In this Community Interview issue, we have interviewed the SRY battalion, a rising star in competitive PvP gaming!
When did you create your battalion and who founded it?
We founded the battalion approximately 1 month ago after our old Battalion dissolved. All founders where in the old Battalion before we started [SRY].
How did you get your name?
We needed a new name and decided to go for something ironic.
Who is your leader and how does your ranking system work?
Our leadership consists of: Kaydenn, Bartender and Rinhord. The ranking system is pretty basic and easy. Apart from the Battalion leadership there are only two ranks: member and applicant. While playing tournaments the guy with the best plan takes the lead and makes the calls.
How many players are in your battalion?
At the moment we are 11 very active players, we are pretty new and only take in players that fit into the team.
There are no Battalion Wars in Armored Warfare yet, what do you focus your activities on at the moment?
We try to play as many tournaments as we can. Due to our low numbers, we mostly play as mercenaries for other Battalions for the time being. We also platoon the majority of the time to keep our skills on a decent level and of course develop the much-needed chemistry between our players.
Will you take part in any future battalion-level content?
We will play every form of PvP content that we can get into. After all, that was our main goal when we started [SRY].
Armored Warfare has battalions and a mercenary storyline background, how do like it or relate to it?
The story fits in, but it is not very important for us as a Battalion. We want quality PvP, everything else is a "bonus". Besides, the content hasn't even appeared yet so we will wait and see how it works. In essence it is sound – but let’s wait and see.
Are you recruiting and if so, what are the requirements?
We are recruiting players that aim at the same goals as we do. Our requirements are:
- 2.0+ K/D ratio
- 2200+ AVG DMG
- 55%+ WR
- 1000+ PvP battles
- At least one Tier 9 vehicle
We are an international battalion, applicants should be able to communicate in basic English. As long as we can understand you, we're fine. Meeting the requirements is not an automatic invite. Not meeting them by a few points is not an automatic decline. The most important thing is that you get along with us and fit into the team. Also, social skills are required.
How can the applicants get in touch with you?
Just get on our TS3 server or drop us a private message on the forums for any questions. Applications have to go through our forum.
Did you have any special moments/experiences in Armored Warfare?
Since we are still new around, apart from some of us winning the Tankmania 2016 Hellhounds tournament as mercenaries for another Battalion, we just had some adrenaline kicks in random battles - but rest assured that you will see more of us as we grow in numbers.
What are you offering to your members?
Like-minded players that will always try to do whatever it takes to win. We don't play for fun, but having fun while playing is a different story.
Final question: what message do you want to get to other Armored Warfare players and battalions?
Don't be afraid of us, we are mostly harmless!
We hope you've enjoyed this interview and see you on the battlefield!