This week, we’d like to offer you a new type of Loot Crate – the Recon Loot Crate, containing many of your favorite Premium LTs and AFVs as well as Commanders, Gold and progress boosters!
The mechanics are very simple. This crate allows you to win one of the vehicles listed in its description (or its value in Gold if you have it already). For a full list, please visit the MY.GAMES Market page.
Furthermore, this Loot Crate uses the Key mechanics. Instead of purchasing the Loot Crates, you purchase keys to them, which you then use to unlock them.
However, please note:
- Discounts do not apply to Loot Crates, but rather to Keys
- It is possible to buy multiple keys for a single chest type
- Keys can be found in a separate Market section

We hope that you will enjoy this offer and, as usual:
See you on the battlefield!