Several months back, we’ve unveiled the upcoming Ranked Battles mode in our preview. Today, we’re happy to announce the full feature along with the first season!
The Ranked Battles mode is, an individual PvP season-based competitive mode where players of equal skills are split into leagues and ranks within each league. There will be 6 leagues and 18 ranks in total in the mode and the matchmaker will put equally skilled players together.
The first season will start with the following parameters:
- Season Start: 31.1.2018 16:00 CET (7 AM PST)
- Season End: 21.3.2018 16:00 CET (7 AM PST)
- Available during the following hours: available permanently
- Format: 5 versus 5
- Tier: 5 only
- Mode: PvP (standard mode only)
- Maps: Any (standard mode only)
The more you win the higher rank you obtain. Winning will earn you stars – you need a certain amount of stars to advance through the ranks – but beware, losing battles will make you lose stars!
Obtaining the top rank of a league will allow you to pass into the next league. The following rewards await you:
League V (starting league)
- Rank 1 (2 stars required to pass higher) – this is where you start
- Rank 2 (2 stars required to pass higher) – 1 Silver Loot Crate
League IV
- Rank 3 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 2 Silver Loot Crates
- Rank 4 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 3 Silver Loot Crates
- Rank 5 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 4 Silver Loot Crates
League III
- Rank 6 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 1 Gold Loot Crate
- Rank 7 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 2 Gold Loot Crates
- Rank 8 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 3 Gold Loot Crates
- Rank 9 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 4 Gold Loot Crates
League II
- Rank 10 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 1 Platinum Loot Crate
- Rank 11 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 2 Platinum Loot Crates
- Rank 12 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 3 Platinum Loot Crates
- Rank 13 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 4 Platinum Loot Crates
League I
- Rank 14 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 1 day of Premium Time
- Rank 15 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 2 days of Premium Time
- Rank 16 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 3 days of Premium Time
- Rank 17 (3 stars required to pass higher) – 7 days of Premium Time
Top League
- Rank 18 (Top Rank)
To enter a Ranked Battle, select the Ranked Battle mode from the mode menu and enter the queue.
Please note:
- Ranked Battles are available permanently
- Only individual players can join (the ability to join in platoons will be added in the future)
- Players marked as AFK will not receive any stars – in fact, they will lose them even if the battle ends with a victory
We hope that you’ll enjoy this mode and will see you on the battlefield!