In our previous article, we’ve asked you to submit your name proposals for the AI opponents for low-tier PvP battles!
Today, we’d like to announce the results of this contest as well as the winners! The following names were selected by the Community Team for introduction:
- Acheron
- Andrzej
- Apollo
- AWDroid
- B_B_Gunn
- BabaJi
- BabaYaga
- BatCharly25t
- Beatboxi
- Bell-Bot-Ums
- BigBadBOT
- Billy
- Billy-the-kid
- Bob
- Bob the Bot
- Bot_marley
- BotDylan
- BotJamesBot
- Bot-o-mat
- Botownik
- BotSpencer
- BottyMcBotface
- Brunhilde
- Bubba
- Burn4you
- Consuela
- CptMybot
- CptSpamAlot
- DocBraun
- Donkey
- Einzbern
- Electroheart
- Eraser
- Excalibur
- Fembot
- GitGud
- Giving_Up_Early
- Golem
- HankTheTank
- HansYolo
- Hatakaze
- Hazard
- Healthstealer
- Heatseeker
- HippoBotamus
- CheatoBot
- Ice_breaker
- Iron-eater
- Iseekyou
- Ispamrockets
- Killer4Hire
- KillerTomato
- Limoncello
- LolTraktor
- LtKaputnik
- Macaroni
- Magister
- Merlin
- Noobot
- NotRobot
- Panzerhound
- Quickytoes
- Represser
- Rex
- RickOChet
- RNGesus
- Roadrunner
- Rohrkrepierer
- SanyaLitvak
- Sentinel
- SirTanksalot
- Skynet
- Sniperstien
- SonnyFreebot
- SonOfBot
- Soullesskiller
- Sparky
- Sprocket
- Spyhunter
- Talos
- Tankinator9000
- Tankyboi
- TankyMcTankface
- TankYou
- TearsDrinker
- TheFactor
- TheMyghtyBOT
- thunder-bot
- Titan
- TomatoKing
- Treadwalker
- TurretRingBreaker
- UnfairPlane
- Viper
- Wendell
- ZeroZeroseven
- Zitronenschleuer
The players who proposed them will receive their prize – 7 days of Premium Time – soon!
- _Kain
- Adriano_H
- alpha3
- Alx941126
- ArgonOne
- Archon
- Arkeed
- Babenzo
- BlackDemonsx
- bmz_bravo
- Bodysnatcher
- BoredSights
- commander44
- CrisURace
- CWolf1
- Davidaniel36
- dennisthemenace
- dens
- duckbil
- fel1x
- frogi21a
- GamingBeast
- generalD98
- Graf Staufenberg
- Grollstein
- Gunny2001
- Harusame
- Heres Johnny
- how2high
- Chronis
- ChuckWanys
- Jayze
- jimpatrick317
- KEO1
- Kerry_A_Gunn
- Khan Shabbir
- Kika
- Kilayandra
- Knightmare Moon
- Knutliott
- Lipton50
- Lordyanlou
- LTC Addra
- Maalarkey
- MageInTraining
- Maxs02
- MixuS
- Mko0
- Mr Makata
- nadiealma
- Nathan84
- nikorian
- Norbert M
- oneno
- Paladin69
- Petiofari
- Pitley
- Powerflo85
- Pumahunter
- Ranger_Logan
- RenegadeNuke151
- Rhino_ZA
- S41elite
- SearleD
- SgtMaj_Carey
- sneek62
- Spaceman67
- Spaten66
- Spitfire_
- SpYBoT
- stellmous
- Suvillan
- TA55U
- Tak_Tik
- TechTanker
- TekNicTerror
- Tenzlo
- Thakor
- ThatsMrMoose
- The_ThInG
- The_Viking69
- TheReal JBond
- TigerBane789
- u_17796904
- u_20020499
- u_5905265
- u_7402929
- u_7529058
- u_8648758
- u_9688227
- Urbanek
- utilitas
- VauZwo
- waidler_keks
- Yuudachi-Desu
To the rest of you – thank you for participating!
We’ll see you on the battlefield!