We are happy to introduce another part of the Community Highlight series, showcasing the contributions of Armored Warfare community members.
Steam Video and Guide Contest Results
We're happy to announce the results and prizes for the Steam Guide Contest and the Steam Video Contest. Both contests ended earlier this month!
Steam Guide Contest:
- First Place: Sebastor (wins RDF/LT CLAW for his Polish Global Operations guide)
- Second Place: Lieutenant Fireonfergal (wins T-64AV Hunter for his Commander guide)
- Third Place: WishFish (wins T-62 Veteran for his PvP enjoyment guide)
Steam Video Contest:
- First Place: Spichris (wins PTZ-89 and 7 days of Premium Time)
- Second Place: 4NG3L_4RR0W (wins Kampfpanzer 70 and 3 days of Premium Time)
- Third Place: Nael (wins ZBD-86 and 1 day of Premium Time)
Congratulations to the winners!
Community Content
PhlyDaily - MERKAVA 2D Main Battle Tank (Armored Warfare Gameplay)
Kosmic_K - Patch .23, Special Operations Tricks, & GO Maps
Terror's NUTS - Type 96B Review
Lightfoot Freddy - Marder 2: worth it or not?
Spitfire - Terrozing MBTs in the Wiesel TOW
H3dsh0t - Challenger 2 ATDU - The Clutch (PVE Insane Part 3 Highlight)
That's it for today, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield! You can submit your community contribution to our dedicated forum section, perhaps it will be your work featured next time.
The best contributions will be rewarded with Gold!
We'll see you on the battlefield!