The final Samurai’s Honor event prize we want to show you is a brand-new skin for the Type 74 (which you’ll be able to win as well) called Winter Tiger.
In our recent article, we’ve unveiled five experimental Japanese camouflages that were developed in the late 1970s and the early 1980s while Japan was searching for the right way to paint its vehicles. This skin is technically a part of the process – it’s one of those experimental camouflages.
The problem in this case is that our camouflage system doesn’t allow us to create the skin the way it’s painted on the picture. The lines wouldn’t simply match. That’s why we opted to make this interesting camouflage into a skin.
The idea here is fairly simple – white “tiger” stripes on Japan’s base green color. This isn’t really unheard of, other countries use such camouflages as well, although perhaps not with as evenly distributed stripes. Either way, much like the other experimental patterns, this one didn’t make it to service either.
And that’s pretty much it. We hope that you will enjoy the event and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!