Do you want to participate in Olympic Games without having to move from your chair? You're in luck! We are happy to present the very first Armored Warfare DCOT Olympics!
From July 22 2017 to August 13 2017, seven different olympic disciplines will take place during the weekends of this period. The award ceremony will be held on Sunday, August 13 2017.
- Server: EU
- Language: German and English
- Date: 22.7.2017 - 13.8.2017 (19:00 CEST)
- Sign up until: 20.7.2017
- Mode: Custom Matches
- Team Size: 6
- Tier: 2-4
- Maps: All available maps
For more information, please check the Rules post.
The prizes are distributed to all members of the winning teams.
- First Place: T-72B3 Premium MBT
- Second Place: BMD-4 "Joker"
- Third Place: Begleitpanzer 57 "Joker"
Please note that if you already own the vehicle you won, you´ll receive 50% of its gold price as a compensation.
How to sign up?
- Sign up here: DCOT Web Page
The registration is open until 20.7.2017.
Rules and Organizer
The host of this Event is DCOT (Deutsche Community Organisations-Team). You can find the list of rules by following this link.
- Website: https://www.dcot.de
- E-mail: info@dcot.de
We'll see you on the battlefield!