Like every weekend, we have prepared one of special mode events for you, all belonging to the War Games mode group.
These events include older Special Operation re-runs as well as the newly introduced Labyrinth mode and are open ever weekend from Friday CEST afternoon until Sunday evening.
This weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to experience the War Games Labyrinth mode. In the Labyrinth mode, a team of players will have to capture bases that will appear one after another in a maze of city streets. The appearance of each base will be tied to a timer and capturing it will extend the limit, allowing you to fight your way towards the next one. Speaking of fighting, groups of constantly appearing AI opponents do their best to prevent them from achieving the objective. Will you be able to navigate through the deadly streets until the timer runs out?
Here’s why you definitely should not miss out on this weekend event:
The War Games mode offers you the opportunity to obtain a unique Loot Crate that contains all of the following:
- 500 Bonus Battle Coins for the Age of Rage Battle Path
- 10 Experimental Field Rebuild Kits (normally obtainable only via Battalion activities
- Random diamond booster
- Random 1-day temporary Premium vehicle
In short, the weekend modes are the best way to obtain some bonus rewards!
We hope that you enjoy these weekend events and will see you on the battlefield!