The recently introduced Fox vehicles are making a comeback and this time, they are also available for Gold. Now’s your chance to purchase each of them either alone on in a nice bundle, full of useful stuff!
But first, we’ve prepared an opportunity for you to get a small bonus to whet your appetite.
Between November 7 and November 11 2017:
- Win 5 battles in any mode in a Tier 4 vehicle or higher to receive 3 Gold Credit Income Insignia tokens
- Win 10 battles in any mode in a Tier 4 vehicle or higher to receive 3 Gold Intel Boost 12-hour tokens
Additionally, all players will receive a 200% (x3) bonus to Reputation income for the first victory of the day!
And now, for the main course – the Fox vehicles! The edition consists of three deadly machines with the potential to make all the difference on the battlefield of Armored Warfare in the right hands:
- XM1 Fox Tier 6 Main Battle Tank
- M1134 Fox Tier 8 Tank Destroyer
- AMX-10P PAC 90 Fox Tier 4 Tank Destroyer
All these vehicles come with the following features:
- Unique camouflage
- Level 5 Crew
XM1 Fox Bundles
In the development phase of what would become the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, two prototypes competed against one another between 1975 and 1976 – one by Chrysler and one by General Motors. Both were armed with a copy of the British Royal Ordnance 105mm L7 rifled cannon and were protected by composite armor, but unlike the Chrysler prototype, the General Motors XM1 was powered by a conventional diesel engine, not an untested turbine one. Although the General Motors XM1 was considered a better and more reliable candidate for the future American MBT, Chrysler was declared the winner, arguably more a political decision than one based on performance.
The Armored Warfare XM1 is based on the General Motors prototype, allowing the players to experience the might of the arguably superior vehicle. While devoid of significant advantages, this Main Battle Tank has no serious drawbacks, making it very suitable for new players.
This vehicle is available in the following bundles:
- Standard Bundle (includes the vehicle only) for 15.99 EUR (USD) or 3,198 Gold
- Improved Bundle (includes the vehicle, 1,000 Gold, 10 Gold Loot Crates, 3 Platinum Loot Crates, 10 12-hour Gold Battlefield Glory Boost tokens and 7 Days of Premium Time) for 39.99 EUR (USD)
- Prime Bundle (includes the vehicle, 2,000 Gold, 15 Gold Loot Crates, 5 Platinum Loot Crates, 10 12-hour Platinum Battlefield Glory Boost tokens and 30 Days of Premium Time) for 49.99 EUR (USD)
M1134 Fox Bundles
The M1134 is an advanced missile Tank Destroyer based on the Stryker chassis, used in the U.S. Army Stryker Brigade Combat Teams to enhance the unit’s firepower against enemy armor. While only lightly protected, its main strength light in the advanced model of the BGM-71 TOW missile launcher, allowing it to knock out practically every armored target it encounters on the battlefield.
In Armored Warfare, the M1134 Fox is a Tier 8 Tank Destroyer. Its main and only weapon is the dual-shot missile launcher. As such, the vehicle is mostly defenseless at close ranges, but can take out any enemy it encounters at long distances thanks to its powerful guided missiles. Mastering it requires patient gameplay and clever use of cover, making it more suitable for experienced players.
This vehicle is available in the following bundles:
- Standard Bundle (includes the vehicle only) for 44.99 EUR (USD) or 8,998 Gold
- Improved Bundle (includes the vehicle, 15 Gold Loot Crates, 5 Platinum Loot Crates, 20 12-hour Gold Battlefield Glory Boost tokens and 7 Days of Premium Time) for 69.99 EUR (USD)
- Prime Bundle (includes the vehicle, 20 Gold Loot Crates, 20 Platinum Loot Crates, 30 12-hour Platinum Battlefield Glory Boost tokens and 30 Days of Premium Time) for 99.99 EUR (USD)
AMX-10P PAC 90 Fox Bundles
The AMX-10P PAC 90 is a fire support variant of the French AMX-10P tracked infantry fighting vehicle. Designed in the late 1960s, the AMX-10P served in the French military for more than three decades before being officially replaced by the VBCI in 2008.
In Armored Warfare, the AMX-10P PAC 90 Fox is a Tier 4 Tank Destroyer. The 90mm GIAT gun gives this AMX-10P a serious punch and makes it a dangerous opponent for all vehicles around its Tier in Armored Warfare. It is also very light and agile, making it a suitable introduction to the Tank Destroyer class for every player.
This vehicle is available in the following bundles:
- Standard Bundle (includes the vehicle only) for 4.99 EUR (USD) or 998 Gold
- Improved Bundle (includes the vehicle, 10 Gold Loot Crates and 7 Days of Premium Time) for 17.99 EUR (USD)
- Prime Bundle (includes the vehicle, 15 Gold Loot Crates, 5 Platinum Loot Crates, 10 12-hour Platinum Battlefield Glory Boost tokens and 30 Days of Premium Time) for 26.99 EUR (USD)
Fox Collection Bundle
Here’s your chance to get your hands on all three vehicles at once with a discount for 79.99 EUR (USD)
This bundle contains:
- XM1 Fox Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank (25% discount)
- M1134 Fox Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer (25% discount)
- AMX-10P PAC 90 Fox Tier 4 Premium Tank Destroyer (25% discount)
- 30 days of Premium Time (25% discount)
- 30 Gold Loot Crates (25% discount)

Please note:
- This event starts on November 7, 17:00 CET (8 AM PST)
- This event ends on November 11, 16:00 CET (7 AM PST)
- Every bundle can only be purchased once per account
- Every bundle is delivered either to the EU server or to the NA server, based on your server selection
- If you already owned a bundle vehicle, you will instead receive its Compensation Value in Gold instead
- Compensation Value for the XM1 Fox is 3,250 Gold
- Compensation Value for the M1134 Fox is 9,000 Gold
- Compensation Value for the AMX-10P PAC 90 Fox is 1,000 Gold
We hope that you will enjoy this event and will see you on the battlefield!