Today’s topic will be the United Kingdom and specifically the Ajax IFV. But before we get more into the visual customization options we have prepared for you, let us (for a short whole) discuss the whole Ajax performance question. We’ll keep it brief – yes, we know it’s underperforming and yes, we will buff it (soon).
Ajax, World Defense Show, February 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
In the Europe’s Edge Battle Path we tried really hard not to release over-performing vehicles and ended up with an underperforming Ajax and a very well balanced Leopard. The Panther performance is separate topic for another time. For now, let us return to the matter at hand and discuss a skin for our buffed-to-be Ajax called Desert Ajax.
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As you can probably tell from the photos alone, the Ajax in this configuration (featuring a Barracuda camouflage and a desert paintjob) appeared at an expo in the Middle East. Specifically it was the World Defense Show that took place in February 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The whole showcase was an effort to find foreign customers for the modern but very expensive IFV in a time of difficulties for the British military.
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This Ajax variant seems to have been “tropicalized” with additional air-conditioning as well as a desert paintjob. The basic camouflage is a new British digital camouflage – you may already be familiar with the snow version that’s available in the Europe’s Edge Battle Path. The rest of the vehicle is covered by the Saab Barracuda MCS net.
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The camouflage will also be available at the same time as a separate item.
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But that’s not all. Since the spring of 2024 in Armored Warfare belongs to European assets, we thought we’d keep the theme by introducing more European camouflages for you to enjoy. For the lovers of British paintjobs, we’ll be adding the El Alamein camouflage based on the iconic M3 Grant look from the Bovington Tank Museum. It’ll come with era-appropriate decals.
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There’s also the European (Desert) camouflage. The camouflage is a real-life one, based on real-life camouflage by Patria as seen during the Defence and Security Exhibition expo in London in the September of 2023.
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And last but not least, the Sahara Yellow base paint is based on the yellow color was used by the French in the 1950s.
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We hope you’ll enjoy all of these and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!