On the 22nd of October, starting from 8:00 CEST (21st of October, 11 PM PDT), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.33.7425
List of Update 0.33.7425 Changes
Infantry Attack Command
You can now use a dedicated key (“V” by default) to mark targets for your Mechanized Infantry to attack. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.
Abrams Updates
The Tier 7 to Tier 10 Abrams MBTs are receiving the following changes:
- Adjusted their mobility and agility to correspond to the one they had with the old model
- Adjusted their ground clearance
- Fixed some track animation issues
AI Vehicle Changes
In this update, we are introducing the following changes to AI opponents that will improve their performance:
- Fixed an issue where the AI opponents would drive towards you in reverse, showing their rear armor
- Update the AI logic in order to fix some unplanned and strange AI behavior
- Fixed an issue where AI opponents wouldn’t choose their targets properly, their ability to aim at vehicle weakspots is now somewhat improved (only to a certain extent and not in a gamebreaking way)
- Fixed an issue where, if an AI opponent was turning on the spot, its wheels would not move correctly
General Changes
- Fixed the issue that allowed for an incorrect full Ready Rack reload when players were switching to their machinegun and back during the reloading process
- M60-2000: Fixed the collision model
- Type 10: Fixed this vehicle’s mobility bugs
- Wilk XC-8 now correctly displays a Battalion logo
- We have set the minimum allowed game resolution to 1366x768
- Fixed an issue where the minimap radius of Mechanized Infantry viewrange wouldn’t correspond to the real one
- Battle UI now shows the correct state of active infantry after a respawn
- Fixed some smaller visual issues of various vehicles (mostly the Abrams MBTs and their skins)
- Fixed some smaller UI issues
- Added a number of assets for future events