Continued from Episode 3: Story So Far
- Southern England, late Autumn, 2040
Their conversation was interrupted by a guard silently opening the kitchen door and nodding at Clayburn who immediately rose from the table. Strom quickly swallowed the last bite of the delicious dessert in front of him and followed.
“Our second guest has arrived, Strom. Come, you two simply must meet. I am sure you’ll have plenty to talk about.”
The man that waited for them back in the library was enormous but moved with surprising grace when he greeted Clayburn and approached him to shake his hand, his bald head slightly bowed in deference. Strom had seen his share of soldiers but immediately realized this was no ordinary trooper or an armchair general. His calm face and cold eyes were those of a true killer, a terror amongst men, death incarnate.
The man had a deep baritone voice – Strom could almost imagine hearing his roar on a battlefield, rallying his men to surge forward into one last hopeless charge and the men obeying, such was the natural charisma the man emanated.
The man looked at him and Strom suddenly felt being measured and an image of a mouse under the gaze of an eagle ready to strike suddenly popped up in his mind. This was the kind of man, whose single glance could scatter to four winds any ill intentions lurking in the back of your mind. One of the most important talents of Andrew Clayburn was to acquire the best people and Strom was sure like never before that even amongst the military professionals, top-notch scientists and finance magicians in Clayburn’s service, this man was someone special.
Yet there was something that made him uneasy as if he was standing in front of an enemy and not one of the very few people important enough to meet Clayburn in person. Perhaps it was the uniform. An old German model, Strom realized after a while, without any Clayburn insignia or even colors. A complete disregard of Clayburn Industries dress code was another proof of this man’s exceptionality.
And then Clayburn spoke softly.
“Strom, I would like to introduce you to...”
He paused and smiled.
“But surely you know already.”
- Somewhere in Russia, mid-Summer, 2039
They weren’t even trying to hide. He saw them approach across the meadow in front of his log cabin, the sound of their helicopter drowning the gentle hum of his diesel generator in the nearby shed. Despite their unmarked uniforms and the old, Russian military chopper, they were corporate – he could tell after the long years of dealing with their kind.
As he stood in the doorway, waiting for the inevitable, he closed his eyes and breathed in the sweet flower scent filling the air. Russian woods and fields were beautiful this time of the year, birches whispering in the soft breeze and a brook gurgling nearby, telling him to stay with them forever. As places to die in go, he thought, smiling with his eyes shut, this wasn’t a bad one.
He’s been here perhaps a year, his long military and mercenary career buying him what he craved most at the end – peace. Long, lazy days far from the battlefields of this world torn asunder – days filled with what he loved the most, the calm silence only a countryside can deliver. He had sold his property, relinquished his position as a leader, his men slowly drifting away until he was alone, him and the cabin he had built. But despite all this, he somehow knew they wouldn’t let him go. One day, someone would come.
And so they did. The men in front of him acted like professionals. He could spot a few mistakes, several wrong steps and glances in wrong directions, but overall, he felt that they competent, even amongst mercenaries. Veterans, no doubt about it.
Their leader raised a hand with a greeting. He felt his face contorting in a scowl almost unconsciously – he hated pointless charades and he could tell they knew he knew.
“No need for that. Let’s get this over with,” he growled with his eyes closed and reclined against the woodwork.
“Sorry, sir?”
“Do it.”
“Do what sir?”
He could feel that the leader was genuinely confused and cocked his head.
“Why are you here then?”
The leader nodded as if to himself, rubbed his hands and a sudden realization came to the main in the doorway. The man was actually nervous.
“We have a proposition.”
That piqued his interest. One does fly over half of the world to carry out a grudge, surely, but rarely to make offers – flying was not cheap these days. Or easy. Or safe. He shrugged and waved at the leader to follow him inside.
“Tea? Coffee?”
The man, who he now realized was perhaps half his age, licked his lips.
“Wouldn’t refuse.”
“Which one?”
“Coffee, please.”
He nodded.
“Coffee it is.”
They waited in silence for the kettle to boil on a small electric heater, neither of them willing to start the conversation. That fact alone told him that the matter must be even more important that he had previously thought. He was starting to get curious but held his tongue until both their cups were filled with the rich black liquid that was rarer than gold in this neck of the woods. He sometimes caught a glimpse of the rest of the men patrolling outside.
Finally, the leader started.
“Sir, I’m here to...”
“Clayburn,” he interrupted him.
“You’re from Clayburn.”
A statement, not a question. The interruption caught the man off guard and in the end he had to prompt him to continue.
“You were saying?”
The leader regained his composure and nodded, continuing in a business-like manner.
“Right. On behalf of Clayburn Industries and Andrew Clayburn personally, I would like to extend an invitation to visit him in London and discuss a proposal.”
A long silence followed with the cabin owner’s eyes seemingly focused on the wooden, hand-made table they were sitting at.
“Why me?”
The leader shrugged apologetically.
“Sorry sir, no clue. But the old man does not send us just for anyone. Only the best. I assume your reputation and skill have something to do with that.”
“I hate brown-nosing, Lieutenant.”
“It’s Major, sir. And I was just stating the obvious. We know who you are.”
The major’s eyes suddenly shifted above his right shoulder towards the battered, half-burned flag he knew was hanging on the wall behind him.
“An old battle flag, sir?”
“So it is.”
The major smiled.
“Interesting. Is that a wolf?”
The man finally smiled indulgently.
“Come on. You should know. It’s a hound.”
- Al-Arish, October 19, 2039
In the days of old, monarchs would make a spectacle of executions. The crowd cheered when the criminal was hanged, stones were thrown and snacks were sold. The death of Peter Clayburn, even though it happened in front of an audience, was no such thing –a few words, one gunshot and the lingering feeling that nothing changed mirroring in every face present.
In the instant, before Blackwood pulled the trigger, he whispered something in Peter Clayburn’s ear. Clayburn’s eyes went wide with shock, an expression his face retained even when his lifeless body fell to the ground. Blackwood holstered his pistol and then it was all over.
Or was it? The exchange didn’t escape the attention of Seagrove, Grey and other senior staff members. Later that evening, Blackwood found himself challenged by a group of his own officers. He calmly regarded them as they presented their accusations of misconduct and collaboration to bring the death of them all.
Grey was, as was her way, more vocal than the rest. His face didn’t betray any emotions but deep inside, he was genuinely amused by the fact she was the one to accompany the group when the plans for the desert operations were hers and hers alone, despite Seagrove’s objections. He forced himself back to reality to listen to another enraged tirade of one of the technician section chiefs, ending with...
“....and what are we supposed to do now? The Clayburn navy is still in the area, we just finished the repairs and Altalena won’t be ready to depart until Monday. That’s almost a whole week for Clayburn to get us all killed. And the desert is still swarming with angry mercs.”
Blackwood raised his eyebrows, seemingly ignoring the last part.
The technician’s cheeks flushed red.
“One of the locals named it. It caught on. What of it,” he added angrily, “a name as good as any.”
Blackwood felt once again amused and wondered if the others knew why. Finally, he rose from his chair and softly said:
“Gentlemen, that’s enough. You too, Kate.”
His face expressionless, he stared them down until they grew silent.
“Let me address your concerns one by one. First, the mercenaries. Why do you think we went with Kathryn’s plan?”
He nodded her way and continued calmly after a short pause, his hands behind his back, like a professor in front of a class explaining this year’s study plan instead of matters of life and death.
“We needed those supplies. You all know that.”
He nodded, as if to himself – a gesture they were all already familiar with.
“After that, there was no going back, so we used the situation. The locals – they wouldn’t have trusted us anyhow after the first shots were fired. It was inevitable – you can’t get along with everyone. Sorry, Josh,” he smiled apologetically at Seagrove.
“I did let Kathryn continue because that’s what it took to save our hides. When Clayburn arrived, he didn’t find a peaceful, pacified region he could send his emissaries across and buy the entire local force off. Instead, he faced scattered groups of stragglers. Some of them joined him but most were either too disorganized or in hiding. As a result, we got the supplies we wanted and instead of a massive indigenous force, bought by Clayburn, we faced only a few locals fighting with the Crimson Reavers. We too were once corporate – the locals don’t see much of a difference between us and them anyway. Many hated Clayburn as much as us for what we did. It’s cold, I’ll admit, but it allowed us to survive – without it, the opposition we would have faced would have been insurmountable.”
He paused once again for a short while to take a sip from a glass of water on his table.
“Now, to the matter of tactics. We fought in the desert not only because it would give us an advantage, but because Peter Clayburn was an idiot. Had we stayed here, he would have disregarded the old man’s wishes and would have had the Clayburn warships shell the entire area even though old Clayburn needed it. We would have died and he would have gotten a slap on the wrist. Instead, we ambushed them in the desert. We had one chance – to knock his tank out.”
Another short pause.
