Since the previous historical skins based on real life vehicles, Warhammer and Glorieux, turned out to be so popular amongst you, we’ve prepared a special German skin based on the Leopard 2A5 Tier 8 MBT for the upcoming Unity Day celebration. We call it simply “Bundeswehr”.
As its name suggests, this skin is based on a real life Leopard Main Battle Tank serving in the German army, specifically with Panzerbataillon 104 (104th Armored Battalion) of Panzerbrigade 12 (12th Armored Brigade), which in turn belongs to 10. Panzerdivision (10th Armored Division).
Panzerbataillon 104 has its home base in Oberpfalz-Kaserne in Pfreimd and is tasked with defending the federal state of Bavaria (south-eastern Germany). Bavaria, of course, once belonged to West Germany. In 1981, Panzerbataillon 104 was renamed from the older Panzerjägerbataillon 104, a Tank Destroyer unit armed with Kanonenjagdpanzer TDs, which was founded in Pfreimd a decade earlier, in 1971.
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In 2020, Panzerbataillon is armed with Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks, which it regularly shows to the public. Our skin is based on the Leopard 2A5 model (even though the unit uses Leopard 2A6s) and is fitted with all the proper insignia it requires, although it does not represent any specific vehicle in particular.
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At first glance, the tank looks like a standard Leopard 2A5 fitted with the Bundeswehr camouflage we already have in the game, but we have added a number of details such as the small smoke grenade launcher numbers, the weight indicator in the front or the cross and license plate in the back.
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Additionally, the tank is fitted with a partial camouflage net, adding to the feeling of realism.
We hope that you will enjoy this skin as much as we enjoyed creating it for you and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!