
Update 0.180 Now Available


We are happy to announce that the Update 0.180 is now available!


List of Update 0.180 Changes

Tales from the Dark Battle Path Fixes

In this update, we are correcting several issues of the Tales from the Dark Battle Path and its vehicles:

  • Elite missions now display an icon in post-match statistics
  • Garage UI no longer flickers upon moving the mouse over various Battle Path UI elements
  • BMP-2M: Minor model fixes
  • BTR-82A: Fixed the missing headlight textures
  • BTR-82A: Minor model fixes

Additional Vehicle Fixes and Updates

With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:

  • AbramsX: Added the Armored Crew Compartment module
  • Ajax: Added the Troop Compartment module
  • Boxer CRV: Minor model fixes
  • KF41 Lynx Prototype: Minor model fixes
  • Leopard 2A6: Hades skin is no longer missing the commander optics
  • M8-105 Buford: Added a roof machinegun as a visual element
  • M8-120 Thunderbolt II: Fixed an issue where a part of antenna was elevating with the machinegun
  • Panzerhaubitze 2000: Added the missing engine module
  • Puma: Added the Troop Compartment module
  • T-14 Armata: Fixed an issue where the Vakuum-1 APFSDS shell aiming circle size would not change when firing or moving
  • T-72B3: Fixed the broken ERA textures

General Changes

  • Corrected the description of “Modern” APFSDS shells
  • Corrected the appearance of the Iraq (Modern) camouflage
  • Australian (Scales) camouflage is now available for all environments
  • Rate of Decay: Base door can now be targeted with auto-aim
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • Added a number of assets
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