Aside from the ongoing Lilac and Steel event, we’ve prepared a very special offer for the celebrations of the end of the Second World War anniversary. This offer includes:
- Anniversary bundle with IT-1, Object 287 and Object 279 Banner Bearer
- WW2 bundle with three epic WW2-themed skins
- Motherland bundle with the T-90A Motherland skin
- Object 490 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
- BMPT Mod.2000 Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer (Sapphire, Reaper and a Military bundle)
- Iron Crate (this time with the Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium MBT)
Between May 6 and May 13, 2021, the following items will be available:
Anniversary Bundle
This special bundle contains some of the most powerful Soviet vehicles in the game, including the rare Object 287 Tier 6 Premium Tank Destroyer. The Object 287 TD is one of the best armed vehicles of its Tier and has been only available once before. If you missed it in 2019, now’s your chance to get your hands on it again. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.
The Anniversary Bundle contains the following items:
- Object 287 Tier 6 Premium Tank Destroyer
- IT-1 Tier 5 Premium Tank Destroyer
- Object 279 Banner Bearer Tier 5 Premium Main Battle Tank
- 14 days of Premium Time
This bundle is available via the MY.GAMES Market. If you own any of the vehicles and purchase the bundle, you will receive their price in Gold.

Second World War Bundle
This bundle contains three historically-themed skins for high-Tier vehicles. The Boyevaya Podruga skin is modeled after a famous Soviet WW2 tank, commanded by Mariya Oktyabrskaya. The Desert Rat skin is modeled after the famous British 7th Armoured Division and the Bastogne skin is modeled after a famous American Sherman tank, “First in Bastogne.” You can read about the history of these skins in our dedicated article.
The Second World War Bundle contains the following items:
- Desert Rat skin for the Challenger 2 ATDU Tier 10 MBT
- Boyevaya Podruga skin for the T-14 Armata Tier 10 MBT
- Bastogne skin for the M1A2 Abrams Tier 8 MBT
- 7 days of Premium Time
This bundle is available via the MY.GAMES Market. Please note that in order to use the skins, you need to own the respective progression MBTs.

Motherland Bundle
This is a special World War Two-themed skin for the T-90A Tier 8 progression MBT. Featuring a considerable amount of covering foliage, this skin will make your tank blend nicely into any environment lush with bushes and trees. The T-90A MBT itself is an excellent short to medium range combat vehicle, capable of disposing of all the enemies it encounters with relative ease. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.
The Motherland Bundle contains the following items:
- Motherland skin for the T-90A Tier 8 MBT
- 3 days of Premium Time
- 1.000 Gold
This bundle is available via the MY.GAMES Market. If you own any of the vehicles and purchase the bundle, you will receive their price in Gold. Please note that in order to use the skin, you need to own the T-90A progression MBT.

Object 490
The Object 490 Main Battle Tank was an advanced concept from the waning days of the Soviet Union. Designed in the 1980s, it represented a radical departure from the MBT paradigm. Its distinct wedge-like shape, along with the fact that the crew was located in the back, offered unparalleled levels of protection. But the most interesting part of the design was its double suspension paired with two engines, allowing the vehicle to stay mobile even after suffering significant damage. However, the conclusion of the Cold War put an end to this design, along with many other advanced Soviet projects. You can learn more about this vehicle in our dedicated article.
In Armored Warfare, the Object 490 Tier 10 Premium MBT is perhaps the best armored vehicle in the game. It’s a true behemoth that is almost impossible to slow down, let alone knock out, and concentrated effort is required to stop one of these things when encountering them on the battlefield. The combination of extremely thick armor and a powerful 152mm gun makes this tank incredibly deadly, even though these advantages are balanced by its mediocre agility and the fact that its gun is only forward facing. This MBT is ideal for you if you prefer slow, methodical advances while dealing massive amounts of damage with each shot. If you keep your flanks secure, you’ll be all but impossible to stop.
The Object 490 MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

BMPT Mod.2000
The BMPT Mod.2000 is, as its name suggests, one of the earliest models of the famous Russian BMPT series, also known under the name “Terminator.” The word BMPT stands for “tank support combat vehicle,” which is exactly what the machine was designed for – to accompany tanks to battle and support them (predominantly in urban environments) against enemy infantry. It consists of a MBT-class hull (a modified T-90 one) and an unmanned turret, armed with a single 30mm automatic cannon and a single four-tube launcher for Kornet-E ATGMs. This particular model was shown to general public in 2000, but didn’t get much attention. It was overhauled almost immediately to the iconic twin-autocannon configuration that’s being used to this day.
In Armored Warfare, the BMPT Mod.2000 is a Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer. It’s a heavy duty vehicle with its hull offering excellent protection for its class. The turret, albeit lightly armored, only takes reduced damage. Even though this vehicle only features a single 30mm autocannon (unlike all the other BMPT series vehicles in the game), this is compensated by the presence of powerful ATGMs that make the BMPT Mod.2000 an extremely potent tank killer.
This vehicle is now available on MY.GAMES Market directly in three different variants:
- BMPT Mod.2000 without any camouflage
- BMPT Mod.2000 Reaper with a scary black grim-reaper-themed camouflage
- BMPT Mod.2000 Sapphire with its hull covered in blue flames
Please note that the latter two camouflages are permanent and cannot be removed from the vehicle if you purchase them.
The BMPT Mod.2000 Military Bundle includes (apart from the vehicle itself), the Uralvagonzavod real-life camouflage. This camouflage has been used by the company during various events and expos to promote its prototypes and futuristic projects. It therefore fits the UVZ BMPT prototype from the year 2000, even if it appeared years after the vehicle itself. It also fits the rest of the BMPT series available in the game, including the progression Ramka-99 variant. Additionally, the bundle contains a free decal that can be typically seen on various military parade vehicles of the Russian army.

Iron Crate
We’ve prepared for you an additional offer this week. Between May 6 and May 13, 2021, the Iron Crate will be available on MY.GAMES Market with 50% discount!
The mechanics are very simple. This crate allows you to win one of the vehicles listed in its description (or its value in Gold if you have it already). The crate contains some very rare vehicles (with some new ones!), including the Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium MBT.
For a full list, please visit the MY.GAMES Market Iron Crate page.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!