“The Reaver commander was no fool – the Reavers are too valuable to waste getting killed by a few renegades,” he made a mock bow to the company present and a few muted chuckles sounded from the group.
“So once he saw that Peter was lost, he retreated just as I expected him to, to receive new orders. And it seems that the old man is content for now to keep us blocked in here. But not for long.”
He reached out to a nearby shelf to produce a standard military issue bag with some sort of electronic device inside.
“Peter, in his infinite stupidity, left us a present. His tank was equipped with a command device, relaying encoded orders to his troops. We can use this. Mister Lefevre from comms will modify the device to make our ship emit a transponder signal mimicking a Clayburn support vessel. And that,” he concluded, “was what I told him. He was convinced we would all die here. In the end, I robbed him of even this hope. He deserved it.”
He could feel the tension drop as most of the men and women started nodding and talking to each other.
Storyline Check: Decide Your Course
- Check: Active Defense selected
- Joshua Seagrove standing decreased further
- Kathryn Grey standing increased further
- 35 men lost
- Morale improved to High
Finally, Grey, perhaps imagining herself speaking for them all, rose her voice.
He turned towards her. She was standing at attention and threw the crispiest salute he’s ever seen from her.
“It all... makes sense. We apologize,” she turned back towards the people behind her, “for acting unbecoming of officers. It won’t happen again.”
He nodded, returned her salute and they all started to leave. He only had one more thing to add.
“Oh and gentlemen?”
Their faces turned back to him in expectation.
“Please, do choose a different name for the ship.”
We are happy to announce the conclusion of Episode 3 of the Storyline Campaign Season 1.
3144 players have successfully completed this episode’s objectives and achieved the “Episode 3 completed” status, of which 2459 played on the EU server and 685 on the NA server.
- Objective 1 (win 80 PvP battles as per Episode 3 rules) was completed by 1073 players on the EU server and 125 players on the NA server
- Objective 2 (win 120 PvE Hard battles as per Episode 3 rules) was completed by 2278 players on the EU server and 672 players on the NA server
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- Hendrik
- herald17
- HeresJohnny
- Hermez
- Herrusnak
- Herzblut-Drache
- Hessi-James
- Hey_dude
- Hfero
- Highhopes1
- Highlander1
- hilary4
- Hilmes
- Hlavatej
- Hoax15
- hofigaba
- hohokol
- Honto
- hope_zzzz
- horacio
- Horadrim
- Horor4
- Horsy
- hortico
- horus170485
- Huawei37
- Hubercik102
- Hubert83
- hubrttata
- HugoHumongus
- Huninvisible
- Hunta
- Hunterto
- hvarski
- HWI1
- Hydro2
- chaimek
- Chapaman
- CharlieBravo65
- Charlton67
- charly28981
- Cheesy75
- cherubinekPL
- Chevayo
- chifuretsu
- chichago75
- Chikkachu
- chimenea
- Chrauber1
- chrisdude
- chrisi588
- chrisorko
- ChristianID
- I_Am_Groot
- I5Hammer
- Icanek52
- IceBreak
- Icedragon89
- iceQueen
- Icicle
- ID14679911
- identitäter
- Ihrereiner
- ikinoki
- iklas30
- iKoza
- ilis
- ImmortanJoe
- Imperium
- impgoon
- Indonerd
- InnerSpace
- inside_tank
- Interfector
- intk
- Into_The_Fire
- Intuneric
- Invell
- Iori
- Iosifek
- ipongmungming
- Iron_Cross
- irongoat
- Iron-Major
- ironshrek
- IronSurgeon
- irontango
- ISecutorI
- ishamael
- ItchiBuh
- ivand73
- ivanos
- izaitom
- J14N6Y0U
- j19m04h68tuczCR
- J3thr0
- Jaaa
- Jaca1102
- jaca1983
- Jackdogg69
- jackhro
- JackieSparrow
- Jackill_Slovak
- Jacksen
- Jacop
- JacqRaph_21
- Jadeite
- jadmanthrat
- Jaegerblut
- Jagdar69
- Jagzeh
- jacho-pl
- jakub-wedrowycz
- Jamzs3_AW
- Jan40
- janek4575
- Jango_996
- Janicsillagasz
- Jankes_ER
- jankk
- JankoKraken
- Janne73
- JanZizka
- japankral
- Jaro1978
- Javar
- Javor60
- JayDeeKay
- JayR0713
- jean_marie
- Jeay
- JekyllnHyde
- jeremydrs
- Jerif
- JFpiglet5
- jfra
- JiÅ™Ã
- Jinxy
- JIRI60
- Jirka
- Jiteman
- jjacc
- JJackson
- jmf31
- JOB-400
- JobTheConqueror
- joedap
- John_Deere
- John_Lynch
- John_Pakovsky
- Johnny17
- Joker2982
- Jollij
- jonn
- JookeRny
- Jormungand666
- Jowisz1976
- jucarie
- Juergen
- JuggernautiiX
- Julius_der_111
- JungleHardcore
- Jupester
- Jupi_BiH
- jupmoin
- Jurasek
- juremod
- JustANewb
- Justus_Punitio
- K2BlackPanther
- kaakeli
- Kadam76
- Kal_Jerico
- Kaleidoskop
- Kamikazestahl
- KamioseQ
- kamiun
- Kampfhase
- Kampfkarpfen
- kanibal242
- Kaoru1986
- KapteinSardyn
- Karait_Rus
- karamelka81cz
- karbage
- Karl_Hart
- karooll
- Kasjusz67
- Kasmahl
- kasper1986
- kasperPL
- KastenStahl
- kastor1222
- Kaszás59
- katana84
- katoda_ltd
- KawaiiGamer
- KawaiiPanzer
- Kaydenn
- kecilvap
- kekipetra
- Kempes
- KengoesBOOM
- kenty65
- Kepelian
- Kerian
- Kertoja
- Kessuga
- kettenuwe
- Khazam13
- Ki?osaki
- Kiełpin
- Kieler02
- Kieran
- kiery1234
- kihti
- kika
- Kilayandra
- Killah_Ghost
- Killar666
- Killer_Plautze
- killer42
- KillerAtze
- Killerplautze
- killthethings
- kimica
- King_Tommen
- KingGeorge1
- KingMadMax
- kiril007
- KisKolonics
- Kitchenkiller
- KittyTank
- Kjang
- Kjuno
- Kjusofnik
- Kkrysák
- kk-top
- kkzz233
- Klaus_Polard
- klaus1
- KlausB
- klauskloetzl
- Klendatu
- klFeigling
- klinga
- Klosharina
- knaller0815
- knausis
- KnightSteel
- Knirdata
- Knolle86
- kobac84
- Kobi88
- KojoottiK
- kokokielo
- kolan
- koliz_1972
- Kollelok
- komar911
- Konis
- konisch
- KonradElitePL
- Kordaan
- Korsar83
- Korysyslaw
- KosciaK
- Kosmo747
- kostas1972
- kozaDONKA326
- koziny69
- Kr1g3r
- krabo
- Kraftsaft
- Kraken-SK
- Kramac
- Krasnaja_Plesen
- Kri254
- Kriksos2016
- Krill
- Kris1212
- Kris2002
- kris220b
- Kronos1952
- Krosulh
- krumpa
- kruszonk
- krzychsus
- Krzyszten
- Kubi12
