Episode 3 of the Storyline Campaign has begun and we’d like to give you the opportunity to win even more amazing prizes! We are happy to present the Facebook PvE Tournament, taking place this weekend!
Participating is simple:
- Play as many PvE battles on Hard difficulty as you want during the tournament period and make screenshots of the results (Results window Team tab)
- Submit the screenshot of the highest damage you achieve in a single battle as a comment to a dedicated Facebook post
Three winners per region will be selected and will receive the following prizes:
- First place: T-64AV Hunter, RDF-LT Claw and T-62 Veteran
- Second place: RDF-LT Claw
- Third place: T-64AV Hunter

Please note:
- Submissions have to be made until September 25, 8 PM PDT (September 26, 5:00 CEST)
- Any Tier or Class is acceptable
- Playing in platoons is not allowed
- One submission per region per player allowed
- Players who already own these vehicles will receive 50% of their Gold value instead
- My.com reserves the right to disqualify any submission
Good luck commanders! We’ll see you on the battlefield!