On the 21st of November 2019, starting from 8:00 CET (20th of November, 11 PM PST), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.30.5823.
List of Update 0.30.5823 Changes
M8 MGM-166 Changes
- Minimum damage distance increased from 200m to 250m
- Maximum damage reduced from 1431 to 1189
- Rate of fire increased from 15 to 20 rounds per minute
- Magazine reload time increased from 48s to 70s
- Missiles now completely ignore ERA as was intended
General Changes
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from activating a temporary Premium vehicle from their Inventory tabs
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from assembling a Premium vehicle from 100 Loot Crate blueprints
- Fixed an issue where some items (typically vehicle blueprints) in your Inventory, specifically the Goods section, would appear split into two rows for no reason
- Fixed an issue with Stryker ADATS where installing the partial reload module would trigger a full reload of already loaded magazines every time you switch between ATGMs and unguided rockets
- ATGM description now has a new value – missile agility (steering rate)
- Object 287 now has correctly named weapon system
- M60A2: Fixed its suspension model behavior
- Shadow RST-V: Fixed several visual model issues (the appearance of optics, wheels clipping through the destroyed model of the vehicle)
- Fixed an issue where the Javelin aiming reticle would lack its central crosshair
- Fixed an issue with the display of dirt on some vehicles when running the game on low details
- Fixed an UI issue where it was possible to push the Incoming and Outgoing Damage panels beyond the screen’s boundaries
- Added a flag of South Africa to the list of country flags
- Added a number of Black Friday and Cyber Monday assets