One of the most commonly asked questions concerns the balance of vehicles and whether some classes and specific tanks or AFV’s are overperforming or underperforming and whether the winrate of these vehicles differs from server to server. Let’s have a look at some of the examples from the Russian, European and North American servers. The Russian server examples go first – these are the results from the week before the 0.11 introduction:
- BMD-4 – 50.2 percent winrate, makes 106.64 percent of average reputation for its tier
- BMPT – 51.37 percent winrate, makes 103.85 percent of average reputation for its tier
- Object 430 – 54.94 percent winrate, makes 140.50 percent of average reputation for its tier
- M2 Bradley – 48.59 percent winrate, makes 99.16 percent of average reputation for its tier
- C1 Ariete – 46.14 percent winrate, makes 89.61 percent of average reputation for its tier
- Challenger 1 – 48.04 percent winrate, makes 91.70 percent of average reputation for its tier
As you can see, the Ariete and the Challenger were underperforming and the buff to their characteristics was warranted. If the vehicle statistics are split by nations, average winrate of all the Russian vehicles in the game is 50.24 percent, of all the American vehicles is 50.09 percent and of all the European ones is 49,67 percent (some of the worst-performing vehicles such as the Ariete are European).
On the other hand, the Wiesel is performing rather well (too well in fact) – its winrate on the Russian server is 54.43 percent, on the European server it’s 52.47 percent and on the American server it’s 52.46 percent. Based on our investigations, the reason for such high numbers is the increase of its viewrange from certain retrofits, commander skills and its own modules, which is too high for its tier (interestingly enough, European players do not put as much emphasis on upgrading viewrange).
In Update 0.11, the viewrange bonuses become additive instead of multiplicative, which should adjust the situation a bit as the vehicle won’t be receiving as high bonuses from the abovementioned upgrades. We will keep monitoring the Wiesel to see if the adjustment is sufficient or not.
European Server Vehicle Winrate (PvP battles, from the Update 0.10 launch - 22.10.2015 to 20.11.2015)
- Akatsiya 2S3: 48,99%
- AMX-10P: 48,72%
- AMX-10P PAC90: 51,60%
- B1 Centauro: 49,39%
- B1 Centauro 120: 54,65%
- Begleitpanzer 57: 49,05%
- BMD-1: 51,75%
- BMD-2: 50,51%
- BMD-4: 52,46%
- BMP-1: 51,31%
- BMP-1P: 49,94%
- BMP-2: 50,02%
- BMP-3: 51,59%
- BMP-3M: 49,38%
- BMPT Ramka-99: 54,05%
- BMPT Prototype: 51,00%
- C1 Ariete: 45,09%
- Challenger 1: 47,31%
- Expeditionary Tank: 51,17%
- Dragoon 300-90: 50,44%
- ERC 90 F4: 51,51%
- FV101: 49,25%
- FV433 Abbot: 50,13%
- FV438 Swingfire: 48,73%
- FV510 Warrior: 49,93%
- FV721 Fox: 51,23%
- FV4201 Chieftain: 49,72%
- Gvosdika 2S1: 48,61%
- LAV-150: 48,47%
- LAV-150-90: 54,16%
- LAV-300: 50,24%
- LAV-600: 47,38%
- Leopard 1: 48,87%
- Leopard 1A5: 48,24%
- Leopard 2: 48,12%
- Leopard 2A5: 49,93%
- Leopard 2AV: 49,95%
- M1 Abrams: 52,39%
- M1A1 Abrams: 53,50%
- M2 Bradley: 49,39%
- M41 Walker Bulldog: 49,11%
- M48 Patton: 48,25%
- M60 Patton: 51,15%
- M60A2 Starship: 49,73%
- M60A3: 50,82%
- M109: 50,57%
- M109A6 Paladin: 50,70%
- M113: 49,71%
- M551 Sheridan: 48,82%
- M1128 Stryker: 51,38%
- MBT-70: 50,49%
- Object 155: 50,87%
- Object 430: 53,87%
- OF-40: 48,21%
- Palmaria: 50,00%
- PT-76: 49,63%
- PzH 2000: 48,87%
- RDF-LT: 45,71%
- Stingray 1: 49,76%
- Stingray 2: 50,82%
- T-54: 51,80%
- T-62: 50,29%
- T-62 Veteran: 48,35%
- T-64: 50,37%
- T-72A: 47,28%
- T-72 Ural: 48,78%
- T-80: 50,42%
- T-90: 51,00%
- T92 Light Tank: 52,68%
- Taifun II: 47,94%
- VBL: 50,84%
- Vickers VFM5: 50,06%
- Wiesel1: 52,96%
- XM1: 51,98%
- XM8: 52,82%
- XM800T: 48,25%
- Zhalo-S 2S14: 51,53%
Regarding the Reactor map balance
Our statistical data show that the northern team’s winrate on this map on the Russian server is 50.31 percent (with 50.65 percent for Encounter) while the southern team’s winrate is 48.44 percent (48.77 percent respectively). The rest are draws. Compared to some other maps that do have a 10 percent difference between sides’ winrates, this is well within acceptable parameters. That’s why the map will be for now left as it is (with the exception of bug fixing).
Regarding the bots appearing on top of players in PvE
That’s something the developers are working very hard to fix and Update 0.12 will bring significant changes that will improve the situation – not only will the bots not spawn on top of the players anymore, but their spawn points will be harder to predict in order for players not to memorize each mission’s spawn point order in advance.
- Regarding the situations where even very light vehicles are not penetrated when receiving fire to their flanks even directly (not under a sharp angle), this can have several reasons. Some vehicles for example have several layers of side armor and one of the layers is heavily sloped to cause the shells to ricochet. Sometimes the shell can hit an external module or a part of the vehicle that only causes reduced damage to it. And finally, there can be some vehicles with bugged armor – such bugs are often swiftly identified and corrected. In any case, our goal is to make the players understand why the vehicle was not damaged and what happened.
- The game is now relatively well optimized when compared to earlier versions and the developers are now working to add interesting graphics effects to make it look even better.
- The developers are also planning to fix the situation where HEAT shells are flying through various objects. In the future, the objects will stop HEAT and HE shells but will allow the AP shells to pass through.
- The absence of smoke grenades on the Expeditionary Tank is historical and the vehicle is doing well enough statistically not to warrant such a buff.
See you on the battlefield!