It's time to join forces and get together in the PvP mode on the North American server!
Gunny2001, an esteemed Armored Warfare moderator and the organizer of the effort has the following words for you:
Following the weekly schedule below, one mode each night will have set tiers to play in. If everyone interested enters the queue during these hours, those tiers will be the most likely to enter battle. While this has been done in the past, we are pressing it forward with more passion and enthusiasm, determined to make this a continued success. So far, during the soft launch, we have been in constant battles.
Getting the word out to everyone takes a determined effort. Besides the News and the Forum thread, we have also been letting players know on a nightly basis the tier and mode to play in Discord, Global Chat and from our Friends Lists. Please share the word with any interested parties on your own Friends Lists. Some folks may not be playing AW regularly, believing they will not get PVP games, and these players need to know that PVP is back!
We also have a team of Streamers from the NA server region who are supporting this endeavor. While individually they will not likely all be streaming at the same time or day, as a group, this will give us good coverage and you might very well be able to look up on their sites your awesome battles and show your friends! Please follow/subscribe to these streamers, as they are doing us a great service.
- Armoredeyecandy
- Blokhow
- Deathman254
- Hotwheelzzz
- Mauiboy2016
- Perigrin1
- Primer7G
- Remmy Meggs
- Supervulcan
Please do not play in platoons for this event. Doing drops individually is the best way to get the most matches out of the players playing at that time. Secondly, please do not play higher tiers than the schedule.
As for some prizes, the streamers will have codes available for viewers to win, so make sure to watch! Prizes could include premium time, premium tanks, loot crates, insignia packs or even premium bundles. Besides watching streams, some will be handed out after a battle, based on a certain criteria which will be announced at the beginning of a match. Categories include: highest spotting damage, most damage done, having the most kills, getting a gold medal, or even to a random player on either team.
We'll be using the following weekly schedule:
- Sunday: 4pm - 10pm Pacific, Tier 3-4 PvP
- Monday: 4pm - 10pm Pacific, Tier 3-5 Global Operations
- Tuesday: 4pm - 10pm Pacific, Tier 5-6 PvP
- Wednesday: 4pm - 10pm Pacific, Tier 6-7 Global Operations
- Thursday: 4pm - 10pm Pacific, Tier 7-8 PvP
- Friday: 4pm - 10pm Pacific, Tier 8-10 Global Operations
- Saturday: 4pm - 10pm Pacific, Tier 9-10 PvP
We'll see you on the battlefield!