- Kuifster
- kukurydz
- kulik1234
- Kunanu
- kuno1511
- kurdi
- KuroiYokoshima
- Kuseler25
- kusy
- kverhade
- kwazar1
- kyskyryk1
- Kzin
- Lacoka
- LacsuHUN
- ladik79
- Laemmi
- Laja
- Laknat
- lalazaj
- lambaants
- Lapatossu
- lara
- lasher32
- Lassov
- lato58
- lato86
- LauraLas
- Lautkunst
- lavica
- Learis
- Leberkassemmel
- leclerc765
- LeeSuss
- LeftMausKlick
- legio49
- Lechistan
- lechmik_pl
- Leia_Organa
- Lemmydanger
- lenkosz
- Leo_AW
- Leo999
- Leonluis
- leonpower
- Leoz
- lepassager007
- Lerog
- LeSexyDevil
- leszek1966
- Levendel
- levieuxpicard
- Lexaurin
- LexGeneralis
- LezleeBOY
- libi
- Liebefrei
- liesa154
- Lifeless
- Lige
- Lighthammer777
- lightningstroke
- Lightwulf
- Licho5
- LilaUngeheuer
- Lion_66
- Lipancz
- lipper
- Liquid_Soul
- Lith
- Little_Zerberus
- LittleBlackStar
- LittleF
- LittleRage
- Ljorius
- Lofty
- LofW
- loleando
- lolly94ITA
- lolwtf
- LoneMalamute
- LooneyTunesShow
- Lord_Nusspli
- Lord_OLLUM
- Lord_Randall
- Lord_Xenon
- LordDoe
- LordUllrich
- lordyamsou
- Louis_Pasteur
- LoveCrusader
- LoweRolle
- LoWoC4Man
- lpaczo24
- Lt_Blechtonne
- lubos815
- Luciffer_Tribal
- Luciusger
- Lukas1989
- Luki1946
- luki2200
- Lukx
- Lukybeer
- lukylooser
- Lumpi
- Luton76
- Luxtorpeda
- Luzi62
- Lyeis
- Lynx2001
- Lythron
- m0nk_no1
- M0rtalW0mbat
- m0stw4nt3d
- M471n
- M4dM4x
- m4st3r
- Mac_Ingram
- Macaron
- maciek276
- macieklu
- MacSyverson
- madman_24
- madmaxx12
- MadWiking
- MageInTraining
- magety050366
- MagnusBarca
- Machabe
- Machine_Caliber
- mainowy007
- MajCupCake
- Majklus
- MajorCrazy
- MajorJo73
- MakePeaceCZ
- Maketee
- MakoReizei64
- Maleficia
- Malgoon
- malimucheloo
- malutki
- malymatrix
- mambagreen
- man222
- Manaraoc
- Mandoleran
- Mandrakas
- Maniacu
- maniek2402
- maniu
- Manstein_panzer
- mar1usz
- MarAndreas
- marc35
- marcellus
- Marcobelmont
- Marcus-Verus
- marcydarcy
- marek0500
- marek3005661
- marek4444
- marek5467
- Marine361y
- MarioRs
- Marketeer
- Marko_C
- marko_zemun
- markshadow
- Marodeur
- marouk65
- marsupilami38
- martin100047
- Martin10366
- martin1359
- martinlord
- Marty91
- marxist_brother
- MasterAeon
- Masterofpuppets
- Masur
- matazalka
- Matrix55
- Maugan_Xe
- MaxHeadroom
- MAXimax_pl
- maxkilz
- Maxmize
- MaxRavenclaw
- maxxx77
- maybach09
- Maybe268
- Mayneez
- mazingermetal
- mazsola0
- MC_90
- Mc_Pewpew
- McGyver5704
- MCP64
- MeanAsHell
- Meccano
- Medvjed
- MegatroN99
- Meister_Jo-da
- MeKelGachy
- meliadus
- MelIssa
- Melladon
- MelyTheOne
- memednuri
- memek13
- Memmlein
- memo_Turk
- Menace_2Society
- Menoetius
- MentalDisorder
- Menyétke
- Merkit
- mesio
- Messka
- MetalHamster69
- Metalpriest
- Methusalix
- Meverick2003
- MexBoDHy6
- miarka20
- Mic74
- Micke73
- Micky5
- Mieszko2
- mighty890
- migscooter
- micha1910
- Michan
- Mike_CZ
- mike051265
- Mike13
- MikeAvatar
- MilanKV1
- Milutzu
- minart
- Minimouse
- miodu
- MiquelAS
- Mir072
- Miranda
- Mirase
- MircSmurf
- mirek0134
- mirhaus
- mirob69
- Miroslav_H_CZ
- MirTze
- Mithrandir
- MixuS
- Mjolner
- Mk1palmer
- Mkoo
- mlody1982
- MMARK969
- MMJenTak
- MMMMMilash
- MO_E
- MojGott
- Mondfuchs
- Moneyforkills
- Monstertank62
- Montresor
- Montyro
- MoonTerror
- MoonyCastle
- Morb
- Mordu
- MorGalid
- morpheal30
- Moto
- Motorcycho
- Mr_Grillhaxe
- Mr_Takahashi
- Mr_Teazer
- Mr_X4K
- mrBery
- MrBurns23
- MrCain
- MrDotWrong
- mrkiller
- Mrky113
- MrMakata
- mrowa
- MrPilgrim
- MrPortorico
- MrR0ket0
- MrSharik
- msgaard
- Muaddibb
- Muauva
- much_steel
- Muldy
- Mumm-Ra
- Muoteck
- Muscatelli
- muz77
- mv444
- myj987
- Mylar90
- Myshu
- черное_Ñердце
- n00b_Hayash_b0t
- n07hin9
- N0ppy
- n0T5ur3
- N3cr0n0m
- n45c4r
- N7EagIe
- na_kone_163
- Nakupenda
- narkisos
- Narnman
- Narrative
- nasciturus
- Natalja
- Nathan84
- needen
- Nemezis
- Neo45
- Neryhc
- NeunFingerJoe
- nevs
- Nevyn1
- newbster80
- neznanijunak
- ng2lx
- nic0sc
- Nicemann
- Niemic23
- niethi
- Nietzsche
- nightlyfoe
- NikFeel
- nikkon04
- Nikola_bre
- NikolaiDarkoyan
- nikP
- Nimravides
- ninezerofive
- ninoxxx
- Nippelsauger
- nitrobewer
- Nixxus
- NiZn
- Nobby69
- Nocturnus
- NoChat
- Nonarei
- Noobdown
- noohdlez
- Norbikom
- Nordlicht62
- normandos
- NorthernSnake
- notsurewho
- NovaBombe
- Novartis
- NoWoTNo
- Nualdur
- Nuisance_Value
- NukeMutant
- o0LordMartin0o
- Obelix_AC
- Oberst01
- OberstKlink001
- OberstWolf1945
- Observer_75
- ocbXL
- Oceanhawk60
- Oddyseus
- Odin1954
- odinskrieger
- Offline7
- Ofw_Kerscher
- ogon82
- OHM1983
- Ohtor
- okularnik7
- ol1uw
- Oldeye
- OldschoolBanzai
- Olha
- olle71
- Ollpainless
- ombU
- omega20
- Omnipotens
- Ondrej
- Onikuma
- Onyks1
- OOwalidOO
- Opa1948
- OpaSchlumpf
- OpaUnger325
- optimist53
- OrvilleAT
- OSN-83
- ossa
- Ostgranate1603
- osti8
- Otek77733
- Otties
- Ottojanius
- Ouchies
- Overfifty
- p3990013
- P4nDr4G0n
- PABLO666
- Pacatosul
- Pace_Voua
- pah_mar
- PaInMen
- Pakel
- pako6166
- Paladin69
- pamperin
- panandreas
- pancerna_pyra
- pancerprzemo
- PancRow
- PanJelen
- Panoramix
- PantherR001
- panzer00
- panzer1973
- PanzerAttack17
- PanzerJurand
- Panzerkomm1980
- Panzerolli
- Panzerpaul111
- Panzersek
- papy24510
- Parancsnok80
- Pascal0243
- Patas336
- pataya
- PaterBrown
- patmag29
- patpat666
- Patricino
- patro123xd
- Pavik555
- pavoukVS
- Pawelek1021
- pawelpl52
- Paxes
- Peacemakerr
- PeanutPete
- PeddyPanzer
- PeeL
- Pegetzi
- pekele
- PendekarPTM
- Perdita_Olio
- PereZ_345
- Peroaner
- Peter5591
- PeterAA
- petertje666
- PetitJP
- petrix1
- Pfeilsdorf
- PhantomF4F
- PhantomKiller
- Phi_Alpha_Kappa
- Phill_23
- PHILL261
- philzagaz
- pcheniek
- Pi0ve
- pierre51645
- Pietiazak
- pietrek_aw
- pif34
- pigdog67
- PikkoRin
- pilot911
- pilotltd
- Pinf
- Pingolinibär
- Piotrus72
- Pireansot
- Pirilipipilo
- piryt
- pisquinho
- piterk
- Pitchblack21
