As you know already, we are working on new features and events, but all that wouldn’t be possible without you – the true Heroes of Armored Warfare, our legendary playerbase that sticks with us through thick and thin. Over the many years the game’s been around, it was you who created the best jokes and memes. It was you who expanded the community of armor lovers (that tends to take itself very seriously) with your light-heartedness and curiosity, attracting more and more people to the awesome topic that is tanks.
We’d like to thank you with this special mission featuring numerous assets with references to your favorite memes and past events.
All these objectives need to be completed between July 18 (17:00 CEST/18:00 MSK) and August 7 (22:59 CEST/23:59 MSK), 2022.
Invictus Skin for PL-01 – the name of the skin means “unconquered” in Latin, just as you, the community, managed to survive the tumultuous events of the past, even when things seemed bleak and the game’s future uncertain. The skin features references, memes and the names and icons of prominent players, moderators and influencers – even those who are, sadly, not among us anymore. Do you know all of them? In that case, you’re really oldschool.
- To obtain the Invictus skin, win 25 matches using a Tier 9 or Tier 10 MBT within the abovementioned time period.
Haswell Camouflage – Haswell is one of the most prominent members of the EU community and the founder of the Armored Labs forum and Discord channel. This camouflage (available for all three environments) was created by him for this event, one of the first pieces of player-made content to make it into Armored Warfare.
- To obtain the Haswell camouflage, win 25 matches using a Tier 9 or Tier 10 TD within the abovementioned time period.
Sebastian Grimm and Magnus Holter Avatars – aside from being long-requested avatars on their own, the users using these nicknames are the prominent members of the EU community, beloved for their shenanigans.
- To obtain both avatars, win 25 matches using a Tier 9 or Tier 10 LT within the abovementioned time period.
Pink Base Paint – you asked for it, here it is in all its glory. The color pink has always been one of the most requested base paints in the game. It doesn’t quite fit the art direction of Armored Warfare, but... to hell with it, right? Pink is our new obsession and hopefully it will become yours as well.
- To obtain the base paint, win 25 matches using a Tier 9 or Tier 10 AFV within the abovementioned time period.
Player Titles – we are adding two special titles for this event – “Indomitable” and “Hero of Armored Warfare.”
- To obtain both titles, win 30 matches using a Tier 9 or Tier 10 SPG within the abovementioned time period.
Please note:
- This mission requires Tier 9 or Tier 10 vehicles as it is meant for the veterans of Armored Warfare
- These assets will NEVER be issued again, this event is your only chance to obtain them (yes, we are serious)
- All objectives need to be completed between July 18 (17:00 CEST/18:00 MSK) and August 7 (22:59 CEST/23:59 MSK), 2022
- Each objective can only be completed once
- All prizes will be sent to each winner after the end of the event
- This mission is in no way connected to the Perihelion event and Perihelion’s rules do not apply
We hope that you will enjoy the mission and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!