For this holiday season, we've prepared a very special event for you. Receive a cashback from every purchase and spending of Gold!
Between December 20 and December 31, 2024, participate in this special event and get back some of your spendings in Gold that’ll be sent to your account when the event’s over. The more you spend, the more Gold you get back! In order to participate, you have to do one of the following:
- Make a purchase on Web Shop
- Spend Gold in the game (for example in the active Battle Path)
Your spending will be tracked and a part of the appropriate amount of Gold will be sent back to you after the end of the event. The more you spend, the more you get back – but please note that the maximum amount of Gold you can get back this way is limited.
Here, you can find everything that you need to know:
- Current amount spent and the limits
- Info about the cashback event and its limits
Press the button below to track your progress:

The full version of rules and regulations of the event can be found in the FAQ section. Participation is easy – log in, buy items in the Web Shop or spend Gold. The rest is handled by us.
How can I participate in the event?
In order to participate, all you need to do is one of the following things:
- Buy something in the Web Shop
- Spend Gold in game
How much Gold do I get back?
The amount you get back is calculated based on your spending and is modified by appropriate coefficients. The more you spend, the more you get back – up to a certain limit.
The coefficients are calculated as such:
- For every 1 EUR (or USD) spent, you get 66 Gold back
- For every 1 Gold spent, you get 0.25 Gold back (so 25 Gold back for 100 Gold spent and so on)
- At most you can spend 75 EUR or USD during the event (which would give you 4.950 Gold back)
- At most you can spend 9.000 Gold during the event (which would give you 2.250 Gold back)
You can at most get 7.200 Gold back by combining both methods.
What’s the maximum amount I can get back (the limit)?
The most you can get back is 7.200 Gold. You can track the progress on our web page.
When will I get the Gold back?
Within several work days from the end of the event.
Where can I see the status of my cashback?
On a dedicated web page: https://armoredwarfare.com/en/cashback
How many purchases can I make?
During the event, you can buy as many bundles as you like and they will all count towards the cashback amount. Each purchase will be added to the progress bar.
Why is the page not updating with new purchases?
The update happens in real time (or with a small delay) so please try refreshing the page.
What if it doesn’t appear even after 24 hours from the purchase?
Contact our support service.
What can I do if I have further questions or want to report issues?
Contact our support service.
What kind of purchases do count towards cashback?
Web Shop purchases and Gold purchases via the Top Up button.
What if I have multiple accounts?
Each account is dealt with separately. They cannot be combined for the purposes of this event.
How will I know the cashback Gold was sent already?
Aside from a general in-game notification, the news about cashback being sent will be published on the game’s portal.
What happens if I don’t reach the maximum limit?
Reaching the limit is not mandatory. You will get as much as is shown on the web page for your account.
What can I use the cashback Gold on? Are there any limitations?
It’s your Gold – you can use however you see fit.
See you on the battlefield!