rafaelacha
- rafalkx
- Ragadozo
- Ragenall
- Raginhardt
- Ragnarok_NL
- RagnarSchulz
- Rachmaninow
- Rainmaker
- raketenchali
- RamaA
- Rambo30
- Ramore
- rampartt
- RamsesII
- rapidttr
- rartwar
- Raserblade
- ratchet117
- Rautakontti
- Raven_Guard
- Raziel1
- ReaperXIX
- Rebell153
- redq
- Redwolf63
- rekthorel
- Rene_Twente
- renin
- retronymble
- revolver275
- reznik01
- Rinhord
- Rio284
- Riser81
- ritshadxd
- robert1982
- Robert71
- robertkostrba
- robertROGER2207
- roblud2004
- rockold
- Rogue1975
- Rollthor
- Rommel192847
- ronin911
- RonnyGrayson
- Roopom
- Rooster
- Rordaro
- Rosomak22
- Rough_n_Tough
- Row_T72
- R-Sole
- Ruggedfun
- Rumpelwampe92
- Sabrewolf
- Salker
- sam999
- Sambo
- samstalker
- Sandhase23
- sanovokiller
- Sarbu
- Sawik308
- Scalnia
- Scorpion0303
- Scorps81
- seba466
- Sebais
- Seele
- seelen
- SegeberGER
- Seiyar
- Semoo
- Serafin112
- sergei_cz
- Serry85
- Sersch
- seyit_onbaşı
- SgtMaj_Carey
- ShadowWeaver
- ShakeTheSnake
- sharpast
- shollen
- Shonetsu
- Show_Girl
- Schime
- Schnakkel
- Schnittertm
- schnoerpf
- siara12
- Sierra_R
- Sifia
- sigere
- Silversurfer70
- Silviu
- Simetierre
- Sin_General
- Singarix
- siniak80
- Sinnttick
- sir_RAD
- sirGemZol
- SirKlasu
- SirMushy
- Sir-Stephan
- SirTrebor
- sitni
- Skandal85
- SKIBA_superski
- Skyrin
- Slagiron
- Slon
- Slow_As_Hell
- SmilingFox
- Smurphy
- snaf30
- Snake_Bite78
- SnowRaven
- Sobies
- sobimat
- Sofia
- Sokol-1
- Sold1er96
- Sorvas
- Soul-Reaver
- Spacy
- Spacy_2263
- spartaner83
- Spaten66
- Spearhead
- Sphax
- Spichris
- Spoonfang
- Squadman89
- sslayer
- st_vdg
- stalker2007
- Stalkierski
- Stampfpotato
- stargate
- Staufener
- SteelHeroe
- Steppiwolf
- Sterbehilfe_ev
- Stevant
- StigmADiabolicuM
- Stormlord
- Stormy12
- StressmanFIN
- strhak
- Strinstim
- StuH42
- Stuntman_Bob
- Sturmfalke111
- Sturmi78
- SuLac0
- Super_Skurken
- Surv1v0r
- SuzetaMecanica
- Swiety
- Szania_PL
- TA55U
- Taikath
- Tak_Tik
- TakeTh1s
- TakitamTankKill
- Talo
- Tancrid
- Tank_TT
- TankFranky
- TankFrog
- tankhunter0815
- TankXD777
- tankz_coffin
- Tarragon
- Tazzmania017
- Tebor
- Telemark
- terminator31
- Terminator666
- Terror_5FDP
- TeRRoR_LegendRA
- Terrorkrümel92
- Tertivs
- Texer
- thales
- Thammer51
- The_mad_Midget
- The_Swed
- The_ThInG
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- Theido
- TheIronTiger
- The-Madman
- Theoccupier
- ThePistaCZ
- TheStormcloak
- TheTanKKilleR
- TheViper_PT
- theweekend
- thibaut1420
- thomasbangna
- THOR974
- Thrai
- Thrillseeker
- thrstn3
- ThunderTrack
- Tchantches
- Tigger
- Tills
- TimMardon
- Tiryan
- To_east
- toGh
- tomast3x
- tomcat_SRB
- TommY0214
- tomtanc
- tomzet
- TonyStark
- Topspin2005
- torin98765
- torjen
- TortenTöter
- Tr1al
- TrueRevan
- Truskawa250
- Tryme
- Tucilezy
- Tudor_1968
- Tym57kris
- Tymczasem
- Tyrant
- Tyutyu
- Unexist
- UrsulPolar
- Urvieh
- Uwotm8
- Vaaco
- vaam63
- vadda959
- Vakeger79
- Valori
- van_Helsing
- Vandorlo
- Vaununalle
- Vell
- Velocy
- Verbanits
- verinder
- vertex05
- Veslaci84
- VictorY_33
- Vier
- Vionicks
- vip_igor
- Viper87
- virus321
- vlad39
- vladi8080
- vlavik
- von_Rummelsdorf
- Vuxxon
- w1glles
- Waffel
- Walderian
- Waldi62
- WAR007
- WaRofDeseRT
- Warpath95
- Wazgun
- Weber13
- Wendingo
- WesperPl
- Wet_Squid
- WHMiba
- WhoIsYourDaddy
- Wicked_Viking
- Widerlicher
- windows_xp
- wladio
- Wncc1701p
- woaho
- Woife
- Wojtatx2
- Wolfaar
- Wolfsfalke
- Wolle115
