As every year, we’re preparing a series of Russian-themed skins, camouflages, decals and flags for the Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrations that take place on February 23 and the main part of the bundle will be the T-80UM-1 Defender skin.
T-80U belonging to the 4th Guards Tank Division “Kantemirovskaya”, Kubinka, September 2006
The skin is based on a T-80U belonging to the 4th Guards Tank Division “Kantemirovskaya” shown during the Day of Tankmen in Kubinka in September 2006. The division is stationed in Naro-Fominsk (south-east from Moscow) some 20km from the Kubinka proving grounds so it absolutely makes sense for its vehicles to be shown there.
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The vehicle featured standard Russian service camouflage with an interesting paintjob. A falcon with a Russian flag was painted on both sides of the vehicle. Additionally, the word РОССИЯ (“Russia”) was painted on the frontal rubber skirts protecting the lower frontal plate. An official Russian crest is painted there as well.
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It’s worth noting the same paintjob existed at least since 2001 when the tank celebrated 20 years in service. The number 336 is also taken from another Kantemirovskaya T-80U. Our skin also features the tank’s name (Bars) on the snorkel tube at the back of the turret.
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There will be other items available during the event, such as:
- Russian Defender camouflage (as seen on a T-62M in 2018, also in Kubinka)
- Kantemirovskaya Division Tactical Emblem decal
- White Star decal
- Russian Bear decal
We hope that you’ll enjoy these items and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!