We’d like to invite you to another round of a special community-driven event organized by Drackenfells. In this event, you’ll be joining a Custom Match in the BMD-1 Tier 3 Armored Fighting Vehicle. The organizers will be driving the M1A1 Storm MBTs and will attempt to ram you to death. Whichever BMD owner survives the longest, wins.
The event will take place on June 19 at 20:00 CEST (14:00 EST).
To register to this event, please use this link: https://bit.ly/2TM1tQa
The following prizes are available:
- First place: Northern Wind Battle Path access with 50.000 Battle Coins
- Second place: M1A1 Storm Tier 7 Premium MBT
- Third place: MBT-70 Tier 6 premium MBT
Please note:
- Players in event will need to use the BMD-1 Tier 3 AFV
- Player can use any retrofits and consumables and Commander (except for Ophelia Kitescu)
- Players in match cannot use any weapon systems nor deploy troops, but can use smoke
- Players cannot try to hide or get to places where they cannot be rammed
- Players are not allowed to purposely damage, kill, or sabotage other players during the event
We hope that you will enjoy the event and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!