In October, Armored Warfare will turn six and to celebrate the occasion properly, we’ve prepared a brand-new event for you. We call it “Riders on the Storm.” This year, the anniversary event is Vietnam War-themed and features several valuable prizes, including a Premium reward vehicle. So put on your helmets, clean your M-16s and let us run through the jungle together!
The event becomes available tomorrow (on September 29, 2021) at 3 AM CEST.
Its rules are very simple. Complete the daily objective by destroying 5 enemy vehicles in a single PvE battle or 1 player vehicle in PvP (while driving a Tier 3 vehicle or higher) in order to receive a reward for every stage of the event.
These rewards include:
- 7 days of Premium Time
- U.S. Vietnam War camouflage
- “Rider on the Storm” player title
- Vietnam War Khaki base paint
- M60A3 SLEP skin Rough Rider
- M60A3 SLEP Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank
- Rough Rider banner
The rewards are listed in the order you may obtain them.
Please note:
- This event may run concurrently with other events and is available to all players
- You may only complete one objective per day
- The event starts on September 29 and ends on October 25, 2021
We hope that you will enjoy this event and will see you on the battlefield!