We are happy to announce that the Update 0.38.9237 is now available!
List of Update 0.38.9237 Changes
- Rank 42 of the Rise of the Dragon Battle Path now correctly awards a base paint (and the players who unlocked it already have received the correct reward)
- Chinese camouflages awarded for chain mission completion now correctly issue 7.500 Battle Coins in compensation if you have them already
- Fixed the icons of various Battle Path assets
- K1A1 ROK skin: Turret machine gun ammo bag is no longer flying in the air
- VN17: Gun no longer clips into the hull
- VN17: Fixed the excessive 30mm cannon recoil
- VN17: Fixed the delayed gun animation
- ZBD-04A: Gun no longer clips into the hull
- ZTL-11: The turret now correctly interacts with the environment
- ZTL-11: The alternative 125mm gun now has a correct visual model
- ZTL-11: Fixed the incorrectly appearing tech tree
- ZTZ-20: White Phosphorus missiles now correctly explode above targets
- ZTZ-20: Added the correct visual effect of WP missile explosion
- ZTZ-20 no longer features the Complete Smoke Cover trait
- Fixed an issue where some flags and decals were incorrectly available to the public
- Battle Path Shop now features correct tokens for the next Battle Path
- Fixed the incorrect localization of Battle Coin tokens
- Fixed some other smaller localization issues
- Fixed some smaller visual model issues
See you on the battlefield!