One of the most important aspects of all free-to-play MMOs is their ability to be accessible to pretty much every player who wants to try them out. This includes, of course, the ability to run on a wide variety of hardware configurations, including some truly old ones.
However, it is equally important for the game’s development to not stay frozen and to steadily improve the game’s engine, visuals and other elements. To that end, we would like to announce that, by December 2019, we will end the support of 32bit systems.
We have decided to take this necessary step due to the fact that only less than 2 percent of Armored Warfare users actually use 32bit systems but, at the same time, the support of these systems takes a significant amount of work and prohibits us from using some more advanced features the CryEngine offers.
This step will improve the game for the vast majority of players since the resources saved in this fashion will be redistributed to other areas of development in order to introduce further enhancements (including visual ones). Please make sure to upgrade your operating systems to 64bit in order to continue enjoying Armored Warfare.
See you on the battlefield!