We are happy to introduce another part of the Community Highlight series, showcasing the contributions of Armored Warfare community members.
Holiday Decoration Contest Results
We're happy to announce the results and prizes for the Holiday Decoration Contest that ended on January 2, 2018!
First Place: Explosive (wins Challenger 1 FALCON Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank)
Second Place: Timmy2016 (wins MBT-70 Merc Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank)
Third Place: livenowhere1810 (wins 7 days of Premium Time)
Congratulations to the winners - you'll receive your prizes soon!
Creator of the Week
The Creator of the Week for the 87th Community Highlight is: Ninezerofive and his Global Operations Guide series!
For more videos, visit his channel! Ninezerofive wins 300 Gold for his excellent piece of content.
Community Content
Devient Kage - The State of the Game
Do you already have the Special Operations camouflage? NicKArT does! To earn the free camouflage like him, check out the free camo guide by iGhost:
And last but not least, check out the newest entries on the Gamestone blog, for example the article covering the turret traverse changes in Update 0.23:
That's it for today, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield! You can submit your community contribution to our dedicated forum section, perhaps it will be your work featured next time.
The best contributions will be rewarded with Gold!
We'll see you on the battlefield!