Today, we’d like to again give you the opportunity to obtain the Object 640 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank (otherwise known as the Black Eagle) along with a special new Cyber skin for it that’s available directly.
The Object 640 is one of the last Soviet era “super tank” monsters, designed to surpass anything the west could field on the battlefield. It featured extremely advanced armor, making it highly resistant to hits while keeping its weight low. The design was truly revolutionary for the late 1980s, but, like with many other Soviet projects of the era, it was discontinued due to the lack of funding. You can learn more about it in a dedicated article.
In Armored Warfare, the Object 640 “Black Eagle” is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. It is a fast, agile and well-protected vehicle that plays in a typical Russian-style MBT fashion – ideal for players who want to take things up close and personal. This version of the tank does not feature any camouflage and is ready to be customized as you see fit.
Between May 29 and June 6, 2019, you can obtain this unique vehicle from an Object 640 Loot Crate.
This Loot Crate contains mostly Object 640 blueprint pieces. You need to assemble one hundred of these pieces (that will appear in your Inventory upon the crate opening) to receive the Object 640. Each crate drops one of the following items:
- Object 640 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank (rare drop)
- 1 to 99 blueprint pieces
- Temporary 3-day version of a random Tier 6 or higher Premium vehicle
- A part of an Special Object 640 Loot Crate (collect 10 parts to receive a Special Object 640 Loot Crate – Special Loot Crates are enhanced versions of the standard Loot Crates, offering more drops and higher chances to receive better items)
- An extra Object 640 Loot Crate
If a player already has the same Premium vehicle the Loot Crate dropped a temporary version of in his or her inventory, he or she will receive 125 Gold instead.
The Loot Crate is available in our Web Shop in the following bundles:
- 2 Loot Crates (5% discount)
- 5 Loot Crates (11% discount)
- 11 Loot Crates (15% discount)
- 23 Loot Crates (25% discount)
- 50 Loot Crates (33% discount)

Additionally, for those who already own this vehicle, a special Cyber skin is available directly on MyLoot.
Please note, however, that you have to own the Object 640 itself before you can use it and that this skin cannot be installed on the Object 640 version with permanent Black Eagle camouflage.

Please note:
- This offer starts on May 29 at 16:00 CEST (17:00 MSK, 7 AM PDT)
- This offer ends on June 6 at 16:00 CEST (17:00 MSK, 7 AM PDT)
- This offer is not available to players located in the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium
- This offer’s bundles come with free No Smoking Day promotion decals and avatar
Enjoy the offer and see you on the battlefield!