Update 0.12 has brought some interesting changes to Armored Warfare gameplay - especially when it comes to the Tank Destroyer class. These changes naturally reflected on the vehicle performance and today we'd like to share some of the Update 0.12 statistics, collected from the launch of the update on both the European and North-American servers.
Player versus Player
First, let's have a look at Tank Destroyer winrate. The appearance of the Tank Destroyer active skill along with the camouflage penalty overhaul actually helped the class as a whole.
In Update 0.12, the average European server PvP winrate was 50,63% while on the North American server, it was 49,74%. The PvP Tank Destroyer winrates are as follows (the first number represents the European server winrates, the number in brackets represents the North American winrates):
- AMX-10P PAC90: 51,72% (51,65)
- AMX-10P PAC90 Merc: 53,82% (54,20)
- B1 Centauro: 48,84% (48,76)
- B1 Centauro 120: 51,15% (53,15)
- Dragoon 300-90: 48,98% (49,06)
- ERC 90-F4: 5,1,16% (51,89)
- LAV-150-90: 53,34% (52,26)
- LAV-150-90 Merc: 53,24% (51,40)
- LAV-300: 47,97% (48,15)
- LAV-600: 47,24% (46,12)
- M1128 Stryker: 48,56% (47,64)
- Taifun: 49,26% (48,85)
- Zhalo-S: 53,80% (53,05)
- Zhalo-S Merc: 53,75% (53,49)
As you can see, several Tank Destroyer vehicles are still underpowered according to these statistics. The situation of one of them - the LAV-600 - was deemed critical and it will be buffed in the upcoming Update 0.12.1758 while the rest will be reviewed later. Some tank destroyers as well as other vehicles such as the MERC edition tanks have their overall winrate influenced by the fact dedicated (and skilled) players picked them up. As for the rest of the vehicles, their winrates are here, in alphabetical order:
- Akatsiya: 48,59% (48,85)
- AMX-10P: 48,51% (47,92)
- B1 Draco: 47,32% (46,02)
- Begleitpanzer 57: 49,41% (49,05)
- BMD-1: 50,88% (51,17)
- BMD-2: 48,85% (49,43)
- BMD-4: 48,74% (49,05)
- BMP-1: 50,34% (49,38)
- BMP-1P: 49,31% (49,70)
- BMP-2: 48,99% (48,77)
- BMP-3: 47,95% (48,09)
- BMP-3M: 47,62% (48,19)
- BMPT Ramka-99: 49,69% (46,82)
- BMPT-72: 47,15% (42,12)
- BMPT Terminator: 53,82% (52,93)
- C1 Ariete: 50,26% (51,82)
- Challenger 1: 50,57% (51,07)
- Challenger 2: 50,00% (49,45)
- CRAB: 49,67% (44,39)
- Expeditionary Tank: 50,12% (50,56)
- Scorpion: 49,46% (49,46)
- FV433 Abbot: 50,41% (50,35)
- Swingfire: 48,15% (47,57)
- Warrior: 49,32% (49,71)
- Fox: 50,19% (49,65)
- Chieftain Mk.5: 49,43% (49,47)
- Gvosdika: 48,76% (48,74)
- LAV-150: 48,83% (48,31)
- Leopard 1: 47,76% (48,63)
- Leopard 1A5: 47,62% (47,05)
- Leopard 2: 48,45% (49,26)
- Leopard 2A5: 50,87% (50,93)
- Leopard 2A6: 48,76% (48,64)
- Leopard 2AV: 49,49% (49,04)
- Leopard 2AV ICE: 52,65% (53,45)
- M1 Abrams: 49,83% (48,52)
- M1A1 Abrams: 52,23% (50,80)
- M1A2 Abrams: 51,70% (50,53)
- M2 Bradley: 48,64% (47,59)
- M8 Thunderbolt: 49,67% (45,86)
- M41 Walker Bulldog: 48,99% (49,20)
- M48 Patton: 48,69% (48,83)
- M60 Patton: 50,74% (49,73)
- M60A2 Starship: 50,19% (49,51)
- M60A3 Patton: 50,89% (49,54)
- M60A3 ICE: 56,46% (55,67)
- M109: 50,48% (50,63)
- M109A6 Paladin: 50,04% (48,63)
- M113: 49,29% (50,27)
- M551 Sheridan: 49,56% (49,41)
- MBT-70: 50,77% (50,31)
- MBT-70 Merc: 51,41% (51,19)
- Object 155: 52,89% (52,41)
- Object 430: 52,77% (53,70)
- Object 430 ICE: 51,91% (49,60)
- OF-40: 47,69% (46,99)
- OF-40 ICE: 51,99% (54,50)
- Palmaria: 50,27% (50,32)
- PT-76: 49,37% (48,09)
- PzH 2000: 50,40% (49,92)
- RDF-LT: 48,33% (48,95)
- Stingray 1: 48,73% (47,09)
- Stingray 2: 50,85% (50,23)
- T-54: 50,71% (50,90)
- T-62: 49,34% (49,76)
- T-62 Veteran: 51,80% (50,89)
- T-64: 49,71% (49,98)
- T-72 Ural: 47,91% (48,56)
- T-72 Ural ICE: 53,06% (53,15)
- T-72A: 47,35% (46,34)
- T-80: 48,54% (48,09)
- T-90: 48,80% (49,35)
- T-90MS: 51,73% (53,32)
- T92 Light Tank: 54,02% (48,39)
- Type 59 Legend: 50,01% (50,09)
- VBL: 49,73% (49,47)
- Vickers VFM 5: 51,57% (52,28)
- Vickers VFM 5 Merc: 52,20% (52,54)
- Wiesel 1: 51,12% (50,14)
