For this weekend, we’ve prepared for you a special set of missions in celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland day in Russia.
Originally, this holiday was established after the end of the Great War in the Soviet Union as a celebration of the Red Army and its victories during the Russian Civil War. Over the course of the 20th century, however, it became a celebration of men and the military as a whole as well as their role in defending the lives and freedoms of the people of Russia and several post-Soviet countries.
Apart from a 200% (x3) bonus to Experience income for the first victory of the day in PvP and GLOPS that will be active until Sunday, a set of fifteen missions will become active. These missions will be available from February 21 to February 25, 2020. There will be three daily missions – one for PvE, one for PvP and one for Global Operations. Each mission has to be completed while driving a Soviet or Russian vehicle.
Completing each mission will award you with valuable items, but even more valuable prizes are waiting for you if you complete a certain number of these missions in total:
- For completing 5 out of 15 missions, you will receive the T-90 Tamanskaya Division skin (read more)
- For completing 12 out of 15 missions, you will receive 5 Object 640 Loot Crates and a new Avatar
You can track the active missions and prizes on our dedicated web page.
Please note:
- For the purposes of this event, a day starts at midnight GMT each day (1 AM CET, 3 AM MSK). The event, which launches on February 21 at 1 AM CET, therefore ends on February 26, 1 AM CET
- These missions will only be available that respective day (eg. Friday missions will only be possible co complete on Friday)
We hope that you will enjoy the event and will see you on the battlefield!