- pivniskaut
- PL_Fan
- Planeswalker
- Platenik63
- platynowytomek
- Platzmacher
- play3r
- PlayArci
- Plesje
- PNZMaster
- Pog1
- Pojje
- PolishLegend
- polo334
- polo4polo
- PoloSVK
- polwal
- Pop78
- poytank444
- ppali
- Pr0wler
- Prcko46
- Predator40
- Presedinte93
- Pretorian51292
- PrettyPenny
- prezestomas
- procsimo79
- ProMyka
- Prutsar
- Pryta
- PS_Tod
- Psilord
- PsiX
- Pst1992
- Psyco14
- psyhokinetik
- PsychoOkind
- pSychOs
- psychrophil
- Ptah12
- Ptitluc65
- Pukel2
- puky_cro
- Pulwar
- Pumahunter
- punishEA
- Punisher2K
- Puumba
- pyer34
- PySaRo
- Pythius
- PzKwVITiger
- qakinCZ
- qla18
- Qlimax
- Quaksen
- Querulous
- quesy01
- Quori
- qwerplis
- r_001Ar20no16
- R0k3t
- R3ven
- r4ffnix
- r4plez
- rabbit
- radek458pl
- RadekZ
- Radu_Ro
- radziu1981
- Raelag
- Rafaelacha
- raffak
- raffnienix
- rafi74
- Ragadozo
- Ragenall
- Raginhardt
- Ragnarok_NL
- RagnarSchulz
- Racheengel01
- Rachmaninow
- rai87
- RainerZufall
- raketenchali
- RakiRaki
- Ralle380
- Rambo30
- RAMBO666
- Rammler1906
- Rammstein0123456
- Ramore
- rampartt
- ramrod1948
- RamsesII
- Ramzes71
- Randlman
- Random_Gunfire
- RandomEncounter
- Rappel_Kiste
- Raptor_HUN
- rartwar
- Rasenmaehermann
- Rashomon
- ratchet117
- Rautakontti
- Raven_Guard
- razaracBor030
- Raziel1
- razor1968
- rcmm
- Reaesir
- Redback
- RedBandit
- redbone
- Redcarell
- reditelvesmiru
- redq
- Redrath298
- RedSox04
- reems3000
- Refestus
- rekthorel
- Relaksi
- relu_ct
- Remmers
- remy1212
- Repo
- repped
- ressac28
- retronymble
- revolver275
- RexDK
- Rezorback
- Rhanna
- Rhino_ZA
- rifas
- rigormortise
- richyguitar
- Rikalski
- Rinhord
- ritshadxd
- rizlas
- Robert1444
- robert1982
- robert2401
- Robert71
- Roberth
- robertkostrba
- robertmi
- robertROGER2207
- robertunio
- robje
- roblud2004
- Rockabilly69
- rockold
- roddyk
- Rogue1975
- Rogue886
- Rolf_Steiner
- Rollthor
- Romeo-Delta-550
- rommel115
- Romula
- RonC
- ronin911
- ronronron
- Rookie69
- Roopom
- Rosomak22
- Rover1968
- Row_T72
- Royboy94
- RSC-1995
- R-Sole
- rtep123
- rtom
- ruckel
- RudolfWagener
- Ruebe
- rueda3
- Ruggedfun
- Ruhrfront
- Rundolf
- ruud
- Ruzovka
- ryder
- Ryhus
- S_O_S
- Saboter
- Sabrewolf
- Sagemka69
- SaimnSagt
- sakata_neman
- Sakura_Sama
- Salker
- sam999
- sammo_897
- samuelong
- Sandhase23
- Sannytank
- sanovokiller
- Sanyi19901229
- SarkyMarky
- Sassi
- Saulie
- Sawik308
- scalar
- Scalnia
- SeargeiUA
- seba466
- sebastor
- sebosid
- seelen
- Seifer7
- Semoo
- SentToKilll
- Serafin112
- SerahKhan
- Serbian_Armored
- sesmero
- seyit_onbaşı
- sfcjohn123
- SFranz
- Sgt_HW
- SgtC
- SgtMaj_Carey
- Shaber28
- Shadowar
- Shadowtiger
- ShadowWeaver
- shakar
- shane1947
- Shark_752
- shark666
- Sheelaa
- shnoopx
- Shonetsu
- shopove
- ShortcutToHell
- Show_Girl
- Shox86
- schandiak64
- Schattenkrieger
- Schepard7
- Schime
- Schiwago
- Schlock
- Schlotti
- Schmulius
- Schnakkel
- Schnappi1
- Schnittertm
- schnoerpf
- Schnuggi0704
- Schredder0815
- schrott
- SchuetzeMueller
- Schulz
- Schwaelmer
- Schwammegust
- siae0142
- siara12
- sie80
- SieJan
- Sielinger
- Sierra_R
- sigere
- SilbernerWolf
- sillygame
- Silver_Shadows
- Silverbird73
- Silverdagger
- SilverEagle
- Silversurfer70
- Silviu
- Silviu_A
- Simetierre
- SimplyDoc
- Sin_General
- Singarix
- single_fighter
- siniak80
- Sinnttick
- sipy77cz
- sirGemZol
- SirHawk
- SirKlasu
- Sir-Michael
- SirMushy
- Sir-Stephan
- SirTrebor
- Sisu
- Siwy_Zgred
- Sixling
- sk102
- Skandal85
- Skeater
- SkeletAce
- Skinbak_Fusilier
- skk77
- Skrit
- Skua
- Skyrin
- Slagiron
- Sligrig
- Slon
- Slow_As_Hell
- Sly96
- Smart_Fox
- snaf30
- Snake_777
- Sniip3r_Ultr4
- Snikene_Ullteppe
- Sniper76
- SnowRaven
- Sobies
- socmar
- sohlo71
- Sold1er96
- Solitaire62
- solomka1502
- SonicBomb
- Soupy89
- Sovin_Bombe
- Spacy
- Spacy_2263
- sparapidita
- spardose
- spartakus525
- Spaten66
- Spazzy
- Spearhead
- Spichris
- Spirit12
- Spitfire
- Spledor
- Splonge
- Spoonfang
- Spozzfreund
- Spyder
- Squadman89
- sslayer
- St_Serge
- st_vdg
- Stahl230
- Stahlfeuer
- staljin001
- stalker2007
- Stalkierski
- Stampfpotato
- stargate
- start1962ricco
- stasiek58
- Staubgeist
- Staufener
- Steel_Gentleman
- SteelBeast2015
- SteelHeroe
- steelmous
- Stef010
- Steffi
- steffy44
- Stego
- steher64
- Steiner491
- SteMan
- Sterbehilfe_ev
- Stevant
- SteveLazy
- Stevie_Wonder
- Sticks21
- StigmADiabolicuM
- Stiletto72
- Stoesken
- stojce1
- storm111
- Stormlord
- Stowford
- str157
- Strikele
- Strikeone
- Strixx12
- StrujaCLF
- StuH42
- Stuntman_Bob
- stycks
- subzero1
- sukecPRV11
- SukhoiJanime
- SuLac0
- sun-down
- sunecoll2
- SunRay
- Super_Skurken
- SuperCalc4
- surfinal
- Surovyj
- Surv1v0r
- Survion
- survivor31
- susi10
- suyari67
- suzukirg90
- sv2khl
- Sverige
- Swaffel-Smurf
- Swayze
- Swiety
- Sylvio_78
- szaman_44
- Szerzsi
- szipkas68
- Szybki1987
- T1kutoos
- T34Alterbock
- Tödlicher_witz
- TA55U
- Taczud
- Tafano
- Tachyon-Sierra
- Takeha
- TakeTh1s
- TakitamTankKill
- Talo
- tamasjancsar
- Tangojack
- Tank_TT
- Tank_Ullator
- tankac123
- tanker_1008
- Tankerdarius
- TankFranky
- TankFrog
- Tankhauser
- tankhunter0815
- Tankpconcept
- Tankrecycler02
- TankXD777
- tankz_coffin
- tapkinis
- Tarragon
- TataCZ1
- tatan
- TauMaxim
- Tavariche
- tazmo8448
- Tazzmania017
- TDAce
- Tebor
- TeKa
- tekilla
- teleb
- Tellym
- Templerorden
- Tenzlo
- TequilaDealer
- Terminator
- Terminator1983
- Terris
- Terror_5FDP
- TeRRoR_LegendRA
- Tesla68
- Texer
- Thakor
- Thalon666
- The_Sea_City
- The_Swed
- The_ThInG
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- TheGhostPl
- Theido
- The-Madman
- TheMoonTroller
- Theodor
- TheRedOne
- TheViper_PT
- theweekend
- thibaut1420
- thomasbangna
- Thorhunt
- Thors_day
- Thrai
- ThridBrithday
- Thrillseeker
- thrstn3
- Thunderas
- Thypan
