The time has come – the Warlords of the Wasteland campaign is here and now it’s your turn to prove that you are the ultimate warlord out there by mastering all the main modes of Armored Warfare.
Between December 14, 2018, and April 11, 2019, you will have the opportunity to participate in the greatest Armored Warfare campaign to date and win exclusive prizes, including the coveted Altay Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank and Commander Alisa Korhonen with her unique Mysterious Stranger ability!
You can find more information about the Battle Path campaign in our dedicated article or by visiting the Battle Path tab that is now available in your Garage.
In order to join the Battle Path campaign, please enter the game and click on the Warlords of the Wasteland icon on the upper bar.
From there, you can simply purchase the Battle Path access (either for currency or for Gold).
Important: starting early pays off – today and today only, the Battle Path access will be available with 10% discount!
The following options are available:
Wayfarer Pack, containing:
- Battle Path access
- Player title: “Explorer”
- Decal: “Power”
Additionally, for the players who want to start with an extra boost, we have the following bundle available:
Warrior Pack, containing:
- Battle Path access
- Player title: “Explorer”
- Decal: “Power”
- Battle Coins: 10.472 (enough to boost your progress to Level 15)
Please note that there might be a delay of up to 10 minutes between the purchase and the access to the event.
Two mission descriptions are incorrect:
- The mission that states you are required to destroy 8000 targets with a missile in reality only requires you to deal 8000 damage
- The mission that states you are required to hit 15 UAVs in reality requires you to destroy them
These issues will be addressed in the near future.
How does it all work?
Simply put, you earn Battle Coins by completing missions and then spend them to raise your Battle Path level while earning Wasteland Loot Crates, camouflages, player avatar, decals and other goodies, including an exclusive reward tank with Premium status, the Tier 10 Altay. You can also get other Premium vehicles as well as two Altay skins.
What do I have to do?
The Battle Path campaign is divided into four paths (mission chains), each with its set of many missions. By completing the missions, you will receive Battle Coins, which are used to increase your level. Other rewards for completing the missions include Gold, various Loot Crates and Credits.
How many levels are there and why should I care?
There are 100 levels in total. For reaching Level 50, you will an exclusive reward tank with Premium status, the Tier 10 Altay along with a “Bronze” skin for it. For reaching Level 100, you will receive another, “Gold” skin for the Altay. Along with these prizes, various other rewards await you for every level you reach. Their list can be found on the Battle Path progress bar in the game.
How can I start a mission chain (path)?
In order to start a mission chain, you need a Token. You will receive a free Token on Level 1, 7 and 13 – you decide which chain you wish to unlock and when. In order to unlock the access to the fourth chain (the “Dire Wolf” missions), you need to complete all the three previous chains first.
What are the Battle Coins?
The Battle Coins are a unique currency, required to advance through Battle Path levels. You can also spend Battle Coins on completing difficult missions without having to actually complete their requirements in the game. On the Battle Path screen, you can see your Battle Coin balance in the upper right corner.
How can I obtain Battle Coins?
There are several ways of obtaining them:
- By completing missions – each completed mission will award you with a certain amount of Battle Coins
- By purchasing them or winning them in an official Armored Warfare event
- By just playing
Regarding the last point, for each minute you spend alive in battle (with the exclusion of downtime such as waiting for a respawn), you will receive 1 to 3 Battle Coins. Furthermore, winning increases this income by 25 percent in PvE (including Special Operations) and by 50 percent in PvP and GLOPS.
Additionally, the best players of the team by Experience obtained will receive an additional bonus – extra 4 Battle Coins for being first in PvE or Spec Ops, extra 5 Battle Coins for ending up in Top 3 in PvP and, last but not least, extra 10 Battle Coins for ending up in Top 3 in GLOPS match.
How long will the campaign be available?
The Battle Path missions will be available between December 14, 2018, and March 14, 2019. The remaining time can be seen in the Battle Path window in the game.
What unique prizes can I look forward to for completing the Battle Path missions?
Apart from the Altay, the unique prizes include:
- T-55 Enigma
- Scorpion Kastet
- M1A1 Storm
- Commander Alisa Korhonen
We have, of course, many other prizes for you as well.
How do I unlock a mission chain (Path)?
You can unlock it by using a Token. A Token can be obtained by reaching Level 1, 7 and 13 respectively.
Can I complete the missions within a chain in any order?
No. You need to complete them in the order specified by each chain, one after another. It is, however, possible to complete a mission by spending extra Battle Coins (the cost is 2.100 Battle Coins per one mission for the first three chains and 4.150 Battle Coins per one “Dire Wolf” mission).
You can see which mission is currently active by visiting the Mission tab of the Battle Path window. The completed missions are marked with a green ticker and the missions that are yet to be unlocked are marked with a lock icon.
Can I see the progress of my missions in the game?
Yes, in the Battle Path window.
Can I complete more missions at the same time, or the next one only starts after the previous one is finished?
The next one only starts after the previous one is finished. You need to pick up your mission reward manually in the Battle Path window in order to activate the next mission. However, if you earn more than one Token and unlock multiple chains at the same time, it is theoretically possible to have two or even three missions active simultaneously and to complete them all in one battle (if their requirements do not prohibit you from doing so).
How do I know what vehicles to use and what modes to enter when completing a mission?
Mission requirements are stated in each mission’s description. They can be restricted by:
- Mode (for example, “Random Battles” - missions marked as PvP (any) can be completed in both GLOPS and Random Battles)
- Vehicle class (for example, “LT”)
- Vehicle tier
The fourth chain “Dire Wolf” missions can only be completed in a Tier 9 or Tier 10 vehicle.
Do I also need a Token for the Dire Wolf mission chain?
No, it is unlocked automatically once you complete all three previous Paths (mission chains).
When do I receive a prize that I win, for example by advancing by a level?
You will receive it automatically, within 30 minutes of you receiving it.
If I didn’t receive the reward I won fair and square, what do I do?
Please contact our support service.
Can you tell me more about the Wasteland Loot Crates?
The Wasteland Loot Crates are obtainable for gaining levels and for purchasing. They are stored in the Inventory tab of your Garage, where you can open them. For more information about the Wasteland Loot Crates, please visit our dedicated article.
I can see that some missions require acquiring a certain number of Commendations of various kinds. What are Commendations?
Commendations are badges awarded directly in battle for accomplishing any of the following actions:
- Killing an Enemy (Slayer)
- Assisting a Kill (Wingman - awarded to the top 3 damage dealers and the active spotter)
- Damaging an Enemy (Bruiser)
- Assisting Damage (Facilitator)
- Designated Damage (Tactician - you designate a target with the AFV or LT ability and the damage to it will count towards this commendation)
- Spotting an Enemy (Scout)
- Spotting Damage (Instigator)
- Allies Hidden By Smoke Shells/Grenades (Blinder)
- Destroying Enemy Modules (Saboteur - it's worth mentioning that this only is awarded twice per battle)
- Killing Enemy Crew (Widowmaker)
- Base Capture (Infiltrator - awarded every 15% of base capture progress)
- Base Defense (Defender - awarded on removing any amount of base capture progress from an enemy)
- Completing an Objective (Operative - this is for standard PvE mostly, awarded on completing primary or secondary objectives)
The goal of these commendations is to provide real-time visual feedback to players in order to notify them whenever they've earn some rewards. Commendations themselves do not provide additional rewards.
Please note that the commendations may be disabled in the UI. In order to make sure they are enabled, please follow these steps:
- Open the Settings window by pressing the Escape key in the Garage and clicking the Settings button
- Click on the UI tab and in it on the Commendations button
- Make sure the “Hidden” button is not ticked