We are happy to announce that the Update 0.60.20 is now available!
List of Update 0.60.20 Changes
AbramsX Autocannon Fix
The AbramsX roof-mounted 30mm autocannon now has a separate reticle that allows you to fire over obstacles. You can read more about the system in our dedicated article.
General Changes
- Extended the Eclipse Battle Path to November 16
- Fixed an issue where the Battle Path Level 59 prize – flag unlock – was sometimes not compensated correctly (correct compensation is 25.000 Battle Coins)
- Special Operation Death: Fixed a place where players could drive out of the map at F2 (the “gate bypass” exploit) – second attempt
- Added a warning for situations where players attempting to buy items in the Battle Path magazine fail to do so because the stock refreshed during the process – second attempt
- Fixed some small localization issues
- Added some assets for upcoming events