Today we’d like to show you the final prize of the Shadow Protocol Battle Path, the KNIFV NLOS LPS Tank Destroyer that will be available for reaching Level 50.
But before we get to its gameplay characteristics, let’s discuss what this vehicle actually is in real life.
Let’s unpack the name first. The name KNIFV stands for “Korean Next Infantry Fighting Vehicle” and is an earlier name for the K21 IFV. In other words, the vehicle chassis on the photo belongs to a heavily modified K21 with some elements from AS21 Redback.
Next, the NLOS LPS designation. NLOS stands for “non-line of sight”, which means the vehicle can fire at targets it cannot actually see. And, finally, LPS stands for “long-range precision system”, indicating the vehicle’s capability of engaging targets at very long ranges (up to 8km).
With this piece of information in mind, a more complete picture can already be formed. The KNIFV NLOS LPS is a long-range anti-tank guided missile launcher installed on a futuristic-looking tracked chassis. The concept was developed by Hanwha, the company behind the K21 and the Redback. It has two main weapon systems – a large missile launcher in the back, and a separate remote-controlled weapons station fitted with 12.7mm machinegun in front.
The missile launcher contains 12 TAipers missiles by Hanwha. TAipers stands allegedly for “tank snipers” (or Cheongeom in Korean). The name is perhaps a bit corny, but the missile itself is anything but. It is a next-gen ATGM, intended to replace the aging TOW systems in South Korean service.
It can be launched either from the ground or from the air and operates in two modes – fire-and-forget (has a combined optical and infrared seeker) or direct control via an optical cable. Its flight speed is 200 m/s and it has a maximum range of 8km. Its tandem HEAT warhead can defeat 1000mm of armor. The missile itself weighs some 35kg (roughly a third more than a TOW missile).
According to the available data, the vehicle weighs some 25-30 tons and is powered by a Doosan hybrid engine to reduce its IR signature on the battlefield, allowing for excellent speed (75 km/h maximum speed) and agility. The vehicle has a crew of three men (driver, commander, weapon operator), all sitting in an armored capsule in the hull. The protection is generally light (this is not a frontline vehicle) but hard-kill active protection systems were seen on the earlier iterations of this vehicle along with various jammers and other electronic warfare devices.
A small scale model of this vehicle started appearing perhaps around 2018 at various expos all around the world with South Korean presence (most recently at ADEX 2024 in Azerbaijan). The idea behind the vehicle was presented as a tank killer capable of operating in mountainous terrain, which is something South Korea is known for. The presentation (and the availability of TAipers for export) suggests that, if completed, it would become also available for export. That has, however, not happened yet, and the vehicle remains a small-scale concept.
In Armored Warfare, the KNIFV NLOS LPS will be a Tier 10 Premium Tank Destroyer.
As you’ll see, we took some liberties with the design in order to make its gameplay interesting, as we’re about to explain. But first let’s take a look at the more obvious things.
This is a light (25 tons), long-range missile-based tank destroyer. That means it’ll be mobile (thanks to its Doosan hybrid engine) and relatively stealthy. This will be compensated by thin armor, especially against kinetic ammunition. The vehicle follows the same armor concept as the XK3 – it’s an advanced composite hull, which means it’ll be well-protected against HEAT ammunition, but very weak to armor-piercing rounds.
In order to make it more survivable, the vehicle will be equipped with:
- Smoke grenade launchers (forward-facing only)
- Hard-kill APS (similar system to XK3)
- Soft-kill APS (similar system to XK3)
- Adaptive camouflage module (known from PL-01, available as a part of additional progression)
Now, let’s talk weapons.
The primary turret is the forward one. We replaced the real-life 12.7mm machinegun with a short 30mm XM914 autocannon you all know and love from Boxer RIWP and AbramsX, firing rather powerful HE shells. This is a close range defense weapon – you’re not supposed to use it as a primary weapon, but to ward off pesky scouts behind enemy lines.
The main weapon is, of course, the TAipers missile launcher with 12 missiles. The missiles themselves are rather powerful at 1500mm penetration and 1250 damage per hit, but there are several twists to them:
- More than one missile is fired at once (we are currently testing a single launch with fast reload, two missiles at once or even three missiles at once) – but please note that no matter how we set it, the vehicle will hit like a ton of bricks
- The launchers are always aiming upwards when ready to fire, which means the vehicle will be able to fire over obstacles much more easily than regular missiles
- The launcher has two firing modes (that can be switched between using the Active Ability button) – either the missiles behave normally, or they switch to top-attack mode (with Javelin-like lock-on mechanic, although the lock-on time is very short)
However, there are two downsides:
- The launcher is static and forward-facing, which means it won’t be easy to engage targets behind you with the missiles – at least not easily
- The minimum range is roughly 70 meters – this is NOT a close combat vehicle
With all that being said, when played carefully, this vehicle will enable you to engage targets at long ranges and bombard them with advanced missiles before retreating to reload.
Despite looking almost ready, the vehicle is not in its final form yet and we are in the process of internal testing. All your feedback is appreciated and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!