- Tchantches
- Tiat
- Tiberias64
- Tiger_0815
- Tiger1964
- Tiger333
- Tigger
- timesplash
- TimMardon
- Tiny_Tank_TIm
- TIOT08
- Ti-RhuM
- TitanicWarlord
- titounet
- Tjoupak
- TNTHolt
- TodesFaust
- Todor14x
- Tom_et_Jerry
- Tom_Hunter
- Tomala
- tomassko
- tomast3x
- tomber
- tomber2010
- tomcat_SRB
- TomCatkk
- Tomin4tor
- TommY0214
- Tompa
- tomtanc
- Tonto
- Tony_01
- Tooobi74
- topinka
- Topspin2005
- torin98765
- torjen
- TornySVK
- Torre
- TortenTöter
- Tostojewski
- Touristshark
- Toxopholite
- treeger
- trevorbailey200
- Tros
- TrueRevan
- Tryme
- Trytar
- Tubescreamer
- Tucilezy
- Tudnix
- Tudor_1968
- tukan95
- Tunaru76
- turbofox
- TurboPtys40
- TuroRudi
- Tussi
- TwardyBlaszak
- TwinTurbo
- Twrlflierp
- tybys
- Tym57kris
- Tymczasem
- Tyrant
- Tyutyu
- u_14300309
- ugsi
- Ukrob
- ulian1
- Undertaker1012
- Unexist
- Unforgiven75
- uniwers
- UnlimitedFantasy
- uotafak
- UrsulCelGras
- UrsulPolar
- Urvieh
- USID75
- UszczeliX
- Uwotm8
- Vaaco
- vaam63
- Vadasz81
- vadda959
- Valakra
- vali221
- Valori
- valtonera72
- Vandorlo
- vangumz
- Vaununalle
- VauZwo
- Veeh
- Vell
- Velocy
- Vendetta88
- Verbanits
- verinder
- Verner
- vesko3232323212
- Veslaci84
- Veterinarian
- Vier
- vikiller
- Vil_coyote
- vin2rion
- vince55110
- Vionicks
- vip_igor
- Viper508
- Viper71
- Viper87
- vipers7
- virus321
- vlad39
- vladi8080
- vlavik
- VNVNation
- von_Rummelsdorf
- von_Witte
- Vonwitzenbacher
- VovaMutin
- Vovencjusz
- voxx22
- Vyserk
- waffen69
- waidler
- wako72
- walda
- Walderian
- Waldfee
- Wallo
- WamBO616
- Wampi87
- Warpath95
- WarPig4
- warszowiak
- washeker
- Watrus
- Wazza
- Weber13
- WesperPl
- Wet_Squid
- wfrog
- Whisky-Tango
- White_Wolf2k15
- Whitedog23
- WHMiba
- WhoIsYourDaddy
- wicekpicker
- Wicked_Viking
- Wickedavi
- Widerlicher
- Wiegosch
- wiilah
- Wikki66
- wiktors3
- WildBiker
- wilhelm200
- windows_xp
- Winkielmaister
- winter_night
- winz
- Wishman
- wladio
- Wncc1701p
- wohin
- Woife
- woj1326
- Wojtatx2
- wolan82
- wolf67
- Wolfaar
- Wolfclaw66
- Wolfungar
- wolfxx79
- Wolle115
- Wolt_01
- Wolverine_is_hu
- Wombert
- wormboy
- Worschtsemmel71
- Wotan
- Wotan_A7V
- Wotano
- wozbojowy
- Wraykez
- Wredus
- Wroobelek
- wtcprodigy
- WTF211
- WujekSamoZÅ‚o
- Wulffrey
- Wummsbrumme
- wurschtpaule
- wz_searcher
- x9x0x8x4
- XaiCZ
- Xall
- Xandrass
- XapoH
- Xarven
- xavax
- XB43
- Xbane
- xdragonx
- XGamerErwin
- xHawkix
- xoxRuDoLfxox
- xRudy102x
- X-Warlock-X
- xx_Predator_xx
- xX_Wardaddy_Xx
- xXFiruanXx
- xXkruppstahlXx
- xxNeVeRxx
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- XXSoulXStormXX
- xxxthomas106xxx
- xxxtibi
- xxxxBrendonxxxx
- XzyouziX
- Yago
- yamikace
- yankesikPL
- yanlizkurt34
- YarkoN
- Yelayah
- Yngwie079
- Yodelihiti
- YogiBandit
- Yorm
- ytchy
- YUGO01
- Yuki_Kymeri
- Yunkun
- Yuserac
- yuyu
- Z04an
- Zabzarab
- zagaval
- ZagorskaMrcina
- Zankteufel
- Zarax_dk
- Zardas
- Zarp
- zaunrabe
- Zbyniek_PL
- Zbynio00
- zecke1209
- zefir2001
- zeGhost
- Zeitung
- zekonCZ
- Zel0th
- Zeregeth
- Zerkov
- zero_siedem
- Zi3lu
- ZibiSol
- zibizib121
- zico1772
- zigourat22
- zile00
- Zilius_LT
- Zimnoryjec
- ZIO2600
- ZioSkip
- Zipp
- Zirus17
- zlosek
- ZmarSD
- Zocker1160
- Zohan_cz
- ZombieSocke
- ZooMsvk
- zordo
- Zoxx
- Zozemusz82
- zozo1973
- Zugvogel2
- zulicz
- zwerg0815
- zyga17
- a_hyuga
- Aberich
- abndaddy509
- abow
- Abyss
- Ace_Ajaxx
- aceraz
- Admiral_Doom
- adonrander
- advair
- AFMole
- agentboo
- AgentX
- Acheron777
- Aioria
- Akarura
- Aken
- aldocr2014
- Alex_Munro
- Alexander_X1
- AlexanderFai
- AlisonCCCP
- Allounia
- alpha3
- Alpha7
- aluba7788
- Alx94
- Amppy
- AnmdelrioW
- Anobe
- anthrakz
- AppyRose
- ARCarter
- Archaeopteryx
- Aristrakus
- Arthun
- AsmodeusBell
- Austankie
- Avan
- Azarith
- Azchiefsfan50
- Azimodan
- Azyur
- Babs_Seed650
- BadCross
- Badger01
- BaDillard
- Badnova67
- ballzack
- Bane_Sidhe
- Banedon
- Banteng
- BaronMann
- BaronVinhaus
- Bawo
- bazzer78
- bcuz
- BiG_SHOT_6
- Bigboondi
- BigKahuna
- BiGReD16
- biht
- bilby
- biteme
- Blaze_Rocker
- BlindElf
- Blitzen
- Blokhow
- Bobunobu
- Bogus54
- Bomber47
- bones77
- Boomer155mm
- Borgscout
- Broadsides
- broudes
- Bubba_Bazooka
- Buck_Tudrussell
- Bugframe
- Bushmaster1
- ButcherDuke
- Bwana53
- Calbeck
- CamperBoy102
- Capaneus
- Captain_Phatt
- CaptainFalcon
- CaptainTrek
- CatheRineZ
- Catch_um
- cave-man
- CBD22
- Cinder
- Cjjes17
- ClockworkCannon
- Clouded_Leopard
- Codymon
- CoffinJoe
- colonel_panic
- ColonelMoss
- Composite_A
- Conda777
- ConflictMallet
- CookieShooter
- CorrosivePrimed
- Countz
- Cowboyski
- CoyoteFire
- Cozmic
- CptRogue
- Crash_Fistfight
- Crazy_Harry
- Criticalmas
- Croaker
- CRrreLL
- CrusherCA
- ct-rn
- cuddle_monster
- cyberseth4A10
- cybroghyrax
- Cynolycus
- D34deye
- DabbinThat710
- DandD
- Darklor
- Darn
- DarthSurplus
- darwars
- DasSkyHawk
- Daszman
- David707th
- Daytripper
- D-Czeos
- Dean1969
- default
- DeltaOOO
- Delver
- DengekiSakusen
- Deserh
- devaild
- Dexter1916
- Dezember
- Diggeroo
- DikenSong
- dinomaxxx
- Dirty_old_viking
- DisgruntledCat
- disuser
- Diver59
- DixxBeFloppin91
- Dlwright62
- Donkey46
- doomcell
- DoomedGrind
- doublylinkedlis
- dqle
- Dr_Dewey
- Dragonbreath1
- Drake_Terrenson
- Duke1961
- Earl_the_dog
- Earthquake
- easymoney
- EbonyPhoenix
- ed_209a
- echo5a
- EchoSierraAlpha
- Eliminated
- EpicBaconStrips
- Epicredeemer
- Erna
- ernstpaulus
- ethanhunt
- evan89155
- Exxonmobil
- Eypon
- Fasas
- feminsup
- FinalementQc
- Fireonfergal
- FlagEagle
- FlightlessRN
- Flogger23m
- Flying_Hangover
- Fog_Cruiser_13
- ForFreedom
- FourthBN23rdInf
- Fozzie0662
- freestylevt
- Frito86
- Frosty56
- frostyndus
- FuBar1
- Fubar19
- Fujihita
- Galadglin
- GelezinasVilkas
- Gen_Rommel_69
- gene049
- generalD98
- Gepard_Neun
- GhostTank87
- GhostTanker
