Welcome to the twenty-seventh issue of the Community Highlight series, dedicated to the community members of Armored Warfare and their contributions. Find out more about the game, learn something new and check out the cool community content!
What's going on in Armored Warfare community this week?
Create a Wallpaper Contest Results
The "Create a Wallpaper" contest is over! We received many, many amazing submissions and we'd like to thank you all for participating! Here are the ten best wallpapers, their authors and the prizes they won:
Once again, thank you for all your amazing submissions! The rewards will be given out as soon as possible!
Community Content
Check out The Valiant's amazing LEGO animation called "A Friend in Need"
LightFoot Freddy had an amazing battle in a Centauro, also worth checking out!
And last but not least, DeJager previews the upcoming PTL-02 Premium Tank Destroyer!
That's it for today, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield! You can submit your community contribution to our dedicated forum section, perhaps it will be your work featured next time!