In our previous Borsuk article, we revealed the upcoming Repair Zone active ability and today we’d like to tell you more about how it works.
As was mentioned before, the ability, simply put, slowly restores the hitpoints of friendly vehicles inside it, including your own.
The zone consists of a circle and an object (a pile of parts). The circle itself is invulnerable but the pile of parts has 1000 hitpoints (and some light armor). It’s worth noting that it cannot be destroyed instantly by ramming into it (unlike the VN20’s deployable turret or infantry troopers) in order to prevent its accidental destruction since player vehicles will have to drive near it.
The center of the vehicle has to be present within the repair circle and stop for the repair process to trigger. The repair process stops as soon as you move (even within the zone).
The number of friendly vehicles inside the zone is not limited by anything but the circle’s size. Effectively, this means two or three vehicles will be able to use it at the same time. The repair speed is the same for every vehicle within the zone and doesn’t decrease with more vehicles present.
Deploying the Repair Zone works much like with other infantry. You have a single Repair Zone charge. If it gets destroyed – well, that’s it. You can “pick up” the Repair Zone with your Borsuk and move it elsewhere at any point, as long as it is not destroyed. However, the deployment takes some time, during which you must remain stationary. In a match, Repair Zone is not limited by duration – it stays until picked up or destroyed.
The zone isn’t spotted automatically. It has a camouflage value (tied to the pile of parts) and if that’s hidden behind a hill, you won’t be able to see an enemy zone at all. Unlike infantry, however, the zone cannot spot things on its own, nor it has any armament – it remains completely passive.
And that’s about it, commanders. We hope that you’ll enjoy this new mechanic and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!