Today, we are launching the first Global Server test. The Global Server is an upcoming unified server where all regions play together – for more information about it, please visit our previous announcement.
With this test, we would like to ask you for your help in making Armored Warfare a better game and aid us in catching any issues that might arise from the server unification process.
The goal of this test is to make sure everything from your original account was transferred (for all accounts) or merged and compensated (for the NA accounts) to the new unified database correctly.
Here’s what you can do if you want to help testing the Global Server:
- Join the Public Test Server (the process is described below)
- Check the state of your account (especially the amount of various currencies, vehicles, state of progress)
- In case you run into any issue, please report it in a dedicated forum thread.
We would like to ask you to keep your feedback brief wherever possible and on point – it will make it much easier to categorize your feedback and to send it to the developers responsible for the process.
Once logged in, please check your PTS account to make sure the following items are transferred correctly based on the combination of your EU and NA accounts as per our main announcement:
- Experience and other currencies
- Vehicles and their progress
- Player data (nickname, statistics, achievements, titles and avatars)
- Contract mission progress (please note that once active, the Global Server will use the two campaigns with the progress transferred from the single My.com campaign)
- Inventory (boosters, insignia, Premium Time etc.)
- Commander and crew progress
- Unlocked decals, camouflages and base paints
- Battalion
In ideal case, please include screenshots of an issue. Our community managers will be gathering your feedback, sorting it out and passing it directly to the developers.
Please note:
The Public Test Server is a special, separate server, running an experimental version of the game with the specific goal of uncovering and resolving this new version’s issues using player feedback.
By entering the server, you acknowledge that the game experience may be diminished by the abovementioned issues as well as downtimes that may occur at any time based on the needs of the testing schedule.
To enter the Public Test Server, you need to have a special client installed.
- Please open the Armored Warfare My.com launcher
- Scroll the launcher window to find the Test Server button
- Press the Test Server button in the launcher
- Follow the standard installation instructions
We’ll see you on your battlefield!