- GodDoom
- goroupenguin
- Gorreci
- Gorrt3907
- Gozinta
- Grain
- GrayWalker
- Guarah
- Gunner
- Gunny2000
- GY6_NT
- gypsyace
- GySgtVader
- Hammerfall1
- hanaiel
- HarleytheBeagle
- Harrah
- Hawk3
- Heat_17
- Heavymetal11
- helliman_1st_cav
- hgwilli
- HighCaliberTree
- Highnesss
- HillbillyPart76
- hiru
- HockeyPhool
- Hohenheim
- Homulilly
- HoneyBear_KR
- HootLTC
- HPAbrams356
- HumbleDefiance
- HunterKillBot
- HUNxRendonHUNy
- hydre
- HZero
- Chainsaw3000
- Chairman_Wu
- ChalkDust
- ChaosLord
- Char_Aznable00
- cherrypicker
- Chipinteo
- Cholla
- Chopper_Pilot
- Chuck_Norris_BR
- iblewyouup
- identitäter
- iliketoshoot
- Interceptor
- IronFoxDH8
- Istari
- IVa_Brigada
- jacqueslecoqk
- Jammer43
- Jarhead27
- jarred_21
- jarrodlundmark
- JayBird194
- jdtiger
- Jecklen_Hyde
- JekyllnHyde
- Jenius
- Jericho941
- jessaardman
- JeyJ13
- jhitchbayou
- Jhungry
- Jim100
- JingShenBing
- Johnny_Yuma
- johnsat
- Jonverman
- JRayder
- Jupester
- Kahr7jr
- KaiserKent
- KampfKopf
- Kardaloz
- karma2133
- kasutera
- kd6tas
- KenRo2
- Kerstov
- khikho
- kicknofWOW
- KillEmAll
- killer11
- killer96707th
- killerteisen
- KillnGrill
- King4ADay
- Kitle
- KiwiRaider
- KiwiTT
- Kloudwolf
- kn5002
- kn9sli
- Knewone
- Knutliott
- Koal
- Kongou-desu
- KonigsTiger-507
- KosmicK
- Kovathos
- Kriegal
- Krieger2297
- kwade1911
- KWBlair
- kyofu115
- L3moncoffee
- Lancer1517
- Laout
- LarkForce2_22
- Lawrence25
- LCope69
- Lemmingrun
- Leo_pard
- Leopard5
- lilmspopkornman
- LimBob
- LizM
- Llyen
- loadaimandsnipe
- London
- Lone_wolf_271
- Lone-Wolf
- LordDarkClaw
- LT2016
- M829E4
- Mac65
- MackJhow
- MaddHatter
- MagiK
- MaineDynamite
- MajAthrawes
- Major_Recall
- MajorDamage
- MajorOversight
- MajThunderJunk
- Malice
- markakapops
- Mars2012
- MartyBoi
- Mashiro
- Mauiboy2016
- max9mk
- maxlink
- Maybe268
- mayhem3752
- Mbsk01
- mclarenor
- McNimann
- mdkahonaseal
- MeanAsHell
- Medicmojo
- MegatronST
- Mengar
- MesoTroniK
- MHTong
- Michel02
- Mike-Ukraine
- MikeVictor
- MikeVN
- MildCheddar
- Milllsss
- MinhPT95
- Mitigator
- MjrRichardHead
- MO_E
- Mohawk55a
- MolotokYaniye
- Mongo
- mopar426
- Mosquito55
- Moufo
- Movodor
- Mr_Orange
- MrSchadenfreude
- Msirike
- mtrmanNH
- MudslideSlim
- mufasa_af
- mx90384538
- NeikoAshdashi
- neofx
- NeonKnight
- Nerdwaffen
- NewwwB
- nexuskiller
- Night_Fury
- Nightspecter
- Nikorian
- Ninja-Chicken
- nosey
- NuclearSneeze
- numb3
- Nutsbrain
- OBastid
- Obliter8
- OblivionRose
- Okie-Dokie
- OL0SW10
- oldchen
- oldmem603
- Oleg-Immortal
- omar4any1
- Omnidon
- OpaV
- orejas_de_gato
- Oritas
- Orsai-De-Cadiz
- Ortinoth
- outofbounds2000
- Oxfordranger
- p_w_cowboy
- Paladin024
- Panzer_Bill
- PanzerBataillo
- Panzerfire
- Panzerforce
- paramedic01
- patchouli
- Pattonwarrior
- PensyWensy
- Phatwone
- Phoebus_Legend
- Phontomen
- piscator
- pnutenvy
- pony57
- Popkye
- Possum_911
- Powerpenguin
- PsyWarrior
- Qbicle
- RA6E
- Rabid_squirell
- Rabiwatt
- rac73
- racky40214
- RadialOyster
- RaidenFish
- Ralks
- Ranger0982
- Rangulf
- raoulreal1965qc
- RatDeSewer
- Raven496
- Razerback
- reciprocate
- red_dawn
- Red_Green
- Red-Diamond6
- REDM90
- Redsky77
- rem308
- Renan_BR
- RenegadeNuke151
- RidgeRunner1960
- Richsharpe
- rj1951
- RobC2015
- robertqin
- RobertSplatU
- robster714
- rocku
- ROK_Black999
- Rougebolo
- RUSSification
- RyuKen
- S_RuthlessTiger
- Sabrewolf
- Sahelanthropus
- Saibolas
- Salty25
- Sander093
- savageozzie
- scootermkII
- sdu552
- seekerjuanchis
- Seicomart
- SeiKosaka
- sensya0
- seuyu
- Sevchenko
- SgHuikin
- Sgt_Reckless
- Sgt_Rock_1970
- Shadowfell
- ShiinaHoshigu
- Shinanoooo
- shomu1
- schützenpanzer
- SilenceMoon
- Sinista
- Sinloy
- SixValve
- SK597
- SKGoldwinger
- skippyzero
- skullwolf
- Slagiron
- SlamDuncan
- Smoky003
- Smoothbore120
- Snail
- snake168
- SnoozeKing
- SnowGirl
- Snowitall
- snwp3
- Sodarius
- solarisreach
- Solarne
- sooner62
- SparrowhawkO32
- speedybomber
- spider25alpha
- Splatterpants
- spooky3369
- Sporty
- spuddog
- spyeve
- squishypotato
- Steeley
- Stinger952
- StressMaster
- strikergw
- stroll
- stry
- SU27
- sukm
- sulfuret
- SunFighter
- Sunfish_CA
- supersho
- Supervulcan1955
- T1nF0iL_H4T
- Tahona
- Tachikoma_0808
- takanami
- TanDanThRaybnMn
- Tango2niner
- Tank_Sniper
- Tank09
- tankbuster64
- Tankensomteller
- Tankski_N_Hatch
- TankyLeg
- TargetPractice3
- tarojiro
- Tealwraith
- TekNicTerror
- Terje
- Tevix
- Tex_PGR
- Thargond
- TheBeast
- theCarthaginian
- TheForce
- TheiHenry
- TheJudge
- Thelockest
- ThePsychoCat
- TheSerpentMage
- ThunderTrack
- Thyaliad
- Tic112
- tiffit
- TigerHai34630
- Tincup7
- Tinman
- TODD_65
- toiquantam
- Topgun1000
- TopSgt
- Torro
- toutatis
- toyoshima
- TrevC
- Trooper_Thorn
- tsxanh
- Tubthumper69
- Tuna
- Turkey_Lurkey
- Twistedxx
- Twistfunk
- Tyreanthil
- Tyschtick
- TytanBr
- U_RO_1968
- Ultrazerglings
- UNItycorn0096
- uNKnownTanker
- Uru_tank
- Va1kyrie
- Valkyrie_ROK
- vannisher
- Vhaeraun
- Vip3rRag3
- Vizichi
- void_lee
- Voras
- W00dbury
- Wardak
- wardawg8
- wardog2
- WarrHorse
- weah151
- westcoastcrazy
- whitegunner
- WhiteLion
- WhiteRarity
- WillemDafoesBum
- Wiser_Guy
- Wiz33
- wizkid182
- WoClass-chan
- Wook44
- wyk4wgary
- xBill
- xboxgamer969
- xolt
- xThatOnex
- Xvis
- XxXerxesxX
- Yagdpanther
- yakujinsama
- Yamadog32
- Yojimbo55
- Yukikaze88
- yukiyuki
- Zaniacg
- Zaunbrecher
- ZERO1810
- ZeroHope
- ZGMF1000
- ZiggyZoggy
- Zingerace
- Ziyx
- ZKILL_G-doza-MB
- zombe
- Zombie_Farmer
- zooomy
- Zoxx
- Zuul
The Ultimate Objective (complete both Objective 1 and Objective 2) was completed by 892 players on the EU server and 112 players on the NA server. All these winners received not only the T-72 Victory tank, but also the Episode 1 Completed and Episode 2 Completed statuses - congratulations!
