In late June, we’ll be launching Update 0.36 with a number of new features, but few will be as prominent as the next Battle Path that we are calling Northern Wind.
As you might have guessed from the name, this Battle Path is bringing several long-awaited Scandinavian vehicles to the game along with some epic Viking-themed skins and, of course, other awesome prizes.
Mechanics-wise, the Northern Wind Battle Path will be similar to the previous one. Once you acquire access to the campaign (the price remains the same), you’ll be earning Battle Coins and spending them on Battle Path progress. Battle Coins will be earned either by just playing or by completing missions. Four mission sets along with repeatable daily Battle Coin Missions and Challenges will be available like the last time. And, of course, the popular Battle Coin Shop feature will be making a re-appearance.
But let’s take a look at what you all are waiting for, the vehicles. Four vehicles will be available in this Battle Path – that’s one less than the last time, but they will definitely be worth your time.
CV90105 TML – this Swedish Tier 7 Premium Light Tank is the first reward vehicle of the Battle Path, obtainable, like before, via the Level progression, specifically by reaching Level 20. It consists of a modified CV90 hull and the French 105mm-armed turret by GIAT. It was a prototype from the 1990s and one of the first attempts to convert the CV90 IFV into a fire support vehicle.
CV90 Mk.IV – it wouldn’t be a proper Scandinavian Battle Path without the latest iteration of the CV90 IFV. This Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle will be extremely versatile, featuring an autocannon capable of continuous fire, Spike guided missiles and the ability to deploy Mechanized Infantry. When it comes to fire support, few vehicles will be able to match it. This vehicle will be available for reaching Level 30.
Stridsvagn 2000 – what other vehicle could be the ultimate Battle Path prize than the Swedish Stridsvagn 2000 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank from the early 1990s. This beast was designed to take on anything the Soviets could develop and field and, for its time, it was as overpowered as it was expensive. Even though the project was terminated following the collapse of the Soviet Union, you’ll have the opportunity to experience its might in Armored Warfare. Our Strv 2000 will be based on the T 140/40 concept and yes, it comes with a combination of a 140mm smoothbore gun and a 40mm Bofors autocannon. This vehicle will be available for reaching Level 50.
Additionally, there will be one more vehicle that will be obtainable by collecting its blueprint parts in the Battle Coin Shop. This vehicle will be:
CV90120 Ghost – this Tier 9 Premium Light Tank was developed as a demonstrator for the ADAPTIV camouflage technology, making it effectively invisible in the IR spectrum. Accordingly, it will be a rather stealthy Light Tank with multiple interesting modules and we’ll tell you more about it in the near future.
Aside from these prizes, four epic Jomsviking skins will be available, cladding your tanks into a suit of ring mail with shields and other items typically associated with Vikings hanging from their sides. Unlike before, however, these skins will not only be available for the Battle Path vehicles. Instead, we’ve chosen the following machines to bear the honor of becoming modern day Viking Drakkars:
- TTB Tier 9 Main Battle Tank
- Griffin 50mm Tier 8 Armored Fighting Vehicle
- Leopard 2 Tier 7 Main Battle Tank
- Strv 2000 Tier 10 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
These skins will be available as rewards for the core Battle Path Level progression. There will also be a camouflage available for completing the three basic mission chains as usual, a Viking avatar and much more.
Other than that, the event’s objectives and entry price will be the same as the last time. The Echoes of War Battle Path proved to be popular enough to warrant keeping things as they were, with some smaller tweaks.
We hope that you will enjoy this event and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!