
Historical Skins – BMP-1P Spetsnaz


Aside from new vehicles and maps, we’re working on more future skins for you to obtain, including some low-Tier vehicles. In this case, it’s a BMP-1P skin called Spetsnaz.


The skin is based on a BMP-1 belonging to the 101st Special Operations Brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as seen during the Battle of Grozny in 1996. The battle was one of the bloodiest ones fought by the Russian Federation in the 1990s and became notable for the issues experienced by the T-80 series of tanks (whose ammo racks turned to be extremely vulnerable by rooftop attacks).

As was stated above, the unit operating this BMP-1 belonged to the Internal Troops, as marked by the red and yellow circle and the letters BB (VV in Cyrillic, stands for Vnyuternye Voyska). The red flag carries the shortened name of the unit (101 OsBrON).


The unit was formed in 1995 and Grozny was its first combat deployment. Despite being over 8000 soldiers strong, the unit’s elements were deployed all over Chechnya. The contingent in Grozny therefore did not represent its full strength. It took heavy losses during the campaign but not a single objective defended by this unit was captured by the enemy. After the end of the war (August 30, 1996), the unit stayed in Chechnya until December. The unit also fought in the Second Chechen War and was merged with another unit afterwards, effectively ceasing to exist in 2000.

The vehicle is painted with an unusual four-tone camouflage consisting of black, yellow and brown stripes on green background. It’s worth noting that the camouflage and the BB emblem will also be available separately.


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The rear of the vehicle carries a log that has an inscription written on it: „Пусть она не права, она - Родина моя!“ Or, in English, “Even though she’s wrong, she’s still my homeland!”, reflecting the sentiments of many who fought in the war.


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The ATGM launcher on top of the vehicle is not historical but it is based on another Second Chechen War BMP-1 that had it. The inscription on it reads “Мир вашему дому“ (“Peace to your home”). Frontline soldiers sometimes have a very dark sense of humor.


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The skin will be available for the BMP-1P Tier 4 progression IFV. We hope that you will like it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!

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