- abir93
- Abjection
- adi320
- Admiral_Jachas
- ADoorMat
- adopl
- Aelfrost
- Aenye
- aftertea
- AgaOdorox
- Aiatola
- Aiiro
- AK47
- akanes
- Akira_PH
- aldocr2014
- AleSunTzu
- alki
- allexxx
- Alpenvibes
- Altair40
- AltaVata51
- Alzoc
- Amro
- an00b1s
- Andrenet
- andryk
- Anonymous_VA
- Antchy
- Antoku
- Aphidion
- Apo_57
- Apocaliptico85
- Apotheceus
- AquaFlame
- ar1975
- ArcTeryX
- arek3city
- Arjasp
- arlekkin
- ArmA
- Arminius-alpha
- arnost905
- Art72Pl
- arturk33
- arverne
- Aryas
- Ashadak
- Ashraf_Egypt
- aster1965
- asusgtx
- AtaXtaR
- Attila0678
- Atzewell
- AWTankPL
- b3nnjamin
- B4dark
- backup
- BadFox
- badman
- Badnova67
- Badysak
- Baksiu
- balbina1
- Ballabuxe
- BardzoMokryPies
- Bareideru
- Baron_68_CZ
- Bazooka-Joe
- ben56k
- BestBaconEU
- bezimiennyPL
- bezo1
- bierek
- BigDaddyTE
- Bigor
- bimre
- bisser0
- BlackMambaNam
- BlackPaw
- BlackSide
- Blackwolfflo
- blade316
- BlaneS
- Blazsi14
- Blopap
- Bluebird79GER
- Bluewolf71
- bobbie1
- bobo001
- Bobthefrenchy
- bogdanxp
- bolek83
- BonesRocker
- Bongo123
- Borogim
- bouncerotzer
- bourak-cz-1
- BOX11
- braeburn
- Breaky28
- Brenner7
- Brummi
- brus
- bubulle
- Bulldog21033
- BumbaX
- Bum-Ro
- Busko
- Butch3rbird
- Bzikers
- Calibra-Turbo
- CannonFodderPL
- Capion
- CapNax
- captlucsky
- Carloveliki
- Carpathian_Wolf
- Carsna
- Catalin36
- CBone71
- ceejee007
- Cerberus_90
- CG125
- cgs95
- Cialac
- Cincinnatus
- Cinder2
- Citadela
- clone_m
- Clone59
- clothwolf
- COBRA911
- Cordil
- cptCarloss
- CptnBeefy
- Cranky_T
- CrazyMouse
- CrazyTercio
- creed69
- CrisURace
- crusader_sk
- Cyb3r
- Cyrnial
- czyzyk68
- Daids
- danielz
- Dantaro
- Dark_Rider
- Darkwing
- Darrel86Gaming
- Darthai
- dartmor
- Dartten
- daszickchen86
- David0725
- Davide_pantera
- Dayan78
- DC_Skyeye
- DC30
- Death82
- deathnoise
- DeathStroke85
- dejtarisz
- delpierrowyko
- Delta4160
- delta7201
- denny2009
- dens
- Deremes
- Derith
- Devasmat
- Dexter_Lanache
- diamont_33
- Diemetius
- diobol1967
- dirksch
- distrugatorul01
- DjTasos
- docent1
- dogbert
- Domaseli
- domidieudo
- DominikFFF
- Doom
- Doomgiver
- Doomturtle96
- Doukas
- Dracul90
- DrowPL
- drunktank74
- druzki_58
- duckbill
- durchgekaut
- Dutzan
- DziadekSmerf
- ecodri
- EcrisTonNom
- Ectorr
- Edextrem
- ECho-YS-BaK
- Eisenfresser80
- Eisenherz
- EisernerGustav
- Eispick
- Elbandyta
- Ellord
- Elveys
- emreitaatsiz
- ENOS44
- Equinoxxx
- erad8r
- Eric_08
- Eric_The_Viking
- Eric_Wulfen
- EsEsliErsan
- Eskobar68
- Evil_Snowman
- evilboy
- Evo_1982
- ezazis
- fel1x
- Fent
- Ferrand_M
- fezk12
- fighter67
- fireball98
- fleespy
- Flo_HF
- florinelbv
- Floryo75
- Fourever4
- Foxhound1
- Foxtrot_Hotel
- Franky74
- FrankyNishizumi
- Frenky70
- friedenspanzer
- frogi21a
- Frosty
- FroxyCz
- fungames
- furybond
- FusigonusPuf
- Gabriel09TR
- Garolon
- GeneralPuma
- georgiosgt
- Germanikus74
- GhosT0850
- Giana
- Gimlett
- GogetaHUN
- Goldnoob
- GONZO1972
- gorac
- Grizzlyclaws
- Grollstein
- groszek7
- groudon
- GrozZ
- grzegorzldz
- guigui61
- Gurani
- gurkenhannes
- Gutm3nschD3luXe
- H0bg0bl1n
- HabD1ch
- HackerVision
- Hades83PL
- hairylemon
- HajuTheWeasel
- HakanDmrsY
- halk10001002
- HanysB
- Happy_Mower
- HarryFromTibet
- harutora
- Hauptmann
- Havoc199
- havran21
- HCP77
- Heftigo
- Hellfire7
- HellScream
- Hendrik
- HeresJohnny
- Herzblut-Drache
- Hfero
- Hlavatej
- hofigaba
- Honto
- hope_zzzz
- Horadrim
- Horsy
- Huawei37
- chaimek
- Chapaman
- CharlieBravo65
- charly28981
- cherubinekPL
- chichago75
- chimenea
- Chrauber1
- chrisdude
- chrisi588
- IceBreak
- iceQueen
- identitäter
- ikinoki
- ilis
- Imperium
- impgoon
- InnerSpace
- inside_tank
- Interfector
- intk
- Iori
- Iosifek
- Iron_Cross
- IronSurgeon
- ishamael
- ivand73
- jaca1983
- Jackill_Slovak
- Jacop
- jadmanthrat
- Jaegerblut
- jakub-wedrowycz
- Janicsillagasz
- Javar
- jean_marie
- jeremydrs
- Jinxy
- jjacc
- JJackson
- JobTheConqueror
- John_Pakovsky
- Joker2982
- jonn
- Jormungand666
- Jowisz1976
- JuggernautiiX
- Julius_der_111
- Jupi_BiH
- Jurasek
- JustANewb
- K2BlackPanther
- kaakeli
- Kal_Jerico
- KamioseQ
- kamiun
- Kampfkarpfen
- kanibal242
- Karait_Rus
- Kasjusz67
- Kasmahl
- kasper1986
- kasperPL
- katana84
- Kaydenn
- KengoesBOOM
- Kertoja
- Kiełpin
- Kieler02
- Kieran
- kika
- Killar666
- Killer_Plautze
- killer42
- KisKolonics
- Kjuno
- Kjusofnik
- kkzz233
- Klendatu
- klFeigling
- klinga
- knausis
- Kobi88
- kolan
- koliz_1972
- Konis
- Korsar83
- Kosmo747
- Kraftsaft
- Kramac
- Kri254
- Kris1212
- Kronos1952
- kruszonk
- krzychsus
- Kubi12
- kurdi
- Kuseler25
- kusy
- Kzin
- Lacoka
- Laemmi
- Laknat
- Lassov
- lato86
- LauraLas
- Learis
- Leia_Organa
- Lemmydanger
- lenkosz
- Leonluis
- lepassager007
- Lerog
- Lifeless
- Lipancz
- lipper
- Liquid_Soul
- LittleBlackStar
- LofW
- loleando
- lolwtf
- LoneMalamute
- LooneyTunesShow
- Lord_OLLUM
- Lord_Randall
- Lord_Xenon
- LordDoe
- LordUllrich
- Louis_Pasteur
- lpaczo24
- lubos815
- Lukas1989
- Luki1946
- Lukybeer
- lukylooser
- Luton76
- Luxtorpeda
- Luzi62
- m0stw4nt3d
- m4st3r
- Macaron
- macieklu
- madmaxx12
- Machabe
- Machine_Caliber
- MajCupCake
- Majklus
- Maketee
- malymatrix
- mambagreen
- Mandoleran
- Maniacu
- maniu
- mar1usz
- Marcobelmont
- Marcus-Verus
- marek4444
- marek5467
- Marketeer
- marko_zemun
- Marodeur
- marsupilami38
- martin100047
- martin1359
- martinlord
- marxist_brother
- Masterofpuppets
- Matrix55
- Maugan_Xe
- maxkilz
- Maxmize
- Mayneez
- mazsola0
- MC_90
- Mc_Pewpew
- MegatroN99
- MeKelGachy
- Melladon
- MelyTheOne
- Memmlein
- Menyétke
- MexBoDHy6
- miarka20
- mighty890
- migscooter
- Michan
- MilanKV1
- minart
- Minimouse
- miodu
- Mir072
- Miranda
- MircSmurf
- mirek0134
- Mkoo
- MMARK969
- MoonTerror
- MrDotWrong
- mrowa
- MrPortorico
- msgaard
- Muaddibb
- Muauva
- Mumm-Ra
- Muoteck
- Mylar90
- n07hin9
- n0T5ur3
- N3cr0n0m
- n45c4r
- N7EagIe
- Narnman
- nasciturus
- Nathan84
- needen
- Neryhc
- NeunFingerJoe
- nikkon04
- Nikola_bre
- NikolaiDarkoyan
- nikP
- ninoxxx
- nitrobewer
- Nonarei
- Noobdown
- noohdlez
- Norbikom
- Nordlicht62
- Oddyseus
- Ofw_Kerscher
- okularnik7
- ol1uw
- Olha
- olle71
- Ollpainless
- Omnipotens