- Wolt_01
- Wolverine_is_hu
- Worschtsemmel71
- Wotan
- Wotano
- Wraykez
- Wredus
- Wroobelek
- Wulffrey
- Wygnaniec
- Xall
- Xandrass
- Xarven
- XBigBenX
- xd12345
- Xheti
- xRudy102x
- XViperone
- xxdd
- XxMoustiquexX
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- XXSoulXStormXX
- XzyouziX
- Yago
- yankesikPL
- YaNkOCrAfT
- yanlizkurt34
- Yelayah
- yoanndu06
- Yogi3007
- Yorm
- YUGO01
- Yuki_Kymeri
- Yuserac
- zabijakaXD1221
- Zaikman
- Zankteufel
- Zarax_dk
- Zbyniek_PL
- Zbynio00
- zefir2001
- Zemosu
- zero_siedem
- Zi3lu
- Zima
- Zipp
- zlobaa
- Zocker1160
- zordo
- zozo1973
- 1081321_newU
- 1463904_newU
- 159106_newU
- 231905_newU
- 250488_newU
- 542484_newU
- 543332_newU
- 546318_newU
- 810413_newU
- 891234_newU
- 963306_newU
- 995056_newU
- Abyss
- Aelfrost
- AgentX
- airfield_hime
- Aken
- aldocr2014
- Alex_Munro
- AppyRose
- arpeggios
- Azarith
- BiGReD16
- BoringNameHere
- Buckaroo_Banzai
- Cinder2
- Cjjes17
- ColonelMoss
- CookieShooter
- CuddleMonster
- DCzeos
- DikenSong
- Donkey46
- DoomedGrind
- dqle
- Duck_Hater
- EpicBaconStrips
- Epicredeemer
- Eypon
- Fooshi
- Gideons300
- Gunner
- Gunny2002
- heavy_metal11
- Hugo_Stiglitz
- Interceptor
- Jhungry
- Johnny_Yuma
- LeeBaro
- lilmspopkornman
- macle
- MacNimann
- Malice
- mayhem3752
- Medicmojo
- MiDKnight2400
- MinhPT95
- mobil1
- Mohawk55a
- mx90384538
- nikorian
- nmdelrio
- Omnidon
- Onedaysplay
- OvaV
- Panzer_Bill
- Possum_911
- Primer
- RA6E
- Rangulf
- rentruof
- SpeedyBomber
- squishypotato
- sulfuret_E
- Tank_Sniper
- Tankensomteller
- tarojiro
- TekNicTerror
- Tevix
- ThePsychoCat
- TikiThorsen
- TrumCIA
- Ultrazerglings
- uNKnownTankerE6
- W00dbury
- WhiteLion
- WillyPeet
- Wiser_Guy
- xboxgamer969
- Yagdpanther
- Zaniacg
- Zaunbrecher
Finally, the following players have completed most battles during the episode and are winning the Object 640 “Black Eagle” Tier 10 Main Battle Tank!
- Doukas 2605 battles
- X-Warlock-X 2537 battles
- Xarven 2440 battles
- Ectorr 2431 battles
- Zaikman 2389 battles
- TakeTh1s 2183 battles
- ItsMeNael 2058 battles
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX 1893 battles
- qwerplis 1845 battles
- Corvusalpha 1629 battles
- Wardruna 1507 battles
- Doppelpunkt 1389 battles
- Eskobar68 1353 battles
- ARCAGNELL0 1285 battles
- msgaard 1211 battles
- petbir 1176 battles
- MilliSarapci 1096 battles
- NAZYR 1083 battles
- Brenner7 1060 battles
- Iosifek 1018 battles
- Adron 1017 battles
- x9x0x8x4 996 battles
- Muka141 985 battles
- Hades83PL 975 battles
- Boandlkrama 965 battles
- Walid_ibn_Walid 959 battles
- M-S-I 940 battles
- Drummer55 920 battles
- oppitz63 913 battles
- PanzerJurand 910 battles
- xd12345 868 battles
- Arjasp (disqualified, replaced by DrHangMan NA) 848 battles
- moltex4 844 battles
- aldocr2014 835 battles
- Jumpinjag 832 battles
- BxQueen 827 battles
- moebo 819 battles
- Zankteufel 813 battles
- Nonarei 813 battles
- BorutaX 808 battles
- T_Tami_T 797 battles
- Radwanus 797 battles
- Jagga 796 battles
- PhantomF4F 791 battles
- Gruffi 790 battles
- VioletCat 788 battles
- Gohan_Cycki 782 battles
- Zbynio00 780 battles
- isko75 776 battles
- Raserblade 773 battles
The conclusion of the entire campaign with a list of winners with the ultimate prize (the Abrams AGDS) will appear after the introduction of the said vehicle to the game in the near future.
Thank you all for playing and we’ll see you on the battlefield!