- XM1: 49,33% (47,52)
- XM8: 50,64% (52,25)
- XM800T: 48,36% (49,49)
As you can see, many of the former worst performers (Ariete, Warrior) saw their winrate go up since the introduction of Update 0.12. Unfortunately the Russian T series tanks are still generally underperforming - that is why Update 0.12.1758 will bring a buff to several of the worst performing vehicles, while others will be reviewed in Update 0.13 and beyond. The BMP series in particular are still somewhat lackluster. Once again, the high winrate of certain vehicles is caused by the fact they are being played by skilled and dedicated players rather than being overpowered (this is the case of the ICE tanks). On the other hand, many tanks believed by players to be overpowered (MBT-70) or underpowered (Challenger) are performing within acceptable parameters. Let's have a look at Tier 9 winrates specifically:
- B1 Draco: 47,32% (46,02)
- BMPT-72: 47,15% (42,12)
- Challenger 2: 50,00% (49,45)
- CRAB: 49,67% (44,39)
- Leopard 2A6: 48,76% (48,64)
- M1A2 Abrams: 51,70% (50,53)
- M8 Thunderbolt: 49,67% (45,86)
- T-90MS: 51,73% (53,32)
The BMPT-72 and Draco are underperforming a lot and will be considerably buffed in the upcoming update. On the other hand, the M8 Thunderbolt is seriously underperforming only on the North American server (while the European statistics are more or less okay). The Leopard 2A6 is also somewhat behind - the best performers on the tier are the M1A2 Abrams and the T-90MS.
Player versus Environment
Thanks to the changes introduced to the Update 0.12, the PvE missions became more challenging and as a result, the winrate of these missions dropped. Currently, the European PvE average winrates are as such:
- Easy difficulty: 97,22%
- Medium difficulty: 87,16%
- Hard difficulty: 75,38%
For the North-American server, the PvE winrates are as follows:
- Easy difficulty: 97,23%
- Medium difficulty: 82,20%
- Hard difficulty: 74,63%
While the winrates on Medium and Easy difficulty are generally very high across the board, differences start to be quite noticeable on the highest difficult level. Here are the PvE Hard winrates from the European server to illustrate the differences:
- Akatsiya: 64,25%
- B1 Centauro: 68,24%
- B1 Centauro 120: 78,56%
- B1 Draco: 89,64%
- Begleitpanzer 57: 63,18%
- BMD-2: 60,74%
- BMD-4: 72,30%
- BMP-2: 63,70%
- BMP-3: 65,21%
- BMP-3M: 73,21%
- BMPT Ramka-99: 85,55%
- BMPT-72: 88,44%
- BMPT Terminator: 74,37%
- C1 Ariete: 88,38%
- Challenger 1: 83,63%
- Challenger 2: 92,87%
- CRAB: 86,11%
- Expeditionary Tank: 66,68%
- ERC 90-F4: 66,29%
- Warrior: 84,70%
- Fox: 59,08%
- Chieftain: 70,24%
- LAV-600: 75,59%
- Leopard 1A5: 63,20%
- Leopard 2: 76,53%
- Leopard 2A5: 88,10%
- Leopard 2A6: 89,67%
- Leopard 2AV: 71,77%
- Leopard 2AV ICE: 71,29%
- M1 Abrams: 79,52%
- M1A1 Abrams: 89,37%
- M1A2 Abrams: 92,65%
- M2 Bradley: 67,66%
- M8 Thunderbolt: 89,61%
- M60A3: 69,63%
- M60A3 ICE: 73,45%
- M109A6 Paladin: 84,81%
- M1128 Stryker: 86,53%
- MBT-70: 66,78%
- MBT-70 Merc: 66,64%
- Palmaria: 64,89%
- PzH 2000: 83,19%
- RDF-LT: 64,80%
- Stingray 1: 68,84%
- Stingray 2: 77,25%
- T-72A: 69,02%
- T-72 Ural: 66,17%
- T-72 Ural ICE: 71,61%
- T-80: 78,49%
- T-90: 88,04%
- T-90MS: 91,88%
- Taifun: 64,68%
- VBL: 63,65%
- Vickers VFM 5: 69,88%
- Vickers VFM 5 Merc: 68,84%
- Wiesel 1: 70,78%
- XM1: 74,62%
- XM8: 87,15%
The results clearly show Main Battle Tank dominance with the Challenger 2, M1A2 and T-90MS being the best PvE vehicles when it comes to winrate. Other classes are generally lagging behind the MBTs in performance - the very high winrate of certain artillery vehicles in PvE can be attributed to unintended reload time issues causing the artillery to fire too fast. Obsidian Entertainment is currently analysing these results in order to make all classes useful in the endgame PvE content.
In the next part, we will unveil which vehicles earn the most net credits and the rate of progression - stay tuned and see you on the battlefield!