- OOwalidOO
- ossa
- Otties
- Ottojanius
- pah_mar
- Paladin69
- pancerna_pyra
- pancerprzemo
- PanJelen
- panzer1973
- PanzerJurand
- Parancsnok80
- PaterBrown
- patmag29
- patpat666
- Pawelek1021
- Peacemakerr
- PeddyPanzer
- PeeL
- pekele
- PendekarPTM
- Perdita_Olio
- Peroaner
- petertje666
- petrix1
- Pfeilsdorf
- PhantomKiller
- Phi_Alpha_Kappa
- philzagaz
- pcheniek
- Pi0ve
- pigdog67
- Piotrus72
- Pireansot
- pisquinho
- piterk
- Pitchblack21
- Planeswalker
- platynowytomek
- Plesje
- Pog1
- PolishLegend
- polo4polo
- polwal
- Pop78
- Prcko46
- prezestomas
- Prutsar
- Pst1992
- pSychOs
- puky_cro
- punishEA
- Punisher2K
- Puumba
- Pythius
- qla18
- Qlimax
- Quori
- qwerplis
- R3ven
- rabbit
- radek458pl
- RadekZ
- Raelag
- Rafaelacha
- raffnienix
- rafi74
- Ragadozo
- Ragenall
- Ragnarok_NL
- RagnarSchulz
- Rachmaninow
- rai87
- Rambo30
- Rammstein0123456
- Ramore
- RamsesII
- Rasenmaehermann
- ratchet117
- Rautakontti
- Raziel1
- reditelvesmiru
- Refestus
- rekthorel
- ressac28
- retronymble
- revolver275
- rigormortise
- Rinhord
- robert1982
- Robert71
- robertkostrba
- robertROGER2207
- robje
- roblud2004
- Rogue1975
- Rollthor
- RonC
- ronin911
- Roopom
- R-Sole
- rtep123
- Ruggedfun
- S_O_S
- Sabrewolf
- Salker
- sam999
- samuelong
- Sanyi19901229
- Sassi
- Saulie
- Sawik308
- Scalnia
- seba466
- sebastor
- seelen
- Semoo
- Serafin112
- Serbian_Armored
- sesmero
- Sgt_HW
- ShadowWeaver
- Shonetsu
- Show_Girl
- schandiak64
- Schepard7
- Schime
- Schnakkel
- Schnittertm
- Schulz
- siara12
- Sierra_R
- sigere
- SilverEagle
- Silviu
- Silviu_A
- Singarix
- siniak80
- Sinnttick
- sipy77cz
- sirGemZol
- SirKlasu
- Skandal85
- Slagiron
- Slon
- Slow_As_Hell
- Sly96
- snaf30
- Snake_777
- Snikene_Ullteppe
- SnowRaven
- Sobies
- Sold1er96
- Solitaire62
- SonicBomb
- Spacy
- spartakus525
- Spaten66
- Spazzy
- Spearhead
- Spoonfang
- Spozzfreund
- Squadman89
- st_vdg
- Stalkierski
- stargate
- Staufener
- SteelBeast2015
- SteMan
- Sterbehilfe_ev
- StigmADiabolicuM
- stojce1
- Stormlord
- Strikele
- StuH42
- SunRay
- Surv1v0r
- suyari67
- sv2khl
- szaman_44
- Szerzsi
- T1kutoos
- TA55U
- Taczud
- Tafano
- TakeTh1s
- Talo
- Tank_TT
- tankac123
- Tankerdarius
- TankFranky
- tankhunter0815
- Tankrecycler02
- TankXD777
- tankz_coffin
- Tavariche
- Tazzmania017
- Tebor
- teleb
- Terminator1983
- Terror_5FDP
- Tesla68
- Texer
- The_ThInG
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- TheGhostPl
- The-Madman
- TheMoonTroller
- Theodor
- TheViper_PT
- thibaut1420
- Thrai
- Thrillseeker
- thrstn3
- Tiger1964
- TIOT08
- Tjoupak
- Tom_et_Jerry
- Tomala
- tomast3x
- Tomin4tor
- Topspin2005
- torjen
- TornySVK
- TortenTöter
- TrueRevan
- Tryme
- Tucilezy
- Tym57kris
- Tymczasem
- Tyrant
- Tyutyu
- uotafak
- UrsulPolar
- Uwotm8
- vadda959
- vali221
- Vandorlo
- Vell
- Velocy
- verinder
- vesko3232323212
- Veterinarian
- Vier
- Vil_coyote
- Vionicks
- vip_igor
- Viper87
- virus321
- vladi8080
- von_Rummelsdorf
- Vovencjusz
- Vyserk
- wako72
- Walderian
- Warpath95
- Watrus
- Weber13
- Wet_Squid
- Whisky-Tango
- WHMiba
- WhoIsYourDaddy
- windows_xp
- winter_night
- Wncc1701p
- wohin
- Wojtatx2
- wolan82
- Wolfaar
- wolfxx79
- Wolt_01
- Wolverine_is_hu
- Worschtsemmel71
- Wotan
- Wotan_A7V
- Wotano
- Wraykez
- Wredus
- Wroobelek
- x9x0x8x4
- Xarven
- xdragonx
- xHawkix
- xRudy102x
- X-Warlock-X
- xxNeVeRxx
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- XXSoulXStormXX
- xxxthomas106xxx
- Yago
- yankesikPL
- yanlizkurt34
- Yelayah
- Yodelihiti
- Yorm
- YUGO01
- Yuki_Kymeri
- Zankteufel
- Zarax_dk
- Zbyniek_PL
- Zbynio00
- zefir2001
- Zeitung
- Zel0th
- zero_siedem
- Zi3lu
- Zipp
- zordo
- AgentX
- Aioria
- Akarura
- aldocr2014
- alpha3
- Alx94
- AppyRose
- Archaeopteryx
- Badnova67
- BiG_SHOT_6
- BiGReD16
- CaptainFalcon
- Cinder
- Cjjes17
- ColonelMoss
- CoyoteFire
- CRrreLL
- cyberseth4A10
- D-Czeos
- Dean1969
- default
- Dlwright62
- dqle
- Duke1961
- EbonyPhoenix
- EchoSierraAlpha
- EpicBaconStrips
- Epicredeemer
- ethanhunt
- Exxonmobil
- Eypon
- Fireonfergal
- Fog_Cruiser_13
- generalD98
- Gepard_Neun
- Guarah
- Gunner
- Gunny2000
- hanaiel
- Heavymetal11
- HillbillyPart76
- HunterKillBot
- HZero
- JekyllnHyde
- JeyJ13
- Jhungry
- Johnny_Yuma
- KiwiRaider
- KosmicK
- Kriegal
- kwade1911
- LarkForce2_22
- Lawrence25
- London
- Mac65
- MaddHatter
- Major_Recall
- Malice
- mayhem3752
- Mbsk01
- McNimann
- Mitigator
- Mohawk55a
- Mosquito55
- Movodor
- MudslideSlim
- mufasa_af
- Nikorian
- Ninja-Chicken
- Ortinoth
- Panzer_Bill
- Phontomen
- Possum_911
- PsyWarrior
- Ralks
- reciprocate
- robertqin
- RUSSification
- RyuKen
- Sabrewolf
- SeiKosaka
- Sevchenko
- shomu1
- Slagiron
- sooner62
- squishypotato
- stroll
- stry
- Sunfish_CA
- Tankensomteller
- tarojiro
- TekNicTerror
- ThePsychoCat
- TheSerpentMage
- ThunderTrack
- Topgun1000
- Ultrazerglings
- Va1kyrie
- W00dbury
- wardawg8
- whitegunner
- xBill
- xThatOnex
- Yagdpanther
- Zaniacg
- Zaunbrecher
Finally, the Bonus Objective was completed by 649 players - not enough to consider it successfully completed. The 649 players will, however, receive the Crimson Reaver decal after the introduction of Update 0.22.
Storyline Check: Bonus Objective
- Check: At least 30 percent of Episode 3 winners completed the Bonus Objective: Failure
- Kathryn Grey Active Defense standing increase negated
- Kathryn Grey standing insufficient to become Episode 4 reward
- 15 men lost
- Current Stage: Episode 3 (Completed)
- Location: Al-Arish Base, Sinai Peninsula
- Seahawk Manpower: 237 (-50)
- Morale: High (up from Medium)
- Joshua Seagrove: Alive, Very Unhappy (down from Unhappy)
- Kathryn Grey: Alive, Happy
- Adrian Blackwood: Alive, Neutral
Please note:
- Seahawk Manpower is a number that will become very important in Episode 5
- Seahawk Morale will become important in Episode 4 and Episode 5
- Joshua Seagrove and Kathryn Grey standing will become important in Episode 4 and Episode 5
- Adrian Blackwood standing will become important in the future as well
Episode 4 is due to start in November. Once again, tough choices await you, commanders.
We’ll see you on the battlefield!