Welcome to the twenty-ninth issue of the Community Highlight series, dedicated to the community members of Armored Warfare and their contributions. Find out more about the game, learn something new and check out the cool community content!
What's going on in Armored Warfare community this week?
Bounty Hunt
Don't forget to participate in this week's Bounty Hunt! Hunt down Obsidian and My.com players and win awesome prizes - for more details, check the linked article!
Freedom Fight
It's time to find out who the 60 most skilled players and the Round 1 winners of the XM1 FSED Premium MBT are!
Please note: Player nicknames are based on their Portal/Forum names, not their ingame names.
- Andrzejmilenium
- Aryas
- Ascheriit
- Asocik
- B_Silviu
- CapiVara
- deLooney
- dumb
- Eldonn
- Eltanin
- err0R_404
- FatLady
- Goldeon
- Hammer1
- HeavyForces
- Heis
- HeliosHook
- Chevayo
- inside_tank
- Jardik20
- KAF4R84
- kalwasek
- kapetan93
- Karl Morytz
- kol25
- lgfrbcsgo
- Lothlorien
- LucreziaBorgia
- MachineDoll
- MikuTron
- Pitley
- Po1nter
- Q13q13
- RagingNoob
- Randombacon
- Razor0ne
- Reky76
- Rollinator
- sobimat
- Soilex
- Steeltitan2
- Sterbehilfe_ev
- Stone2015
- SuperJaaaa
- TacticalNuke
- The_Art_of_War
- tomi7000
- u_1175086
- u_3879001
- u_6001882
- UselessBot
- Vantoker
- Varkku
- Vernux
- wardsey
- whitestarfighter
- XBigBenX
- Yokumo
- Zamp
Please note: Player nicknames are based on their Portal/Forum names, not their ingame names.
- Antlerman
- Arnie69
- Bigglesworth
- BlazeZero
- Canadian_Mano
- Captain Trek
- Carbon_
- Clats
- Clovis
- DavidBlackWolf
- Domonian
- DrizzintahL
- Dumbkauf
- duo_
- fighter48
- forever49x
- HungTinh
- jaiman
- Kill_Me_No
- kyofu115
- LAMB224
- lightwave
- LordGuts
- M_K_
- Mildcheddar
- Nate99999
- neofx
- nikorian
- Omnidon
- orejas_de_gato
- Ozurian
- Problematic89
- RedGeneral
- Rock5olid
- SixStringSamurai
- Specops12
- SpikeSpiegel
- Spishak
- superFLINT
- TankSniper43
- The iHenry
- The_Valiant
- Throx
- Tigermate
- Twidget_Gray
- u_4534125
- u_4698690
- u_5352333
- u_5973723
- u_5992058
- user_1099060
- Vault-Tec
- VitriolInk
- Volsfan7
- Wook44
- x99percent_luck
- yaoyaocheckout
- Zesty Lemon
Congratulations to all the winners! But the Freedom Fight is not over yet - join Round 2 and get that AMX 10 RCR!
Community Content
DezGamez reviews the PTL-02 and T-15 from Update 0.16!
The_Valiant built more Lego tanks! Leopard 2A6M CAN firing a Sabot round:
M1A1 ready for action:
For more amazing Lego tanks, visit The_Valiant's Flickr page!
Lightfoot Freddy compares the BMP-3M and BMD-4 in Armored Warfare - also worth checking out!
Sastep made a guide to Challenger 1 weakspots:
And last but not least, TsunamiFM demonstrates Challenger 2 ATDU's sturdiness during the "Stormy Winter" mission.
That's it for today, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield! You can submit your community contribution to our dedicated forum section, perhaps it will be your work featured next time!